Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Symposium #68
Behavioral Treatment With Cigarette Smokers; Some Most Recent Clinical Procedure Development and Prevention Strategies
Saturday, May 28, 2005
4:00 PM–5:20 PM
Williford A (3rd floor)
Area: CBM; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Sherman Yen (Asian American Anti-Smoking Foundation)

Tobacco use remains a most devastating health issue world wide. For decades, behavioral analysts have engaged in both basic research and clinical intervention in battling this problem from many different ways. Since tobacco addiction has both physiological and behavioral components, the present proposed panel discussion are aimed (1) to present most recent clinical procedures development by four panel discussants from their different prospective. These include the application of CO test as a smoking behavioral feedback tools, personalized computer monitoring device, and break smoking chain through use of nicotine free cigarettes, green tea therapy among other behavioral tools (2) to encourage audiences in their experiences in helping cigarette smokers detoxification, and (3) to share/discuss future needs In developing behavioral strategies in preventing second hand smoking. This panel discussion will also intend to treat tobacco addiction not only a health issue but as a social issue (individual health rights). By limited each discussant with 10 minutes for his (her) opening remarks of their own work, it will provide the base for sufficient time for ideal exchanges between the panelists and the audience.

Outreach for Asian American Smokers: How CO Test is Used in Conjunction with a Behavior Detoxification Program
ALLISON Y. LORD (Asian American Anti-Smoking Foundation)
Abstract: Although harmful effects of cigarette smoking have been widely known by the general public, however, because of the language barriers etc, Marylander smokers of Asian ethnic groups are not totally aware the facts and were not convince the need to quit. The present paper describes step-by-step how CO tests were administered to the smokers and the procedures of encouraging them to quit. CO tests can be also effectively used in helping second hand Smokers to organizing themselves become the victims. Cases of pre-and-post tests results were reported.
Establishing a Peer Social Reinforcing System for Smokers and Their Non-smoking Spouses: A Hate and Love Relationship
ANDY CHEN (Asian American Anti-Smoking Foundation)
Abstract: This paper describes the procedures of establishing social reinforcing System. The procedure consists of signing a contingency contract and then defining the roles and consequences of each party. Data suggested successful use of procedures increased the overall quitting rates of the smokers. This procedure is extremely useful considering that the target smokers usually were unable to attend tobacco cessation clinics because their working schedule conflicts.
Using Computer Monitoring System, Nicotine Free Cigarettes And Green Tea Therapy To Break The Smoking Chain
SHERMAN YEN (Asian American Anti-Smoking Foundation)
Abstract: This paper describes tobacco cessation program procedures which consist the italicization of three different procedures as mentioned in the title. Multi-elements (treatments) design was used. During the Treatment phase, computer monitoring system, green tea therapy, and nicotine free cigarettes were introduced with the attempt to help smokers break their behavioral smoking chain and cravings.With three subjects who have completed the experimental procedures, preliminary data and interpretation are reported. Strategically on when to introduce a different treatment procedure (independent variable) based on daily recording will be discussed. The discussion focuses on the duration when a smoker was unable to smoke during the treatment and craving rate increases as indicators when different intervention procedures were necessary.



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