Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Invited Panel #524
Behavior Analysis, Certification, and the APA Model Licensing Act
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
9:00 AM–10:20 AM
International North
Area: PRA; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Larry Alferink (Illinois State University)
Panelists: JANET S. TWYMAN (Headsprout), GERALD A SHOOK (Behavior Analyst Certification Board), TERRENCE J. KOLLER (Illinois Psychological Association)

Behavior Analysis has its origins within psychology. As the field has matured and the evidence supporting behavioral techniques has accumulated, the use of behavioral techniques has spread to other disciplines and the demand for services has dramatically increased. This led to the development of standards and procedures to certify that individuals have the training necessary to provide competent services. Like many other professions, psychologists may be licensed to provide services to the public. While these licenses are issued by the states, the American Psychological Association developed and periodically updated a Model Licensing Act to serve as a guide for state licensing laws. This Model Licensing Act has long included behavior analysis as part of the practice of psychology to be included in state licensing laws. Licensed psychologists may not be certified to practice behavior analysis, and individuals who are certified to provide behavior analytic services may not be either licensed or psychologists. Is there any conflict between certification and licensure and between behavior analysis and the Model Licensing Act? The panel will discuss certification, state licensure and the APA Model Licensing Act as they relate to the practice of behavior analysis by certified behavior analysts and by licensed psychologists.

JANET S. TWYMAN (Headsprout)
Dr. Janet S. Twyman is the Vice-President of Instructional Development at Headsprout, where she is a major contributor to the development of Headsprout’s Generative Learning Technology and the effort to build that technology into highly effective educational programs. Dr. Twyman developed the research methods and systems that led to Headsprout’s ground breaking scientific formative evaluation model of program development, coordinating all elements of instructional design, scripting, graphic creation, animation, sound engineering, story development and writing, software engineering, and usability testing within the research model. She earned her Ph.D. from Columbia University Teachers College and holds certification as an elementary and special education teacher and as a principal/school administrator. Formerly the Executive Director of the Fred S. Keller School and an adjunct associate professor at Columbia University Teachers College, Dr. Twyman has been a long-time advocate and investigator of research-based instruction and systems design. While at the Keller School and Columbia University, she conducted research and taught courses focusing on effective instruction, technology and education, teacher development, and systems approaches to effective education. She has published and presented widely on verbal behavior, instructional design, systems approaches, and on topics of broader conceptual interest. She serves on the board of numerous organizations and has served ABAI as a member, Chair of the Graduate Program Accreditation Processes, Applied Representative, and, most recently, as President.
GERALD A SHOOK (Behavior Analyst Certification Board)
Dr. Gerald L. Shook is Chief Executive Officer and Founder of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board, Inc. He holds a Ph.D. in Psychology and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst with over 35 years experience in behavior analysis. Dr. Shook has taken an active role in developing certification in several states, as well as internationally, and has published and presented extensively in the area of credentialing and Behavior Analysis as a profession. He conducted statewide distance education university graduate training in several states and consulted nationally on development of statewide behavioral service and training systems. He currently holds adjunct appointments in the College of Education and Graduate College at Penn State. Dr. Shook was on the Executive Council of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, where he also was Coordinator of the Legislative and Public Affairs Committee and the Affiliated Chapters Board. He was President of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis. He served on the Editorial Boards of The Behavior Analyst, Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, and Behavior Analysis in Practice. Dr. Shook is a Trustee of the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies, and a Fellow of ABAI. He received the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis’ Award for Outstanding Service; the California Association for Behavior Analysis’ Award for Outstanding Contributor to Behavior Analysis; The Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis’ Outreach Award and Award for Public Service; and the Outstanding Alumni Award from Western Michigan University.
TERRENCE J. KOLLER (Illinois Psychological Association)
Dr. Terrence Koller has been Executive Director and Legislative Liaison of the Illinois Psychological Association (IPA) since 1993. He served as IPA President in 1990-1991 but held a number of positions at the IPA before that including Secretary and Chair of the Clinical Section, and Chair of the Placement Committee. He was also Secretary of the IPA’s Health Services Advisory Board and served as the Illinois Council Representative to APA for six years. His APA experience also includes serving as Platform Chair for the Association of Practicing Psychologists and Communication’s Chair for Division 31 (State Provincial and Territorial Psychological Associations). Before becoming IPA’s Executive Director, Terrence worked in a state hospital, community mental health center, as Director of Psychological Services for the Chicago Head Start Program and as Director of Training for the Michael Reese Health Plan. He continues to maintain a part-time private practice.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh