Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Invited Panel #537
Clinical Supervision in BA: Shaping the Knower to Know
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
10:30 AM–11:50 AM
International North
Area: CBM/AUT; Domain: Theory
Chair: Barbara S. Kohlenberg (University of Nevada School of Medicine)
Panelists: PATRICK C. FRIMAN (Father Flanagan's Girls and Boys' Town), ROBERT J. KOHLENBERG (University of Washington), PATRICK M. GHEZZI (University of Nevada, Reno), CLAUDIA DROSSEL (University of Nevada, Reno)

Shaping the applied repertoires of our students requires sensitivity to both the shaping of specified and non-specified response classes. We want our students to be able to attend to raw data, discriminate relevant functional units, and intervene effectively. Shaping the repertoires of clinical students in psychotherapy, and of behavior analysis students in applied settings, requires that the supervisor shape both topographically specified and non-specified responses. This panel will search for commonalities across traditional clinical supervision and supervision in traditional applied behavior analytic settings.

PATRICK C. FRIMAN (Father Flanagan's Girls and Boys' Town)
Dr. Patrick C. Friman received his Ph.D. from the University of Kansas under the Mentorship of Drs. Montrose M. Wolf and Edward R. Christophersen. He is Director of Clinical Services Father Flanagan’s Boys Home and a Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Nebraska School of Medicine. He has held faculty positions at the University of Nevada as well as Johns Hopkins and the University of Pennsylvania Schools of Medicine. He is the outgoing Editor of The Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis and is on the editorial boards of nine other peer-reviewed scientific journals. He has published more than 150 scientific papers most of which involve behavior disorders of childhood in general, and behavioral pediatrics in particular. Generally, Dr. Friman’s research addresses the gap between outpatient well child medical care on one side, and referral-based clinical child psychologic and psychiatric care on the other. The gap includes behavior problems that bedevil parents, are outside the core curriculum used to train pediatricians, and yet are not sufficiently serious to warrant serious psychiatric diagnosis. For example, his research on solving bedtime problems was published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, and presented at a large press conference in New York City, sponsored by the American Medical Association, at which the Surgeon General of the United States presented Dr. Friman to the press. His most recent book is Good Night, Sweet Dreams, I Love You: Now Get in Bed and Go to Sleep.
ROBERT J. KOHLENBERG (University of Washington)
Dr. Robert J. Kohlenberg received his doctorate under Ivar Lovaas at UCLA and is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Washington where he was the Director of Clinical Training from 1997 to 2004. He is certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology and received the Washington State Psychological Association’s Distinguished Psychologist Award. He uses behavior analysis to help understand, teach, and do research on the curative role of a close and intense therapist-client relationship as well as a broad range of clinical phenomena. The approach is represented by the 1991 book Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (known as FAP) by him and Mavis Tsai. Using this approach he and his colleagues (who are often first authors) have done research and published papers on electrical energy conservation, migraine, PTSD, marital counseling, OCD, depression, previously undocumented psychological side effects of anti-depressant medication, DBT, CBT, BPD, acceptance, personality, the self, DSM IV Axis II diagnosis, co-morbidity, the integration of psychotherapies, and the parallels between implanted memories and the therapy rationales presented to clients by behavior therapists. He has also contributed radical behavioral genetic material to help produce his daughter, Dr. Barbara Kohlenberg, a distinguished behavior analyst, talented clinician, teacher, researcher, and co-author.
PATRICK M. GHEZZI (University of Nevada, Reno)
Dr. Patrick M. Ghezzi is the director of the Behavior Analysis Program at the University of Nevada and the director and co-founder (with Sid Bijou) of UNR’s Early Childhood Autism Program. He received his training in experimental psychology at Western Washington University (MS) and in the analysis of behavior at Utah State University (PhD), and was on the research faculty in special education and rehabilitation at The University of Arizona prior to joining the faculty in the psychology department at the University of Nevada. His scholarly interests center on behavior theory, child pathology, and gambling.
CLAUDIA DROSSEL (University of Nevada, Reno)
Dr. Claudia Drossel has been a student, researcher, practitioner, and teacher of behavior analysis for more than a decade. As an undergraduate student, she was introduced to the experimental analysis of behavior by Bill Palya at Jacksonville State University. In 2004, she obtained her Ph.D. conducting studies in basic operant research with Phil Hineline at Temple University. She is now pursing a doctoral degree in clinical psychology at University of Nevada Reno (UNR), where she studies the application of behavior analytic principles to assessment and interventions in dementia care with Jane Fisher. As a trainee within the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and the Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) teams, Claudia’s ability to apply behavior analytic skills artfully has been honed. Claudia’s behavior as a trainer has been shaped by her interaction with trainees. She has shaped student behavior as an instructor of behavior analytic core classes at Temple University and behavioral pharmacology at UNR’s satellite master’s programs. Since 2004, in collaboration with Jane Fisher, Claudia has been training family and professional caregivers of individuals with dementia throughout Nevada to apply behavior analytic principles. As the Associate Director of the Nevada Caregiver Support Center, the removal of caregivers’ barriers to the implementation of behavior analytic care plans for individuals with dementia is Claudia’s main concern.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh