Affiliated Chapters |
Saturday, May 24, 2014 |
8:00 PM–10:30 PM |
W375a-d (McCormick Place Convention Center) |
1. ABA Germany |
CHRISTOPH F. BOERDLEIN (www.verhalten.org), Robert Schramm (Knospe-ABA) |
Abstract: Forthcoming. |
2. ABA Saudi Arabia |
MICHELLE P. KELLY (Dar Al-Hekma College), Mona Al Haddad (Dar Al-Hekma College), Susan Ainsleigh (Bay Path College), Bethany L. Condo (Little Leaves Behavioral Services) |
Abstract: ABA Saudi Arabia is an affiliated ABAI chapter that was formed in January 2013 and officially granted chapter status in May 2013 during the 39th Annual Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This chapter caters for the entire Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The chapter president is Ms. Mona Al-Haddad, BCBA who is currently a lecturer and practicum co-ordinator and supervisor in the Special Education program in Dar Al-Hekma College in Jeddah. The current poster outlines the background of each of the committee members and describes the numerous achievements of ABA Saudi Arabia since its creation. These accomplishments include the provision of workshops and guest lectures , the development of a website, the publication of bi-annual newsletters, and the creation of a taskforce for the translation of seminal English ABA literature into formal Arabic. The poster also outlines the objectives for the upcoming year. |
3. Atlantic Provinces Association for Behaviour Analysis |
PAUL M. MCDONNELL (University of New Brunswick), Holly Seniuk (University of New Brunswick, Fredericton) |
Abstract: In February 2014 the Atlantic Provinces Association for Behaviour Analysis (APABA) was founded. The chapter was formed to bring together behavior analysts and other individuals interested in behaviour anlaysis from across the Atlantic Canada provinces (New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island) to share in research, practice and education. In recent years the Atlantic region has seen a growing interest in behaviour analysis. The mission of our chapter is to find innovative ways to connect individuals interested in behaviour analysis to participate in intellectual exchanges and disseminate the science of behaviour. |
4. Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy (BABAT) |
STEVEN RODRIGUEZ (May Institute), Alan E. Harchik (Harchik and Associates LLC) |
Abstract: Since 1980, the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy has supported and promoted the professional practice of applied behavior analysis in Massachusetts. To accomplish this goal, we: conduct an annual conference of international scholars, researchers, and practitioners; provide continuing education opportunities for behavior analysts; disseminate professional practice advisory policies; alert members to regional and national issues affecting the practice of ABA; encourage student development and scholarship in ABA; recognize the leaders in the field and their enduring contributions; and support legislative advocacy for the professional practice of applied behavior analysis. During the past year BABAT gathered over 1,200 individuals for its annual conference, supported a members social and professional practice CE event, assisted with legislative activities leading to licensure of behavior analysts in Massachusetts, and have assisted the Commonwealth of Massachusetts with forming a professional licensure board for behavior analysts. Join us at the ABAI Expo to learn more about the chapter and its recent activities. |
5. British Columbia Association of Behavior Analysis |
HEIDI ST. PIERRE (Behavior Consultant), Joan Broto (Semiahmoo Behaviour Analysts, Inc.) |
Abstract: This poster will highlight the work the British Columbia Association of Behavior Analysis (BC-ABA) has been doing in the past year as a very active affiliate chapter of ABAI. Data will be presented on current and past membership levels, BC-ABA sponsored and co-sponsored events, annual conference attendance and presentation numbers, as well as new developments in behavior analysis in British Columbia. |
6. California Association for Behavior Analysis |
MICHELE D. WALLACE (California State University, Los Angeles), Daniel B. Shabani (Shabani Institute Center for Behavior Analysis & Language Development), Joyce C. Tu (Center for Behavioral Sciences, Inc.) |
Abstract: The mission of CalABA is to promote the science and theory of behavior analysis through the support of research, education and practice. In order to fulfill this mission, CalABA commits to the following activities: Support a certification process for behavior analysts and assistant behavior analysts; Advocate for behavior analysis services and the profession; Promote quality assurance in behavior analysis; Provide resources and information related to behavior analysis; Advance behavior analysis via professional development activities |
7. Chapter Mexican Society of Behavior Analysis |
ROSALINDA ARROYO (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) |
Abstract: The aim of this poster is to explain the main goals and activities of the Sociedad Mexicana de Análisis de la Conducta (Mexican Society of Behavior Analysis; MSBA). The dissemination of behavior analysis in Mexico and other countries is one of the key objectives of MSBA, founded in 1975, which gave collective identity they acknowledged in the experimental and applied analysis of behavior the scientific method of generation and application of psychological knowledge. With the identity was obtained legitimacy and institutional support to the efforts of creating opportunities for the generation, application, dissemination and discussion of scientific knowledge of behavior. Some of the main activities for reaching this goal include the publication of the Mexican Journal for Behavior Analysis (MJBA), hosting annual conventions (with tracks focused on basic, translational, and applied research), and providing behavior analysis workshops. The effort to meet its objectives of promoting and disseminating the analysis of the conduct and disciplinary and social benefits. Continuity, sometimes uncertain, testimony to the academic vigor of those who have sustained and prestigious to work both within itself and on stage MSBA teaching, research and institutional management. Thus, the MSBA brings together those interested in the behavioral sciences under the following general purposes: A) Disseminating knowledge about the behavior analysis among practitioners of psychology and related disciplines. B) Post the Mexican Journal for Behavior Analysis. C) To organize seminars, conferences and scientific events, that promote communication among scholars in behavior analysis in Mexico. D) To establish links with similar associations in Mexico and abroad. E) To advise institutions, organizations and associations on issues related to behavior analysis. |
8. Connect with Korea ABA at KACBT |
JUNG YEON CHO (Daegu Cyber University) |
Abstract: Founded in 2008, the Korean Association of Child and Adolescent Behavior Therapy (KACBT) is an affiliated chapter covering the republic of Korea. The mission of KACBT is to support the Behavior Analyst Certification Board as the credentialing body for the practitioners of applied behavior analysis in the region and to promote evidence-based behavior practices in Korea.
With approximately 550 current members, the KACBT consists mainly of college members including professors and undergraduate students, but still its membership is widely open for the practitioners, special education teachers and behavior analysts. KACBT organizes training for practitioners and students on assessment and diagnosis of developmental disabilities; evidence-based practices for behavior analysis and intervention; FBA and implementation of the tactics; evaluation of the intervention; presentation of case studies. KACBT holds periodic research seminars and workshops during the spring and fall respectively. The members also gather to present case studies every two years at Green Flower Behavior Therapy, the research and clinical center of KACBT. |
9. Connecticut Association for Behavior Analysis: A Year in Review |
SOLANDY FORTE (Connecticut ABA), Elizabeth C. Nulty (Connecticut ABA), Mark J. Palmieri (Connecticut ABA), Steven Woolf (Connecticut ABA), Kristine L. Marino (Connecticut ABA), Felicia Morgan (Connecticut ABA), James W. Diller (Connecticut ABA) |
Abstract: This poster is represents the Connecticut Association for Behavior Analysis (CTABA) 2013-2014 year in review. The year in review includes information regarding our 10th Annual Conference, including lists of invited speakers and photographs from the conference. In addition, updated information regarding legislation in Connecticut, the 2014 Fall Workshop, supervision workshop, and member meetings. In 2015, CTABA Members will elect a new President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Applied and Experimental Representatives, Member at Large, and Student Representative. Election results will be announced at the 2015 Annual Conference. In addition, the 2015 Conference Committee Chairs will change and be headed by the Past President and the new President Elect. For more information about CTABA, please visit our website, www.ctaba.org. |
10. Delaware Association for Behavior Analysis |
CHRISTINE HOFFNER BARTHOLD (George Mason University) |
Abstract: The Delaware Association for Behavior Analysis is an affiliate of the Association for Behavior Analysis International and the Association for Professional Behavior Analysts. We serve behavior analysts through the state of Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Please stop by and see what we are all about. |
11. European ABA |
ROBERT C. MELLON (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences), Karola Dillenburger (Queens University of Belfast), Borge Stromgren (Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences
), Martti T. Tuomisto (University of Tampere), Neil T. Martin (Antam Ltd.), Erik Arntzen (Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences
) |
Abstract: European ABA is an umbrella organization for national organizations of behavior analysis in Europe. http://www.europeanaba.org/ Our mission is 1. To provide an international forum within Europe for the study and discussion of matters relevant to behavior analysis. 2. To encourage high quality education and professional certification throughout Europe. 3. To organize congresses/conferences in experimental and applied behavior analysis. 4. To establish and maintain relations between behavior analysis organizations inside and outside Europe. 5. To maintain web pages/bulletin boards to facilitate communication. For more information about EABA contact us by email to info@europeanaba.org |
