Where Do We Begin? ABA/VB Programming for Children Newly Diagnosed with Autism |
Friday, May 27, 2005 |
6:00 PM–9:00 PM |
Continental A (1st floor) |
Area: VBC; Domain: Applied Research |
CE Instructor: Mary Lynch Barbera, M.S. |
MARY LYNCH BARBERA (Pennsylvania Verbal Behavior Project) |
Description: Children receive the diagnosis of Autism at various ages ranging from under two years to over six years of age. Regardless of the age at diagnosis or the severity of the presenting symptoms, newly diagnosed children need effective, individualized programming started as soon as possible. This workshop will utilize Skinner's Analysis of Verbal Behavior to provide a framework for assessing and programming for a child newly diagnosed with autism or a related disorder. The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (Partington and Sundberg, 1998)will be discussed with an emphasis on the areas of receptive language, vocal and motor imitation, tacts, mands, and intraverbals . Initial programming for children based on ABLLS will then be demonstrated. In addition to providing participants with specific ways to improve positive behaviors such as language, this workshop will also review ABA principles that are used to reduce negative behaviors such as crying and hitting. Through lecture, video examples, and small group activities, the participants will leave with a better understanding of Applied Behavior Analysis utilizing Skinner's Analysis of Verbal Behavior as it relates to beginning programming for children at various points on the autism spectrum. |
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this workshop, the participant will be able to: - Identify three early indicators of autism in young children. - Define and discuss the importance of pairing with reinforcement and mand training for early learners. - Give one example of a receptive skill, a motor imitation skill, a mand, a tact, and an intraverbal. - Name three antecedent and three reactive strategies that may prevent or decrease negative behaviors. |
Activities: Lecture, demonstration and discussion; review of video tapes and small group activities. |
Audience: Professionals who work with children with autism and related disorders including behavior analysts, speech pathologists, psychologists, special education teachers, administrators, and parents. |
Content Area: Practice |
Instruction Level: Basic |