Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Symposium #197
CE Offered: BACB
A Celebration of Ogden R. Lindsley: The History of Precision Teaching and the Standard Celeration Chart
Sunday, May 29, 2005
1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Waldorf (3rd floor)
Area: TPC; Domain: Theory
Chair: Michael Fabrizio (Fabrizio/Moors Consulting)
Discussant: Michael Fabrizio (Fabrizio/Moors Consulting)
CE Instructor: Michael Fabrizio, M.A.

This symposium, part of a three-symposia series celebrating Ogden Lindsley, will present an historical analysis of the important life events that shaped Ogdens repertoire and led to the development of one of his most important contributionsthe Standard Celeration Chart (SCC). Starting their analyses with Ogdens early work and moving through major contributions that punctuate Precision Teachings history to date, the authors of the symposiums papers will tell the story of the SCC and the man behind it.

Where Did the Standard Celeration Chart Come From?
JULIE S. VARGAS (B.F. Skinner Foundation)
Abstract: This paper traces some of the factors that led to Ogden Lindsley’s development of the Standard Celeration Chart. Among the influences were his engineering background, his graduate work with B. F. Skinner at Harvard University, and his experiences running the first behavior therapy program with patients at Metropolitan State Hospital.
The Standard Celeration Chart: Its Development and Uses
ABIGAIL B. CALKIN (Calkin Learning Center)
Abstract: From the lessons of Skinner, Lindsley took frequency from the animal laboratory to human behavior, developing the Standard Celeration Chart in the mid-1960s. With the use of a 1-min timing, precision teachers developed frequency aims for fluent performance. In the early 1970s, came the development of celeration, the measurement of the growth of learning.
Past into Future: Lindsley's Enduring Legacy of Standard Celeration
JOHN W. ESHLEMAN (Optimal Instructional Systems)
Abstract: Ogden R. Lindsley may become best remembered for contributing to how we measure and view change in behavior frequency over time. Lindsley named this measure "celeration," and defined it as count per minute per week. On a chart developed by a team headed by Lindsley, we depict celeration as a straight-line slope. The steeper the slope, up or down, the more rapidly frequency changes over time. Celeration lines on the standard celeration chart form a powerful measure of behavior change: you can monitor frequency trends over time, make straight line projections into the future, compare concurrent celerations, and compare consecutive celerations to determine independent variable effects on trend, and to determine improvement and make discoveries about learning. This paper projects various Precision Teaching trends on yearly standard celeration charts, and closes with Lindsley's own predictions, warnings, and hopes about the future from his 1985 ABA Presidential Address, from his 1979 "Rate of Response Futures" address, from his 1997 "Do Times Two Then Go for Four or More" address, and from his final conversation to me in September 2004 about celeration and agility.



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