Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Symposium #350
BACB Exam Preparation and Issues
Monday, May 30, 2005
1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Lake Erie (8th floor)
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Stephen E. Eversole (Behavior Development Solutions)
Abstract: As the number of BCBAs/BCABAs approaches 4,000 and the influence of certification on the field of behavior analysis grows, it is appropriate to discuss issues related to the certification process and methodologies being used to qualify candidates to sit and prepare for the BACB exam. Programs to be discussed include one specializing in criminal justice for practitioners working to prevent and treat childhood and adult offenders (St. Joseph's University), along with the unique and experience this program provides. In addition, start-up, admission criteria, and the admission process for an associate level behavior analysis curriculum for undergraduate students (St. Joseph's University) will be discussed. We will also present survey data on a computer program designed to help individuals prepare for the BACB exam (CBA Learning Module Series). Issues to be discussed include the recent BACB policy related to the phase-out process of independently taught courses, maintaining quality and integrity of independent courses, and the plans for a new curriculum to meet BACB course hour requirements that go into effect with the Fall, 2005 exam.
St. Joseph's University's Applied Behavior Analysis Masters Subtrack in Criminal Justice
JOSEPH D. CAUTILLI (St. Joseph's University), Dziewolska Halina (St. Joseph's University), Richard Weissman (St. Joseph's University), Patricia Griffin (Saint Joseph's University)
Abstract: St. Joseph's University offers the only applied behavior analysis subtrack in criminal justice. This program is designed for those who wish to function providing behavioral intervention in the prevention and treatment of childhood and adult offenders. The ABA subtrack has been BCBA approved for the last three years. This symposium explores the courses offered in the program and the unique training and experience that this program offers to students. Faculty will present the program and the admission process.
The Undergraduate Behavior Analysis Program at St. Joseph's University
DZIEWOLSKA HALINA (St. Joseph's University), Joseph D. Cautilli (St. Joseph's University), Richard Weissman (St. Joseph's University), Patricia Griffin (Saint Joseph's University)
Abstract: With the ever growing popularity of applied behavior analysis in Pennsylvania, St. Joseph's University is beginning the process of developing an associate level behavior analysis program for undergraduate students. This program will offer the students the opportunity to learn behavioral principles and how to apply those principles to children and adults from various populations including autism, developmental disability, and children with emotional and behavioral disorders. Careful emphasis will be placed on demonstrating how each of the techniques utilized encompass behavioral principles. This symposium will focus on the first year start up issues for the program as well as the admission criteria and process.
Survey Results on the CBA Learning Module Series
STEPHEN E. EVERSOLE (Behavior Development Solutions)
Abstract: Development of the CBA Learning Module Series began in 1995. Since it went on sale in 1998, it has been used by hundreds of individuals to prepare for the Florida CBA exam and the BCBA/BCABA exams. Results of a recent survey conducted support the programs efficacy with respect to helping candidates pass the exam. The instructional design model employed and educational content development will be discussed. Other applications of the instructional design model will be entertained, as will features on the new version to be released next year, and tips on taking the exam.
Behavior Analyst Certification Training
MICHAEL WEINBERG (Southbury Training School)
Abstract: In the past year, there have been significant changes in policies by the BACB pertaining to independent courses pre-approved by Florida DCF, which are now accepted by the BACB towards certification requirements. A discussion of issues pertaining to the phase-out process of these courses and continuing to maintain quality and integrity of independent courses, plus the plans for a new curriculum to meet BACB course hour requirements that go into effect with the Fall, 2005 exam will be presented.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh