Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Symposium #12
Applied Behavior Analysis in the Treatment of Acquired Brain Injury
Saturday, May 28, 2005
1:00 PM–2:20 PM
Williford A (3rd floor)
Area: CBM; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Michael P. Mozzoni (Timber Ridge Group, Inc.)
Discussant: John M. Guercio (Southern Illinois University)
CE Instructor: Michael P. Mozzoni, Ph.D.
Abstract: This symposium presents methodological data on both children and adults with acquired brain injury treated in 3 post-acute rehabilitation centers. The first study examines the effect of contrived reinforcement contingencies on the short-term recall performance of adults suffering from mnemonic deficits secondary to brain injuries. The second study presents data from fluency based training utilizing relational frame theory in teaching orientation skills in adults. The third study presents fluency based data in the training of children with ABI in an academic setting. Each of these studies offers practical solutions to persistent problems of motivation and skill acquisition.
Effects of Contrived Reinforcement Contingencies on Independent Recall Performance of Adults with Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI)
MOLLIE MILLS SHEPPARD (Gulf Coast NeuroRehabilitation Center)
Abstract: Traumatic and acquired brain injuries are often accompanied by deficits in short term and/or long term recall abilities. External memory aids have been researched and their effectiveness documented with developmental disabilities and dementia, but research on improving the mnemonic performance of individuals with brain injuries is lacking. This study examines the effect of contrived reinforcement contingencies on the short-term recall performance of adults suffering from mnemonic deficits secondary to brain injuries. It was found that contrived reinforcement can be a useful tool in training individuals with ABIs to improve independent recall performance.
Using Fluency Based Training and Relational Framing to Teach Orientation Skills to Individuals with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)
JAMES L. SOLDNER (UTHCT NeuroRestorative Service), Jeffrey B. Smith (Timber Ridge Ranch)
Abstract: Using a non-current multiple baseline design, fluency based training and relational frame theory technology were utilized in the current study as the primary tools teaching acquisition of orientation skills. Participants in this study were adults with ABI and orientation deficits in the following areas; person, place, or time. Baseline rates of performance were gathered upon admittance to two neurorehabilitation facilities. Subjects were selected to participate based on their inability to identify basic orientation information in their present environment. Fluency training consisted of determining rates of accuracy and speed of fluency coupled with functionally determined stimulus relations to teach transformation of stimulus function within the context of orientation skill acquisition. Preliminary results indicated that fluency training and RFT technology increased accuracy and fluency rates of performance to orientation to produce derived stimulus relations for orientation related information among participants.
The Effect of Fluency Training on Math and Reading Skills In Neuropsychiatric Children: A Multiple Baseline Design
MICHAEL P. MOZZONI (Timber Ridge Group, Inc.), Stephanie Hartnedy (University of Arkansas School of Medicine), Yousef Fahoum (University of Arkansas School of Medicine)
Abstract: Fluency (fast and accurate responding) has been found to facilitate the retention, maintenance, endurance, and application of learned skills. Fluency training has been employed effectively in academic, vocational, industrial and rehabilitative settings. Using a multiple baseline design, this study expanded previous applications by targeting academic deficits of children with neurological and psychiatric diagnoses in a residential treatment facility. Total response rates were measured in 60-second timed probes. Academic tool skills increased and error rates decreased for all participants after implementation of fluency training. Implications for improving attention to task and targeting minimum competency skills are discussed, as is determining the role practice plays in increasing fluency rate.



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