Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Paper Session #23
Developmental Disabilities Paper Session I
Saturday, May 24, 2008
1:00 PM–2:20 PM
Stevens 1
Area: DDA
Chair: Sarah M. Dunkel-Jackson (Southern Illinois University)
Teaching Group Cooperation to Adolescents with Brain Injuries Using Self-Control Training.
Domain: Applied Research
SARAH M. DUNKEL-JACKSON (Southern Illinois University), Mark R. Dixon (Southern Illinois University), Amanda J. Bever (Southern Illinois University), Michael Bordieri (Southern Illinois University), Krystal Qualls (Southern Illinois University)
Abstract: Behavioral interventions for reducing impulsivity for persons with brain injury have been exclusively implemented at the individual participant level. While effective, this type of intervention is costly, time consuming, and potentially difficult for caregivers to replicate. The current study attempted to develop a group-based intervention to reduce impulsive choice making and promote self-control. Additionally, the group contingency attempted to develop a cooperative response between participants. Initially participants were asked to complete a cooperative task of household chores (e.g., dish sorting, clothes folding) in the absence of any programmed reinforcement. Following the acquisition of low levels of baseline performance, each group was asked to choose between a smaller amount of known conditioned reinforcers for non-engagement or a larger amount of reinforcers for completing the task at durations exponentially greater than baseline. Following observation of poor choice making (i.e., selecting the smaller reinforcer), each group was exposed to a progressive delay schedule in which the larger reinforcer was coupled with increasing amounts of cooperative responding. Results suggest that such training procedures can improve choice making for individuals with brain injury as well as teach cooperative task completion.
The Effects of Video Modeling on Staff Implementation of a Problem Solving Intervention in Residential Settings.
Domain: Applied Research
SHAWNEE D. COLLINS (Utah State University), Thomas S. Higbee (Utah State University), Charles L. Salzberg (Utah State University)
Abstract: This study investigated the effects of video modeling on staff implementation of a problem solving intervention in a residential setting. The treatment consisted of video modeling procedures. Data were evaluated using a nonconcurrent multiple baseline design across participants. Results indicated that the percentage or correctly implemented problem solving steps increased to mastery criterion for all six participants after treatment was implemented.
Use of Latency to Problem Behavior to Evaluate Demands for Inclusion in Functional Analyses.
Domain: Applied Research
ROBERT-RYAN S. PABICO (The Marcus Institute), Nathan Call (The Marcus Institute), Joanna Lomas (The Marcus Institute)
Abstract: In contrast to potential positive reinforcers, there are few direct assessment methodologies designed to identify stimuli or events (such as demands), the escape from which may function as negative reinforcers. Such an assessment may be especially useful for identifying demands for inclusion in the escape condition of functional analyses. In the current study an assessment was conducted in which four participants were systematically exposed to potential demands, with sessions ending following the first instance of problem behavior. A hierarchy of demand aversiveness was created using average latency to the first instance of problem behavior. Subsequent functional analyses evaluated the influence of task aversiveness as identified by the demand assessment on functional analysis outcome. Results will be discussed in terms of implications for the assessment and treatment of problem behavior.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh