Service Delivery in Developmental Disabilities I |
Sunday, May 25, 2008 |
10:30 AM–11:50 AM |
Stevens 1 |
Area: DDA |
Chair: Jose D. Rios (Private Practice) |
“Use Your Words”: Evaluating What We Know About Functional Communication Training (FCT) & Aggressive Behavior. |
Domain: Applied Research |
SHANA L. WIGGINS (University of Texas at Arlington), Jared Kenworthy (University of Texas at Arlington), Rebecca J. Morgan (DFW Center for Autism) |
Abstract: Individuals with developmental disabilities engage in aggression often to communicate with others. Therefore, many agree that their functional aggressive behaviors should be replaced with more socially compatible forms of communication. Functional Communication Training (FCT) is a frequently used treatment for replacement of aggressive or other problem behavior in these individuals. This review seeks to evaluate previous research on its overall effectiveness in treating aggression in individuals with various developmental disabilities. This review takes into account the various moderators of aggression, functions of the behavior, and the different approaches combined with FCT for mediating the problem behavior. Some additional mediators that are discussed are reports of behaviors in combination with aggression, schedules of reinforcement, and disorders associated with the behavior. With a detailed understanding of FCT in the treatment of aggression, a well educated decision can be made for maximum treatment efficacy. |
Inept, Ineffective and Inaccurate, But Not Intolerable? A Critical Look at Behavior Intervention Plans. |
Domain: Applied Research |
JOSE D. RIOS (Private Practice) |
Abstract: Too often, assessments and written plans that purport to be based on behavioral functional assessment and intervention methodology are only nominally behavioral. Plans are often ineptly designed and written, based loosely on inaccurate assessment findings, and ineffective in producing desired behavior change. This poses a serious dilemma for our field. Such plans may have a negative impact on the field of behavior analysis, may worsen an individual’s problem behavior, wastes valuable resources, and may lead to staff turnover and/or parental stress. Furthermore, a continuation of a behavior problem may have a negative impact on the person’s life (e.g., displacement from classroom or residence, limit interactions with the person, minimize participation in programs, result in an increased use of emergency physical control).
Several examples of poorly written assessment and plans are provided and discussed to illustrate this situation. Several possible reasons for the unfortunately common problems and lapses are discussed; these include the lack of standardized protocols for assessment and intervention plans, the involvement of inadequately-trained professionals in producing intervention plans, inadequate accountability, the contingencies from funding and referral agencies to produce quick and fast plans, and the contingencies that may cause a professional to produce superficial plans. |
Teacher-Directed Self-Monitoring Intervention for Young Children with Developmental Disabilities. |
Domain: Applied Research |
BERENICE DE LA CRUZ (University of Texas at Austin), Karrie Shogren (The University of Texas at Austin) |
Abstract: Developmental disability is a term encompassing an array of lifelong conditions characterized by intellectual impairment and delays in social and adaptive functioning. Several empirical studies have suggested that self-monitoring, a cognitive-behavioral strategy that impacts overt behavior by changing private verbal behavior (Ganz & Sigafoos, 2005; Rankin & Reid, 1995), is an effective strategy to increase appropriate behavior in children and youth with developmental disabilities. A literature review of the use of self-monitoring in people with developmental disabilities revealed that 71% of the participants were trained by researchers (de la Cruz, & Shogren, 2007). Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine teacher-directed self-monitoring interventions. A multiple baseline design was used. Teachers were instructed by researchers on how to use self-monitoring interventions. Teachers then provided instruction to students. Participants included three children with developmental disabilities ages 3-7. Operational definitions were provided for each target behavior, and treatment fidelity data was taken on both teacher and student behavior. Results suggest that teachers can effectively teach young children with developmental disabilities to self-monitor. The social validity of the intervention, generalization and maintenance of skills, and implications for practice and research will be discussed. |
Analysis of Setting Events Questionnaire (ASEQ). |
Domain: Applied Research |
JOHN KOSMOPOULOS (JK Behaviour Consultation & Education Services; Humber College & York Central Hospital) |
Abstract: There has been a meaningful impact in experimental and theoretical behaviour analytic research on setting events and motivating operations associated with problematic behaviour. However, researchers have emphasized but have not fully developed comprehensive rating scales and sensitive sequential or probabilistic measures to capture distal and concurrent intrapersonal (e.g., biomedical), interpersonal, and motivational antecedents as part of a more complete five-term contingency analysis model.
The Analysis of Setting Events Questionnaire (ASEQ, 2006) was developed as an effort to partly fill this void. The ASEQ is a comprehensive, multi-itemed rating scale designed to determine the degree of relationship or the level of association between specific problem behaviour and various contextual and motivational variables. The ASEQ is user-friendly and versatile in its breadth as it can be utilized across ages, behaviours and diagnoses.
A single or inter-observer administration of the ASEQ yields quantitative and qualitative results for the remediation, modification and further investigation of endorsed physiological, environmental, social and motivational setting events. The results also provide a means of determining intervention strategies that compliment other indirect measures and direct observational data. Preliminary results suggest that the ASEQ has robust psychometric properties (e.g., test-retest reliability and content validity) and social validity for its use. |