Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Paper Session #190
International Paper Session - Developmental Disabilities Paper Session II
Sunday, May 25, 2008
10:30 AM–11:50 AM
Stevens 3
Area: DDA
Chair: Giordana Hrga (Precision Teaching Pty Ltd/Curtin University of Technology - School of Occupational Therapy)
Precision Teaching for Cri Du Chat Syndrome.
Domain: Applied Research
GIORDANA HRGA (Precision Teaching Pty Ltd/Curtin University of Technology - School of Occupational Therapy)
Abstract: The developmental prognosis for children with Cri Du Chat Syndrome is limited. The Standard Celeration data of the learning outcomes of a 4-year-old child presenting with Cri Du Chat, and his pre- and post-test standardized developmental gains will be presented. The Precision Teaching instructional strategy employed to effect the child's developmental gains will be outlined.
The Role of Specific Characteristics of Secondary Reinforcers in the Successful Reduction of Aberrant Behavior.
Domain: Applied Research
GREGORY S. HANDEL (The Halcyon Center (Groden Network))
Abstract: Secondary reinforcers, such as tokens, have been used extensively over the past several decades in the treatment of aberrant behaviors. However, the specific characteristics of the secondary reinforcement used often play an essential role in the effectiveness of treatment. This presentation will examine the differential effects of the frequency and the type of reinforcing item used in differential reinforcement procedures designed to reduce the aberrant behavior of four adults with mental retardation. Two men and two women, ranging in age from 22 to 50, serve as subjects. All four live in 24-hour staffed community residences and have long histories of aberrant behaviors including self-abuse and aggression. A changing criteria design was used to separately evaluate changes in the frequency of secondary reinforcer for two individuals and the type of reinforcer for the other two. In all four cases, previously ineffective DRO procedures resulted in the reduction of aberrant behaviors ranging from 58% to 94% of baseline frequencies after changes in the characteristics of the reinforcer used. It is suggested that the results indicate that adjustments of the type and frequency of reinforcement be considered when making treatment decisions with differential reinforcement procedures.
The Effects of Intensive Multiple Exemplar Training in Same, Opposite, More/Than and Less/Than Relations on Full Scale IQ in School Children.
Domain: Applied Research
SARAH N. CASSIDY (National University of Ireland, Maynooth), Bryan T. Roche (National University of Ireland, Maynooth), Denis P. O'Hora (National University of Ireland, Galway)
Abstract: The current paper will outline the findings of an experimental longitudinal intervention designed to examine the utility of a MET intervention for raising IQ in normally developing children. Eight participants were administered baseline IQ tests and tests for various types of responding. Four of these children received a MET intervention for each relation in which they were provided with corrective feedback on the derivation of untrained stimulus relations to criterion across novel stimulus sets. The MET group met criterion for derived relational responding on each of four relation types, using novel stimuli, faster than a control group. follow up IQ tests indicated that children who received MET experienced significantly higher IQ rises than the non-MET group. These findings suggest that intensive MET interventions can have a significant impact on Full Scale IQ.



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