12. Experimental Analysis of Behaviour Group (EABG) - UK and Europe |
J. CARL HUGHES (Bangor University), Michael Beverley (Bangor University), Marguerite L. Hoerger (Bangor University) |
Abstract: The Experimental Analysis of Behaviour Group (EABG) is the UKs leading behaviour analysis organisation. With over 400 members we have organised international meetings for over four decades. In the recent past our meetings have been held in the University College London and continue to provide an exciting forum for the dissemination and discussion of high quality behaviour analytic research from across Europe. The EABG now works in collaboration with the European Association for Behaviour Analysis (EABA) and holds biennial meetings. The next meeting of the EABG will be in held in London Easter, 2011. The 2011 meeting will also be marked by a special edition of the European Journal of Behavior Analysis (EJOBA). The evidence from the EABG meetings suggests that behaviour analysis in Europe is faring well. The European Association for Behaviour Analysis, and its allied Journal the European Journal of Behaviour Analysis, mark exciting endeavours in the continuing development of behaviour analysis across Europe. |
13. Florida Association for Behavior Analysis |
KEVIN MURDOCK (Hillsborough County Public Schools, Florida), Dawn Allison Bailey (Florida State University), Amy S. Polick (Florida State University Panama City), Kevin Jackson (State of Florida), Jon S. Bailey (Florida State University) |
Abstract: Please visit and say hello to representatives of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis (FABA). Learn about our goals, advocacy, outreach, and other activities. FABA celebrates its 34th anniversary in 2014 and will have its big annual multi-track conference in Bonita Springs from September 1720. A great lineup of invited speakers and other presenters will provide CE workshops on Wednesday and Saturday. Thursday and Friday will be filled with top quality symposia, panels, posters, IGNITE, and other presentations. Favorite special events will include Speed Networking, SIG Roundtable Lunches, Poster Bingo, and more. Please drop by our expo booth to learn more about FABA, give us feedback, ask questions, and get on our mailing list. Don't forget to add www.FABAworld.org to your list of favorite websites. |
14. Four Corners ABA |
DIXIE D. EASTRIDGE (Learning Services), Nicole L. Bank (The PartnerShip, LLC), Michele Bishop (
Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD) |
), Leigh Schrimpf (Imagine!), Jeff Kupfer (Jeff Kupfer, PA), Zach Maple (Altitude Behavioral Services), Travis Blevins (Behavior Services of the Rockies) |
Abstract: The Four Corners Association for Behavior Analysis is an independent, non-profit, professional organization affiliated with the Association for Behavior Analysis, an international organization dedicated to promoting the experimental, theoretical, and applied analyses of behavior. Our members reside, teach, conduct research and practice primarily in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah. |
15. Hawai'i Association for Behavior Analysis |
KIMBERLY HENKLE (University of Nevada, Reno) |
Abstract: The Hawaii Association for Behavior Analysis (HABA) is proud to be an affiliated chapter of ABAI since 2003. HABA is a professional organization dedicated to the practice, research, and dissemination of Applied Behavior Analysis. HABA’s mission is to expand behavioral knowledge, support service providers implementing behavioral interventions, and promote board certification in behavior analysis. HABA also sponsors an annual conference, workshops, and various trainings for professional development in behavior analysis. The majority of the membership comprises professionals who are certified by the Behavior Analysis Certification Board or working towards certification. Most of the individuals work for private agencies and use applied behavior analysis to make significant impacts on the lives of individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder or other disabilities. Others are non-BCBAs working within the school system or parents and family members of children with disabilities. HABA focuses on expanding the knowledge of behavior analysis to the larger community of Hawai’i. HABA is dedicated to the science of behavior analysis and committed to promoting research, education and practice based on the principles of behavior analysis. |
16. Heartland Association for Behavior Analysis |
KATHRYN M. PETERSON (University of Nebraska Medical Center), Elizabeth Bullington (Childhood Autism Services, Inc.), Amber R. Paden (Munroe-Meyer Institute, University of Nebraska Medical Center), Daniel R. Mitteer (Munroe-Meyer Institute, University of Nebraska Medical Center), Steven L. Taylor (Glenwood Resource Center), Terri Newton (Childhood Autism Services, Inc.), Bobbi Hightree (Educational Service Unit #1) |
