Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


40th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2014

Event Details

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Symposium #398
CE Offered: BACB
Teaching Self-Management and Social Problem Solving Strategies to Improve Academic and Daily Living Skills
Monday, May 26, 2014
2:00 PM–2:50 PM
W187c (McCormick Place Convention Center)
Area: PRA/EDC; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Kimberly Crosland (University of South Florida)
CE Instructor: Kimberly Crosland, Ph.D.

This symposium will present three studies that used self-management and social problem solving strategies to improve daily living activities including academics and life skills. The first presentation will describe a study that used a self-management intervention to improve on-task behavior of children diagnosed with ADHD during home routines involving academic and non-academic tasks. The second study implemented a self-monitoring procedure with college-aged students diagnosed with ADHD to improve academic behaviors. This study also found a reduction in ADHD symptoms as a result of the self-monitoring intervention. The third study used a social problem solving technique to teach adult men with histories of homelessness how to make better decisions to problems or situations that they encounter in everyday life. In addition, social validity measures were collected to determine if the social problem solving intervention was found to be useful for the participants. All three of the studies in this symposium showed positive results for participants and are key additions to the literature on self-management and social problem solving.

Keyword(s): Problem Solving, Self-Management
An Evaluation of Self-Management to Increase On-Task Behavior with Individuals Diagnosed with ADHD
LINDSEY SLATTERY (University of South Florida), Kimberly Crosland (University of South Florida), Rose Iovannone (University of South Florida/Florida Mental Health)
Abstract: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the leading diagnoses for children. Children diagnosed with ADHD often have difficulty in many settings including at school as well as in the home. Medication is often a common treatment for these children, however, it has been often shown ineffective when used alone. A review of behavioral interventions, including various self-regulation interventions has been studied. Self-regulation interventions have been shown to be effective for children diagnosed with ADHD primarily in school or academic settings. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a self-management intervention on the on-task behavior of children diagnosed with ADHD. Specifically, this study aimed to examine the impact a self-management intervention would have on the on-task behavior of children during various routines, both academic and non-academic, in the child’s home setting. Participants were trained to use a self-management intervention. As a result of the accurate use of the self-management intervention all three participant’s on-task behavior increased. For one participant, the duration of the targeted routine also substantially decreased.

Self-Monitoring in Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

MINDY CHRISTINE SCHEITHAUER (Kennedy Krieger Institute  ), Mary Lou Kelley (Louisiana State University)

Self-Monitoring (SM) has improved academic behaviors in children with ADHD and non-academic behaviors in adults. The current student implemented a SM intervention with college students diagnosed with ADHD, a population with which SM has not been previously evaluated. We recruited 41 participants who were randomly assigned to either a control or treatment group. Both groups received brief study-skills training and completed academic goal-setting. In addition, the treatment group was introduced to SM and setup an individualized electronic SM form. The form listed personalized academic behaviors, stated in objective and observable terms. The participant was instructed to monitor each behavior on a daily basis and check a progress report which displayed a graph of the percent of behaviors successfully completed. Both groups also attended 2 check-in sessions and a follow-up session (intervention duration of approximately 6-9 weeks). Compared to the control group, participants in the SM group reported significant improvement on measures of ADHD symptoms, academic behaviors, goal attainment, and GPA. This study extends the literature on SM interventions to a novel population and creates a platform for future research in this area.

The Acquisition and Usage of the SODAS Problem Solving Method Among Adults At-Risk for Homelessness
COLLIN STREETMAN (University of South Florida), Kimberly Crosland (University of South Florida), Hewitt B. Clark (University of South Florida)
Abstract: Individuals experiencing extended homelessness face multifaceted risks in physical health, nutrition, substance use, mental health, continuing unemployment, and incarceration. Some of these adults may benefit from learning a problem-solving decision-making method to assist them in dealing with everyday problems they encounter. This study taught three men with extensive histories of homelessness, but who were currently housed, the SODAS problem-solving decision-making method, and assessed their ability to learn it and guide another adult in the use of the method in simulated role-play problem situations. The acquisition of SODAS from behavioral rehearsal training was evaluated using a concurrent multiple-baseline design across participants’ role plays during the baseline, and post-training SODAS conditions. After demonstrating their ability to successfully guide another adult through the SODAS process when role-playing problem situations relevant to this population, the participants were instructed and provided SODAS forms for applying this method to their own every day lives’ social and non-social problem situations. Social validity follow-up meetings were conducted weekly with each participant, and assessed the extent to which he/she was reporting the use and helpfulness of the SODAS method in addressing everyday life issues. Results indicated that the men were able to implement the process and found it useful in their everyday lives.



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