Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


40th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2014

Event Details

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Paper Session #266
Systems-Wide Interventions in OBM
Sunday, May 25, 2014
4:00 PM–4:50 PM
W192c (McCormick Place Convention Center)
Area: OBM
Chair: Peter-Cornelius Dams (Dams and Associates, Inc.)

Scaling Up Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: Organization-Wide Adoption in Children's Behavioral Health

Domain: Service Delivery
BARRY L. MCCURDY (Devereux Center for Effective Schools), Tamra Williams (Devereux Institute of Clinical and Professional Training & Research), Juan Carlos Lopez (Devereux Center for Effective Schools), Lisa Thomas (Devereux Center for Effective Schools)

More contemporary approaches to children's behavioral health have called for less focus on traditional, one-to-one treatment of youths via psychotherapy or medication management in favor of an ecological approach focusing on environmental variables (Dishion & Stormshak, 2007). School-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports (SWPBIS) is one prevention model that incorporates a tiered approach to implement a continuum of progressively intensive interventions. The research base on SWPBIS in public school environments is vast, suggesting the approach may be considered an evidence-based model (Horner, Sugai, & Anderson, 2010). However, to date, there is relatively little information on the implementation of "systems-wide" PBIS in other child serving settings. In 2011, Devereux, a national provider of behavioral health services for children and adolescents with behavior disorders initiated the adoption of systems-wide PBIS across all of their residential and day treatment programs nationally. The purpose of this presentation is twofold: (1) to provide an overview of the process for scaling up PBIS across a national behavioral healthcare organization, including an introduction to the tools for training, measuring fidelity, and data-based decision-making; and (2) to share initial outcome data.


Applying Behavioral Systems Analysis to Strategic Planning

Domain: Service Delivery
PETER-CORNELIUS DAMS (Dams and Associates, Inc.)

While opportunities may arise for OBM consultants to conduct strategic planning projects, OBM graduates are not always trained in this area and have to learn on the fly. This paper describes a successful systems approach to strategic planning that has been applied to dozens of corporate, public sector, and nonprofit organizations. It describes the elements of a strategic plan and showcases sample plans. A tool for creating compelling mission statements, based on Brethower's Total Performance System, will be shared. Another systems-based tool not necessarily part of the typical approach to strategic planning is the gap analysis. Gap analyses uncover weaknesses in the organizations operational foundation that must be addressed in the strategic plan to ensure the organization is capable of supporting strategies for change. Tips will be shared for evoking high rates of responding during strategic planning events and for increasing the probability of desired implementation behaviors. This overview will provide OBM consultants with a guide for creating strategic plans that do not end up on the shelf.




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