Abstract: The purpose of Heartland ABA (HLABA) is to promote the analytical science of behavior and its associated technologies within the Heartland area (Nebraska, Iowa, and the surrounding area). HLABA's objectives are to serve as a professional reference group for all in the Heartland whose work involves the principles and practices of behavior analysis; promote research that will advance the understanding of human behavior; identify and promote the use of effective treatment procedures in meeting the educational, therapeutic, and habilitative needs of persons in the Heartland within the ethical guidelines set forth by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board; organize and sponsor training events that serve as forums for presentation of technological achievements in behavior analysis; promote the development and expansion of education, training, and employment in the field of behavior analysis; and support efforts of allied organizations in providing behavior analytic services. |
17. Illinois Association for Behavior Analysis |
AUTUMN N MCKEEL (Aurora University) |
Abstract: The Illinois Association for Behavior Analysis (IL-ABA) is an affiliate chapter of Association of Behavior Analysis International (ABAI). The goals of the organization include collaboration among Behavior Analysts in Illinois, fostering relationships between practices and Universities in Illinois, and creating a licensing bill for Behavior Analysts of Illinois. This organization will serve as a connection for Behavior Analysis across the state and what we can do to improve relations within the state. The collaboration between Behavior Analysts across the state will allow mutual sharing and a relevant connection to continue effective strategies based on research. By connecting University professionals, students, and practitioners, it will build foundations for contacts, resource management, research opportunities, and experience for students across the state. The annual IL-ABA convention will allow students, practitioners, and researchers to become heard, voice their concerns, and discuss ethical guidelines in practice. |
18. Iowa Association for Behavior Analysis |
EVELYN JO HORTON (The Homestead), Samantha Cermak (The Homestead), Susan M. S. Smith (Woodward Resource Center), John J. Pokrzywinski (Woodward Resource Center), Sean D. Casey (The Iowa Department of Education), Josh Cobbs (Pier Center for Autism) |
Abstract: The Iowa Association for Behavior Analysis (Iowa ABA) was chartered in June 2008 as a state chapter of ABAI for professional, scientific, and education purposes. Iowa ABA's primary functions include serving as a scientific and professional reference group for all in the State of Iowa who identify themselves as scientists, practitioners, or providers in disciplines that embrace the principles and practices of behavior analysis. Iowa ABA supports the development of professional credentialing for the practice of behavior analysis within the State of Iowa. The chapter also supports and encourages expanding the educational and supervisory resources to aid individuals in meeting current and future credentialing requirements. Iowa ABA also supports the development of ethical and professional standards of practice for behavior analysts within the State of Iowa. Iowa ABA promotes the use of effective and humane behavioral procedures in meeting the educational and habilitative needs of individuals. Iowa ABA provides education and advises political, legislative, and policy-making bodies with respect to all matters pertaining to behavior analysis in the State of Iowa. Iowa ABA promotes and supports the conduct of behavior analytic research within the State of Iowa. Iowa ABA serves as a resource for parents and service providers interested in research based practices in behavior analysis. |
19. Japanese Association for Behavior Analysis |
NAOKO SUGIYAMA (Seisa University), Kenjiro Aoyama (Doshisha University) |
Abstract: This poster describes the history and current status of the Japanese Association for Behavior Analysis. Japanese ABA was established in 1983as the primary membership organization to promote the science of behavior and its application. The number of the membership reached 963 as July 27 in 2013 and provides many services including: to hold annual conventions, to publish official journal twice a year, publish newsletters for times a year, grant a scholarship to 2 students to attend ABAI convention. In addition, we had several special events to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the association in 2013. |
20. Kansas Association for Behavior Analysis |
EDWARD K. MORRIS (The University of Kansas), Linda S. Heitzman-Powell (The University of Kansas Medical Center), Jason M. Hirst (The University of Kansas), Jill M. Koertner (The University of Kansas Medical Center), Todd Allen Merritt (The University of Kansas), Nanette L. Perrin (The University of Kansas) |
Abstract: This poster describes the purpose and purview of the Kansas Association or Behavior Analysis (KansABA). Our mission is to disseminate information about the science and practice of behavior analysis; address issues relevant to its science and practice; maintain disciplinary, professional, and ethical standards; and recruit and enhance interest in behavior analysis throughout the State and in the Kansas City metropolitan area. KansABA is governed by an Executive Council that consists of a president, full member representative, an affiliate representative, and a student representative. The Council is assisted by a secretary and a treasurer. In addition, KansABA has a Legislative Affairs Committee, a Membership Committee, Web Site Committee, and a BACB Certification Committee. KansABAs main activity is its annual conferences. Our conferences are built around themes in research, training, and practice in Kansas to inform Kansans. The theme of research-to-practice (and practice-to-research) informs their orientation and the content of many presentations. The theme of this years conference was autism and intellectual and developmental disabilities. This poster will also describe our newest initiatives. |
