Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Symposium #304
Teaching Applied Behavior Analysis: State Dependent Learning, Memory, and Issues Concerning Supervision
Monday, May 30, 2005
9:00 AM–10:20 AM
Lake Erie (8th floor)
Area: TBA; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Diane Raymond (Simmons College)
Discussant: Michael J. Cameron (Simmons College)
CE Instructor: Susan Ainsleigh, Ed.D.
Abstract: A successful behavior analytic graduate program requires that professors respond to the individualized learning needs of graduate students, both in classroom and supervised learning environments. Varying levels of experience in the field of applied behavior analysis and differing learning styles result in the need to develop instructional models to support graduate students who present with unique needs. In addition, careful attention to target environments of eventual practice is required to ensure that generalization occurs; in other words, that students acquire the unique skills they will need to perform effectively in future predicted stressful environments. This symposium presents a graduate behavioral education program’s responses to several unique learning challenges: the support of a student with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), the use of pedagogy that fosters generalization of learning in multiple contexts, and the design and evaluation of a supervised experiential learning program that supports students with varying backgrounds, levels of expertise, and research interests.
The Application of State Dependant Learning and Generalization Models to the Training of a Successful Behavior Analyst
ALLAN BLUME (Simmons College), Michael F. Dorsey (Simmons College)
Abstract: The first step in defining the successful training of a graduate student in the principals of applied behavior analysis lies in his/her ability to successfully pass the Behavior Analysis Certification Board examination. Other defining characteristics include their ability to apply the knowledge and skills they acquired during their educational experience within the work environments in which they eventually will attempt to practice their profession. This paper will provide a data based review of the various environmental conditions in operation within these situations and the systematic design and application of multiple pedagogies in the training of students relative to a state dependant/generalization model. Specific focus will be paid to the more stressful environmental variables that will challenge a successful student and how, as educators, we can adapt our teaching styles to offer students the skills necessary to overcome the deleterious effects of these challenges and overcome barriers that may otherwise render a well trained student ineffective in their practice.
Visual and Auditory Memory: Implications for Graduate Students Studying Behavior Analysis
MICHAEL J. CAMERON (Simmons College), Errion L. Turner (Simmons College)
Abstract: Professors teaching in behavior analytic graduate programs areconfronted each semester with a heterogeneous group of students. Some students rapidly acquire the basic principles of applied behavior analysis while others require a significant amountof repetition before learning. Although there may be varying reasons for a large discrepancy in the number of trials to criterion performance, a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can certainly be implicated for some students. When a professor attempts to assist such a student, a knowledge-base of different types of memory is extremely helpful. For example, visual memory concerns a person’s ability to remember what has been seen while auditory memory concern’s a person’s ability to remember what has been heard. The “picture superiority effect” suggests that we have better memory for pictures than words. In fact, Paivio (1991) suggests that dual decoding pictures are better remembered because they are encoded with two specific codes (pictorial and verbal) while words access just a single code (verbal). The extra code associated with pictures appears to give learners an advantage during retrieval. A graduate student with a TBI participated in this study. The study was initiated due to her limited ability to retain verbal information. The participate was taught how to create pictures out of each of the line items on the Behavior Analytic Certification Board ® Task List. The participant subsequently created her own pictures for each of the line items and studied both pictures and descriptions. The results of this study showed that the participant learned all items on the task list, made complex linkages and connections to other sections of the task list, retained the information, and demonstrated correct answer latencies that were comparable to her peers without a TBI. The implications of an understanding of verbal and auditory memory are discussed.
Evaluation of a Supervised Experiential Learning Program for Graduate Behavioral Education Students
SUSAN AINSLEIGH (Simmons College)
Abstract: This case study evaluates the experiential learning component of a graduate program in behavioral education using the framework of the CIPP program evaluation model (Stufflebeam, 1987) as a guide. Using archival record review, document review, interview of participants from a graduate behavioral education program, and interview of independent experts in the field of applied behavior analysis, a detailed portrait of the supervised, experiential learning component of a graduate-level behavioral education program is provided. The results of this study describe the intended outcomes of experiential learning in the field of applied behavior analysis, outline recommended procedures for developing and implementing a supervised, graduate-level experiential learning program, and describe the necessary components for evaluating the impact of supervision and experiential learning on the performance of future behavior analysts and educators.



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