Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Symposium #146
Int'l Symposium - The Echoic Repertoire as a Tool to Teach Other Verbal Operants in Children with Autism
Sunday, May 29, 2005
9:00 AM–10:20 AM
Stevens 3 (Lower Level)
Area: VBC; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Gladys Williams (CIEL, S.L.)
Discussant: Joseph E. Spradlin (University of Kansas)
Abstract: The development of an echoic repertoire is essential to acquire the verbal operants necessary to build up the components of communication. Skinner (1957) stated that an echoic repertoire is the foundation of language. Many children with autism have the difficulty to repeat sounds, words and sentences from other people, despite the fact that they may have the ability to emit speaker behavior. The purpose of this symposium is to present a series of studies that show the importance of echoic behavior and strategies to acquire it. The echoic repertoire becomes more useful when the objective is to teach vocal language to children with autism.
Intraverbal Behavior and Echoic Control: Analysis of this Relation and Possible Interferences
GLADYS WILLIAMS (CIEL, S.L.), Jose Julio Carnerero (Al-Mudaris, Spain), Ana Pastor Sanz (Al-Mudaris, Spain), Anna Beatriz Müller (União deo Americas)
Abstract: Given the learning history of some children with severe language delays, despites showing high levels of language acquisition, they present serious difficulties to emit sounds, words, and phrases as echoic operants. This phenomenon may be due to the presence of intraverbal chains acquired with a specific learning history that may interfere in the emission of echoic behavior. When we establish responses under echoic control we may produce a break between chained stimuli that has been acquired without a specific function. The purpose of this presentation is to describe strategies to build up an echoic repertoire under the appropriate stimulus control.
The Use of Echoic Behavior as an Intervention to Decrease Palilalia
ANA PASTOR SANZ (Al-Mudaris, Spain), Gladys Williams (CIEL, S.L.), Jose Julio Carnerero (Al-Mudaris, Spain), Jennie Williams-Keller (Applied Behavioral Consultant Services, NY)
Abstract: Palilalia appears in the literature as a phenomenon that interferes in the development of language and functional communication. Likewise, it interferes in the acquisition of other abilities. The purpose of this intervention is to decrease the palilalia through the learning of skills that are incompatible with this phenomenon. The strategy consisted of utilizing the echoic behavior at the moments when the palilalia occurred. The hypothesis was that echoic behavior is incompatible with palilalia
How to Teach a Child with Autism to Narrate Stories Utilizing an Echoic Repertoire as a Prompt System
JOSE JULIO CARNERERO (Al-Mudaris, Spain), Jesus Lopez (Sevicio Andaluz de Salud, Spain), Ana Pastor Sanz (Al-Mudaris, Spain), Gladys Williams (CIEL, S.L.), Laura Montenegro (Al-Mudaris, Spain)
Abstract: To narrate a story following the pages of the story book is a skill that most children with normal development do. To perform this skill requires a series of pre-requisites related to verbal abilities. In the case of children that have not acquire the reading skill, the echoic behavior is basic and is necessary for them to acquire the skill to learn to narrate a story. This presentation will describe the procedures used to teach a six year old child with autism to narrate classic stories for children following the story in the book. This intervention was carried out in the home by the father and the 9 year old sister under the direct supervision of the behavior analysts.



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