Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Paper Session #372
Bringing Celeration Charts to Behavioral Health
Monday, May 30, 2005
2:30 PM–3:20 PM
Williford A (3rd floor)
Area: CBM
Chair: Paul Malanga (University of South Dakota)
Dying and Death
Domain: Applied Research
ABIGAIL B. CALKIN (Private practice & consulting)
Abstract: Collections of Standard Celeration Charts display three different behaviors regarding reactions to dying and death: the behaviors of a dying person; the behaviors, including inner behaviors, of survivors before, during, and after the losses; and the feelings of survivors during and after the losses. Discussion of the data will include analyses and similarities between the charts.
Perfomance Management Meets Precision Teaching: Using the Standard Celeration Chart to Monitor Strength and Endurance on a Minute-by-Minute Basis
Domain: Applied Research
PAUL MALANGA (University of South Dakota)
Abstract: Obesity has become a national epidemic. Type II diabetes is now being diagnosed in some children as young as 15. A primary cause of this epidemic is a lack of physical activity on the part of our children. The benefits of daily exercise include improvements in body composition, cardiovascular health, stress reduction, increase in strength and endurance, and delay (if not prevention) of the onset of coronary heart disease (Haskell, 1984). However, exercise produces only small and cumulative health benefits for each instance of exercise behavior. More effective performance management contingencies, therefore, need to be established to maintain consistent exercise behavior. Goal setting and daily measurement of behavior have been shown to be effective performance management mechanisms to increase the frequency of behavior (Sweeney, Ring, Malanga, & Lambert, in press). The Standard Celeration Chart (SCC), a direct extension of Skinner’s Cumulative Record, represents a simple yet effective motivational tool to monitor daily progress toward fitness goals. Combining performance management contingencies with daily monitoring and charting of exercise on the SCC represents a powerful package for developing a regular exercise routine. Data will be presented showing ongoing monitoring of exercise behavior on a minute-by-minute basis demonstrating increases in strength and endurance.



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