21. Kentucky Association for Behavior Analysis |
STEPHEN FOREMAN (Bingham Gardens) |
Abstract: KYABA has continued to grow in membership, organizational structure, and conference attendance. Over the last year, KYABA has put on a series of successful workshops drawing eager crowds from all over the region to our events. These events have offered CEU's and professional networking opportunities to both Board Certified Behavior Analysts, as well as teachers, consultants, and parents who are interested in learning about ABA and service delivery. KYABA continues to grow and serve as the HUB of behavior analysis in the Bluegrass State. |
22. Korean ABA |
YUNHEE SHIN (Daegu University) |
Abstract: The Mission of the Korean ABA is to contribute to successful research and education for individuals with Emotional and Behavioral Disability and Autism through collaboration with members. Many individuals with EBD in South Korea face various challenges to live in their society. This chapter aims to understand their lives and create and implement various strategies for practical support of their lives via collaboration between their community and this chapters members. In order to support people with EBD, all members felt Applied Behavior Analysis and Positive Behavior Support strategies are powerful for practical support. In addition, the Korean ABA has been highly motivated to work cooperatively with ABAI chapters in different regions to advance scientific and practical application of applied behavior analysis in Korean society. |
23. Korean Association of Child and Adolescent Behavior Therapy |
SANGMIN HAN (Korean Association of Child and Adolescent Behavior Therapy) |
Abstract: Founded in 2008, the Korean Association of Child and Adolescent Behavior Therapy(KACBT) is an affiliated chapter covering the Republic Korea. The Mission of KACBT is to support the Behavior Analyst Certification Board as the credentialing body for practitioners of applied behavior analysis in the region and to promote evidence-based behavior practices in Korea. |
24. Lone Star Association for Behavior Analysis |
GERALD E. HARRIS (Texas Young Autism Project) |
Abstract: Lone Star ABA (LSABA) serves the greater Houston area. The purpose of LSABA is to promote behavior analysis and its associated technologies in the Houston area. LSABA meets every other month. These meetings provide an opportunity for professional networking, professional discussions, participation on six committees within LSABA, as well as continuing education. Visit us at the Expo to see what we have to offer! |
25. Louisiana Behavior Analysis Association |
JANICE L. HUBER (LaBAA), Kathleen Fontenot (Behavioral Intervention Group), Grant Gautreaux (Nicholls State University) |
Abstract: The Louisiana Behavior Analysis Association is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis services by professionals sufficiently trained in the discipline of behavior analysis and compliance with relevant ethical standards. |
26. Manitoba Association for Behaviour Analysis |
GENEVIEVE N. ROY-WSIAKI (St. Amant Research Centre, University of Manitoba), Kirsten M. Wirth (St. Amant Research Centre, University of Manitoba), Kerri L. Walters (St. Amant Research Centre, University of Manitoba) |
Abstract: MABA's purpose and mission is to develop and disseminate knowledge about behaviour analysis as a science. MABA's interests lie in basic science focusing on principles governing human and nonhuman behaviour (i.e., the experimental analysis of behaviour) as well as applied science focusing on application of those principles for improvement of socially important problems (i.e., the applied behaviour analysis), and disseminating this information to stimulate interest in, and correct misunderstandings of behaviour analysis. To achieve this MABA is committed to ensuring opportunities to meet certification requirements within our province, providing information to our members and to the public about behaviour analysis, and hosting professional development opportunities including our annual conference. In 2013 MABA published 2 newsletters and hosted its 8th annual conference with Dr. Raymond Miltenberger as our keynote speaker. MABA continues to focus its efforts on licensing Behaviour Analysts in the province of Manitoba, increasing membership, and disseminating information about Behaviour Analysis to members of the Behaviour Analytic community and to the public through workshops and our student poster competition, the development of our website and social media, and the distribution of our bi-annual newsletter. |
27. Massachusetts Association of Applied Behavior Analysis (MassABA) |
STEVEN WOOLF (Beacon ABA Services), John C. Randall (Amego) |
Abstract: MassABA has over 700 members throughout the Commonwealth and is an affiliated chapter of the Association of Behavior Analysis International (ABAI). MassABA is honored to represent the field of applied behavior analysis (ABA). There are currently over 1,200 Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) residing in Massachusetts.
MassABA assists in the support and education of individuals receiving ABA services by working behavior analysts to maintain the highest degree of ethical behavior, implement evidenced based practices, and advocating for the adoption of specific professional standards for the delivery of applied behavioral analysis services by the state of Massachusetts.
To accomplish this goal, the organization’s main focus is to attract membership from an area with an exceptionally high concentration of behavior analysts. MassABA currently provides monthly CE meetings to promote professional development in the behavior analytic community. CE topics will include ethics, best practices in working with individuals with developmental disabilities, behavior analysis in public schools, organizational behavioral management, and other areas of interest as determined by membership. MassABA’s ultimate goal for 2014 is to produce a sustainable professional association for behavior analysts across the Commonwealth. |
28. Mid-American Association for Behavior Analysis |
CARLA H. LAGORIO (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire), Jonathan C. Baker (Southern Illinois University) |
Abstract: A Midwest Association for Behavior Analysis was founded in 1974 and held its inaugural meeting in 1975 in Chicago. That organization quickly outgrew its regional roots and evolved into the Association for Behavior Analysis, now an international organization. Like the original MABA, we are a membership organization designed to promote scholarly exchange in behavior analysis, primarily through our annual convention. The new MABA took shape officially in 2001 and became an affiliate of the Association for Behavior Analysis during the same year. Since that time, our annual conference has been held in the Fall and membership is open to anyone with a scholarly interest in behavior analysis. The conference runs approximately 1.5 days on a single-speaker track, featuring talks that span a wide range of behavior analytic topics. This poster will present information about MABA membership, the annual conference, current officers, and the recent goals and objectives of the organization. |
29. Minnesota Northland Association for Behavior Analysis |
NATALIE DONALDSON (St. Cloud State University), Timothy R. Moore (University of Minnesota) |
Abstract: The Minnesota Northland Association for Behavior Analysis (MNABA) was founded in 2005 to provide: (1) a professional network and resource for behavior analysts in the Northland; (2) a forum for members to collaborate, disseminate recent research, share ideas, and discuss needs; (3) a voice to promote the ethical and effective use of behavior analysis; (4) a resource for those seeking ABA services in the Northland; (5) the organization of an annual regional ABA conference; and (6) a provider of continuing education for professionals in the Northland. MNABA is active in policy, practice, and community conversations throughout our region, has developed a Standards of Practice document, and provides several CEU opportunities throughout the year for its members - including an annual conference in late September and a student-focused Data Blitz in late Winter. Find us at www.mnaba.org and on Facebook! |
30. Montana Association for Behavior Analysis |
CHERYL A. YOUNG-PELTON (Montana State University in Billings) |
Abstract: The mission of Montana ABA is to support students and professionals in the field of behavior analysis through education, research, and practice. Join us at the ABAI Expo to learn more about the chapter and its recent activities. |
31. Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis |
Complete Behavior Health, LLC |
), Lauren Diane Brown (Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis), Brian James Feeney (Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis), Janie Gunther (Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis) |
Abstract: The Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis is an affiliate chapter of ABAI. Our continued mission is to promote intellectual exchange and professional development in the field of behavior analysis in all its facets to include: philosophical, theoretical, experimental, applied, and practice. Through participation in the Expo, the Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis will promote awareness of this affiliate chapter and the resources currently available to members through our interactive website. Additions to our website include a news blog, a discussion forum, new practitioner reports from experts in our area, and articles and updates regarding licensure, insurance billing, and other relevant topics and issues in behavior analysis. NABA will also provide information about its annual, single-track conference held in the Fall in Reno, Nevada. |
32. New Hampshire ABA (NHABA) |
THEA H. DAVIS (Autism Bridges), Cathy Booth (New Jersey ABA), Jennifer Odierna (Autism Bridges), Rachel Alling (Autism Bridges) |
Abstract: New Hampshire ABA (NHABA) was founded in 2013 to promote the development and awareness of behavioral services within the state of New Hampshire by: supporting the development of state standards for the practice of behavior analysis, promoting and supporting behavior analytic research within the state, promoting research, education, and practice-based principles of behavior analysis, promoting and supporting professional development of behavior analysts within the state, and raising awareness of the association and it services. As a new chapter of the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), NHABA has already begun to work on specific tasks to help us achieve our mission as described in this poster. |
33. New York State Association for Behavior Analysis |
Deborah A. Napolitano (University of Rochester), HEATHER WALKER (Pacific Child and Family Associates) |
Abstract: The New York State Association for Behavior Analysis (NYSABA) is the official representative for behavior analysis across New York. NYSABA is the state affiliate of the Association for Behavior Analysis International and the Association for Professional Behavior Analysts. NYSABA represents families, practitioners, and scholars committed to research and practice of behavior analysis. We sponsor local events and run an annual conference. NYSABA currently has over 400 members and keeps them in touch with events that affect those of us here in New York State. NYSABA supports quality education for human services in New York State through the applications of ethical, humane, and effective principles of behavior analysis. NYSABA is committed to continuing its leadership in New York on behalf of our constituents -- researchers, practitioners, and the consumers of behavior analytic services. |
34. New Zealand Association for Behavior Analysis |
DENYS BRAND (The University of Auckland) |
Abstract: The New Zealand Association for Behavior Analysis (NZABA) is an affiliated chapter of ABAI. NZABA holds an annual conference in which several research topics covering both the experimental and applied fields are presented. In addition to the conference NZABA holds educational events that contribute to BACB certification and provide advice to government agencies in relation to best practices for the treatment of autism. NZABA members are represented by a number of universities, training programmes and organisation from across New Zealand and Australia. Research topics in the experimental analysis of behavior include local choice analyses, behavioral momentum, conditional reinforcement, behavioral economics, stimulus equivalence and lag schedules. Some applied research topics include measurement methods, sequential analysis, dementia care and verbal behavior. Research is conducted across a wide range of human (children and adults with intellectual disabilities, people with dementia, care-givers) and non-human populations (dogs, rats, pigeons, possums). This poster will outline the activities of NZABA and some of the universities across New Zealand |
35. North Carolina Association for Behavior Analysis |
Kristie M. Thompson (OptumHealth Behavioral Services), Jim Phillips (Carolina Center for ABA), Vicki Harper (J. Iverson Riddle Developmental Center), Nancy Poteet (J. Iverson Riddle Developmental Center), Beth Schmitt (Murdoch Developmental Center), Amy Inman (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), R. M. SCHELL (J. Iverson Riddle Developmental Center), Chris Wensil (Mariposa School) |
Abstract: North Carolina Association for Behavior Analysis (NCABA) celebrated its 25th anniversary conference February 19-21, 2014, in Winston-Salem. Our president, Kristie Thompson, coordinated an outstanding array of speakers for our conference including Charlie Catania, Carol Pilgrim, Denny Reid, Marsha Parsons, Jeannie Golden, Jim Bodfish, Cynthia Anderson, Susan Wilczynski and others. The NCABA conference featured fifteen presentations, a poster session and six workshops offered for both behavior analyst and psychologist continuing education credits. Attendees received over 1000 behavior analyst CEs for BCBAs and BCaBAs in NC and surrounding states. Visit our great NCABA website (www.nc-aba.com) for news about next year's 26th anniversary conference in February, 2015, and to view our NCABA newsletters and history of awards. Don't forget to "Catch someone doing good!" |
36. Norwegian ABA |
TERJE GUNDHUS (Norwegian Association for Behavior Analysis), Jon A. Lokke (University College of Ostfold), Erik Arntzen (Oslo and Akershus University College) |
Abstract: Norwegian ABA is a registered non-profit organization. Membership is open to anyone interested in behavior analysis and its application. At present it has 900 members, and its steadily growing. The organization is run by a Board of nine members with full executive powers, chaired by a president. There are several regional affiliated chapters. The Board is elected at the annual General Assembly. The Norwegian Association is an affiliated chapter of ABA international. |
37. Ohio Association for Behavior Analysis |
