Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Paper Session #423
Organizational Aspects of Service Delivery for People with Developmental Disabilities
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
9:00 AM–9:50 AM
Stevens 2 (Lower Level)
Area: DDA
Chair: Wendy L. Selnes (Brih Design, LLC)
The Core Team Process: A Multifaceted Approach Towards Team Collaboration, Self-Governance, and Responsiveness
Domain: Service Delivery
WENDY L. SELNES (Brih Design, LLC), Janice L.. Ostrom (Brih Design, LLC)
Abstract: The Core Team process is an interdisciplinary team intervention designed to enhance collaboration among members, often including those receiving services. The process entails a neutral facilitator, a specifically outlined format for discussion, and guidelines of participation. Enhanced collaboration is achieved through open discussion with emphasis on the values of the person receiving services.All members contribute to identifying the support needs and resources aligned with desired outcomes. In consequence to each meeting, members receive a copy of the actions and agreements discussed. Distribution of these actions and agreements often increases the responsiveness and integrity of the participation of team members. An initial investigation of this process as an intervention has been conducted. Results of this work find this process to be an identifiable intervention, creating measurable change in collaboration, and increasing progress towards valued outcomes. The Core Team process and study results will be discussed.
Behavioral Improvements as a Function of the Creation of Age-Appropriate Job Activities
Domain: Service Delivery
BEVIN CAMPBELL (Association for Metroarea Autistic Children), Bobby Newman (Association for Metroarea Autistic Children), Frederica Blausten (Association for Metroarea Autistic Children), Christopher D. Nadelbach (Association for Metroarea Autistic Children)
Abstract: Adult services for individual with developmental disabilities are often under-staffed and under-funded. Programs do not always feature age-appropriate activities. An adult-services enterprises program was conducted, with an increase in age-appropriate behavior being noted, as well as a decrease in aberrant behavior



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