Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


40th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2014

Event Details

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Symposium #413
Technology and Teaching the Diverse Learner with Special Needs: A Symposium
Monday, May 26, 2014
2:00 PM–3:50 PM
W194b (McCormick Place Convention Center)
Area: EDC; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Gwendolyn Cartledge (The Ohio State University)
Discussant: Susan Keesey (The Ohio State University)

Evidence of efficient and effective delivery of supplemental literacy interventions with technology (i.e., computer software and mobile devices) can alleviate some classroom resource problems as well as deliver instruction in a consistent, pedagogically prescribed manner, fairly free of instructional error. Furthermore, computer programs are found to be especially beneficial for young, low-income minority children and mobile devices such as the iPad offer an attractive medium of reading texts which can in turn motivate children to read. However, there is a gap between teachers knowledge of these new technologies and the actual application in classroom practice. This symposium consists of three empirical papers focusing on the use of computer software and iPads in the classroom with culturally/linguistically diverse students with or at-risk for disabilities. First, we will demonstrate the effectiveness of computer software in increasing the reading fluency skills for low-achieving second-graders. Second, the effects of computer delivered social skill instruction with middle-school students will be shared. Third, we will highlight how iPad literacy-based apps were used to reinforce the basic sight-word reading skills for bilingual first-graders. A fourth paper will present an overview of recent research on the best evidence-based practices of using technology to deliver instruction in the classroom.

Keyword(s): computer-assisted instruction

Effects of Computer-Assisted, Culturally Relevant, Repeated Reading Intervention on Oral Reading Fluency of Students At-Risk

JESSICA BENNETT (The Ohio State University), Gwendolyn Cartledge (The Ohio State University), Ralph Gardner III (The Ohio State University), Morris Council (The Ohio State University)

On average, low-income, African-American students continue to perform below benchmark on reading achievement assessments, placing them at risk for reading failure. The effects of researcher-developed computer-assisted repeated reading intervention on the oral reading fluency of such students is being evaluated using a multiple baseline across participants design. Pilot data taken on higher-achieving participants currently serves to refine software development. A 10-12 week intervention will include eight under achieving second-graders in two urban schools. Eight additional students, who are in extended baseline, will serve as comparison peers. During intervention, participants will receive explicit repeated reading instruction on 25 researcher-developed culturally relevant stories delivered by computer-assisted instruction. The procedure consists of setting the fluency goal; listening to a voice model; reading along with the model, reading independently and receiving corrective feedback; a one-minute fluency timing; and MAZE comprehension passage using culturally relevant stories. Generalization consists of a one-minute timing and MAZE passage using AIMSWeb passages. Response maintenance probes will be given after 2 weeks and 1 month and comparison peers will serve as one source of social validity. This presentation will highlight and discuss implications of the beneficial effects of supplementary interventions being delivered through software technology that fosters pupil independence.


Social Skills Instruction for Urban Learners: An Investigation with Culturally Responsive and Technology Dimensions

PORSHA ROBINSON-ERVIN (The Ohio State University), Gwendolyn Cartledge (The Ohio State University)

This study examined the effects of culturally responsive, computer-based social skills instruction on the social skill acquisition and generalization of urban sixth graders with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). Six students received the social skills intervention three to four times a week for approximately 3 to 7 weeks. A multiple-probe across participants design was used in this study. This design allowed the experimenter to note the effects of the social skills intervention on the participants ability to follow adult directions. Pre and post-test measures were given to determine the effects of the social skills intervention on each participants overall ability to learn information pertaining to the social skill of following adult directions. Results revealed that culturally responsive, computer-based social skills instruction was effective at increasing the participants ability to follow adult directions. Generalization results were modest for four participants but two students demonstrated increasing trends across experimental conditions for the dependent measures. During this presentation, emphasis will be placed on how technology was used to deliver the intervention and the special beneficial effects of this technology for the participants.


Using Mobile Technology to Deliver Supplemental Instruction to Teach Literacy and Numeracy Skills: Does the iPad work?

SHOBANA MUSTI-RAO (National Institute of Education, Singapore)

There is general consensus among educators and researchers that use of mobile technology-based interventions can be particularly effective in improving academic and/ or behavioral outcomes for individual with disabilities. The National Educational Technology Plan (NETP; 2010) offers a model of 21st century learning, providing compelling reasons to leverage the use of technology to engage the 21st century learner and provide meaningful learning experiences in the classroom. In this presentation, we will share preliminary results of two studies conducted in two different school settings to teach literacy and numeracy skills to elementary-aged students with diverse learning needs. Pre-existing education apps were selected based on students needs. Using single-subject research designs, the effects of using iPads to deliver the instruction on student's literacy and numeracy skills were evaluated. The conservative dual criterion method was used in addition to the visual analysis method to evaluate whether or not the instruction resulted in a reliable treatment effect. Implications for practice, specifically for using mobile technology at the tier 2 level for minority populations (e.g., bilingual learners, students with disabilities), will be discussed.

The Use of Computer-assisted Instruction in the Classroom: A Review of Evidence Based Research
LENWOOD GIBSON JR. (City College of New York)
Abstract: The use of computer technology to help educate students is at an all-time high in today’s classrooms. With advances in this technology and the continual improvements of educational software and applications (i.e. Ipad/table apps) it may be difficult for teachers to know which programs are the most effective. The potential for these programs to help struggling students cannot be denied; however, it is important to distinguish programs that are supported the by research literature. The purpose of this review is to investigate the most current research literature on computer based instructional programs for struggling students. This review will focus on research conducted in the past five years and a specific focus will be on Ipad/table applications and Smartboard technology. The results of will be discussed on terms of outcomes of students and practical classroom implementation.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh