Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Paper Session #63
Int'l Paper Session - Professional Development in Developmental Disabilities
Saturday, May 28, 2005
4:00 PM–4:50 PM
Stevens 2 (Lower Level)
Area: DDA
Chair: Stephen M. Sundby (Fort Wayne State Developmental Center)
Is the Function of Challenging Behaviour Changing Over Time?
Domain: Theory
PETER MCGILL (Tizard Centre, University of Kent), Paula Moss (Tizard Centre, University of Kent)
Abstract: Changes in service provision for people with developmental disabilities have resulted in exposure to very different environmental conditions over time. Such conditions (e.g. deprivation of attention) may establish motivation for challenging behaviour. It would be expected, therefore, that to the extent that typical environmental conditions have changed there may have been parallel changes in the motivation of challenging behaviour, as measured by its identified function. To investigate this hypothesis, the functions reported to maintain the challenging behaviours of 696 participants with developmental disabilities in articles published in four journals during the period 1968-2002 were examined. Results suggested an overall decline over time in the proportion of reports of social-positive and automatic reinforcement and an overall increase in the proportion of reports of social-negative reinforcement. These trends are consistent with evidence that service provision for people with developmental disabilities is now more effective at providing social-positive and automatic reinforcement (through increased levels of non-contingent contact from staff and increased availability of leisure materials) but, partly as a consequence, is now more likely to provide conditions (such as demands to participate or interact) that may establish motivation for social-negative reinforcement. The limitations and implications of these results will be discussed.
Beyond College: Some Things You Need to Know About Working in an Applied Setting
Domain: Applied Research
STEPHEN M. SUNDBY (Fort Wayne State Developmental Center), James Peters (Fort Wayne State Developmental Center), Benjamin Washburn (Fort Wayne State Developmental Center), Eric J. Chubb (Fort Wayne State Developmental Center)
Abstract: This presentation covers design and implementation of behavior treatment plans in applied settings. Areas addressed include regulations for Medicaid Waiver, Medicare, and ICFMR. Additional discussion of documentation, credentialing, job duties in different settings, relationships with direct care staff and plan implementation, as well as which college courses may benefit you most in the field. The session will include a question and answer portion at the end of the presentation. Panel member employment history includes youth and adult residential, outpatient, and outreach settings, working with chemical dependence, developmental disabilities, mental health and criminal justice systems. Experience involved meeting CARF, JCAHO, OBRA, and ICFMR standards in these settings.



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