Co-Czars: and Kate Kellum, M.S. (University of Mississippi), Dermot Barnes-Holmes, Ph.D. and Yvonne Barnes-Holmes, Ph.D., (National University of Ireland, Maynooth) and Ian Stewart, Ph.D. (National University of Ireland, Galway)
Open Letter to the ABA Membership
Re: Czar for Behavioral Humor Named
Last year, the Behavioral News Tonight reported on corruption at the highest level of follies administration. Prior to last year’s reorganization efforts, some “comedy” sketches had risen to the level of war crimes. Thousands of ABA members had to be treated for PTSD (post terrible sketch disorder) after the tragic Osama Bin Watermist episode of 2003. Because of immanent threats uncovered by Behavioral News Tonight staff, we have sought and obtained special dispensation for the reorganization of the follies staff and for centralized humor oversight within ABA. Effective immediately, Kelly Wilson will assume the role of the Czar for Behavioral Humor.
Having small pockets of humor enforcement that communicate poorly with one another leaves us open to serious risk of malhumor attack. Central oversight will allow for clear lines of communication and a pre-emptory humor strike at the follies (which could save millions). We realize that the creation of this Czarship goes against ABA’s democratic traditions; however, present security risks necessitate strong countermeasures.
Initially, Kate Kellum, Yvonne Barnes-Holmes and Dermot Barnes-Holmes were appointed as Co-Czars for Behavioral Humor. Dermot Barnes-Holmes requested that we also include Ian Stewart as a Co-Czar. This seemed reasonable for two reasons. First, because the mal-humor threat is international, we need to build a strong international mal-humor coalition (under U.S. command, of course). And, second, the Irish have suffered so much, it seems the least we could do to throw them a bone with an additional token Co-Czarship.
Ever Vigilant, Seldom Politic, Your Servants,
Kelly G. Wilson
Kate Kellum
Yvonne Barnes-Holmes
Dermot Barnes-Holmes
Ian Stewart |