Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Workshop Details

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Workshop #W42
CE Offered: BACB
Creating and Evaluating Educational Opportunities in Applied Animal Behavior.
Friday, May 23, 2008
6:00 PM–9:00 PM
Williford A
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
CE Instructor: Jennifer L. Sobie, None
Description: The purpose of this workshop is twofold: first, to present participants with information and tools necessary for critical evaluation of existing educational opportunities in applied animal behavior according to their relevance to obtaining employment in the various professional sectors; second, to provide participants with a guide to the proficiencies necessary for designing personalized applied animal behavior programs of study under the umbrellas of existing university programs. The first half of the workshop will offer participants an overview of the following areas: Employment opportunities: Participants will be presented with information about the different employment sectors in Applied Animal Behavior and the current job market relevant to each sector. Discussion and materials will highlight educational, skill level, and internship requirements, and will provide practical job descriptions for the different sectors. Certification: Participants will review the certifying bodies in Applied Animal Behavior. They will discuss practical benefits of attaining certification depending on their goals for employment, and they will be given tools for effective evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of obtaining certification. Nonaccredited training in Applied Animal Behavior: With the goal of development of critical thinking skills related to evaluation of the multitude of nonaccredited or self-accredited programs in Applied Animal Behavior, participants will be provided with tools for assessment of both the content and practical merit of the various programs. Accredited Programs in Applied Animal Behavior: Participants will be provided materials and information describing the existing accredited programs in Applied Animal Behavior and related disciplines. The second half of the workshop will focus on development of skills relevant to pursuing an education in Applied Animal Behavior. Participants will be provided training in the following areas: Choosing an Applied Animal Behavior Advisor: In recognition of the fact that established educational opportunities in Applied Animal Behavior are few, participants will be provided materials that will assist them in evaluation of an advisors capacity to mentor a project in Applied Animal Behavior. Included will be information packets designed for presentation to potential advisors describing areas of study and likely avenues of involvement when advising a student in Applied Animal Behavior. Packets will include the names of qualified individuals willing to participate as extra-departmental mentors. Designing a Thesis in Applied Animal Behavior: Participants will be provided basic information relevant to design of an Applied Animal Behavior thesis or research project. Included will be material relevant to obtaining funding.
Learning Objectives: 1. Participants will be familiar with the existing options in pursuit of an education in Applied Animal Behavior, and will be able to differentiate certifying bodies in terms of their personal employment goals. 2. Participants will understand and be able to articulate the necessary components of a program of study in applied animal behavior. 3. Participants will be able to evaluate existing programs with a knowledgeable eye toward choice as a program of study, assessing the program�s ability to support a personalized Applied Animal Behavior study agenda and research objective.
Activities: � Employment opportunities: Participants will discuss their individual interests and personal fit in the different employment sectors of Applied Animal Behavior. Discussion will include relevance and/or necessity of certification and education by sector. � Choosing an Applied Animal Behavior Advisor: Participants will engage in hypothetical evaluations of program strengths and weaknesses in regards to Applied Animal Behavior. � Designing a Thesis in Applied Animal Behavior: Participants will engage in critical thinking exercises designed to guide them in realistic choice and design of thesis or research projects in Applied Animal Behavior.
Audience: Students or potential students seeking an education in Applied Animal Behavior, faculty members interested in creating or expanding programs in Applied Animal Behavior.
Content Area: Practice
Instruction Level: Basic



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Modifed by Eddie Soh