MORTEN HAUGLAND (Haugland Learning Center), Katelyn M. Fishley (Ohio Dominican University), Maria K. Baerkircher (The Ohio State University), Tracy D. Guiou (B.E.C.A.), Marla Root (Step By Step Academy, Inc.), Jennifer Sweeney (Solutions Behavioral Consulting), Bryan Droesch (Haugland Learning Center), Quinn Catherine Montgomery (The Ohio State University) |
Abstract: Founded in 2008, The Ohio Association for Behavior Analysis (OHABA) is an affiliated chapter of Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI). The Ohio Association for Behavior Analysis is a professional organization dedicated to supporting the growth and dissemination of applied behavior analysis in the public and private sectors. OHABA is an organization for people interested in behavior analysis and is primarily an interest group. |
38. Ontario Association for Behaviour Analysis |
ALBERT MALKIN (ErinoakKids), Jennifer Alice Cunningham (Durham Behaviour Management Services), David Phillips (George Brown College), Nicole Luke (Surrey Place Centre), Kerry-Anne Robinson (Kinark Child and Family Services) |
Abstract: The Ontario Association for Behaviour Analysis (ONTABA) is a professional organization (ABAI chapter affiliate) with the goals of promoting and supporting an interest in behaviour analysis through demonstration of leadership, knowledge, training, and research for the ethical and effective application of behaviour analysis in Ontario. ONTABA was founded in 1992 and has over 300 members from many fields, including psychology, education, developmental services, and corrections, acquired brain injury, and health care. Albert Malkin(President), Nicole Luke (Member at Large), Kerry-Anne Robinson (Member at Large), David Phillips(Treasurer), and Jennifer Cunningham
(Secretary) |
39. Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis |
JENNY FISCHER (Cascade Behavioral Intervention), Maria Lynn Kessler (Oregon Institute of Technology), Jennifer L. Knipling (Oregon Association of Behavior Analysis), Robbin Sobotka-Soles (Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis), Analise A. Herrera-Minteer (St. Cloud State University) |
Abstract: The Oregon Association for Behavior Analysis (ORABA) is a member organization for professionals, parents, caregivers, educators, researchers and others who are interested in promoting the field of behavior analysis within Oregon. ORABA is an approved chapter of the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), an affiliate of the Association for Professional Behavior Analysts (APBA) and an approved CEU provider by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB). |
40. Polish Society for Behavioral Psychology |
MONIKA M. SUCHOWIERSKA (University of Social Sciences and Humanities) |
Abstract: The poster presents the mission, structure, and history of the Polish Society for Behavioral Psychology (PTPB). Selected events and accomplishments in the years 2002-2014 are listed. The poster also includes a list of major events related to behavior analysis in Poland. The first specialization in ABA (in Poland) is described as well as a joint program of studies (with California State University Stanislaus and Bangor University) focusing on behavior analysis. Lastly, future plans are listed. |
41. Québec Association for Behaviour Analysis |
MARC J. LANOVAZ (Universite de Montreal), Sylvie Donais (Clinique ABA (Montreal)), Myra-Jade Lui (ASD Montreal), Kirsty Robertson (ASD Montreal), Sylvie Bernard (Clinic ABA), Gisela Regli (QcABA Canada), Thiago Lopes (Universite du Quebec a Montreal) |
Abstract: The Québec Association for Behaviour Analysis (QcABA) is a non-profit organisation founded in 2010 to promote the science of behaviour analysis in our province and its ethical and effective application to socially important behaviour. Currently, our main goals are to (a) disseminate accurate and updated information on the practice and science of behaviour analysis in both French and English, and (b) advocate for the recognition of appropriate credentials for the practice of behaviour analysis in Québec. To this end, QcABA maintains a website, publishes a newsletter, organises an annual conference, participates in events to promote the effective treatment of autism, and offers continuing education opportunities for practitioners in the field. The poster will provide information about our association such as its structure, board of directors, committees, membership, strategic plan, and ongoing activities. Members of the board of directors will be present to respond to questions about the association as well as to develop partnerships and collaborations with other organisations that share our vision. |
42. Rhode Island Association for Behavior Analysis |
ANDREA CHAIT (Trudeau Center), Jane I. Carlson (The Groden Center) |
Abstract: Rhode Island ABA (RI-ABA) is an organization for people interested in behavior analysis. RI-ABA works to promote behavior analysis by: promoting and providing training opportunities in behavior analysis; providing a forum for the discussion of research and conceptual issues in behavior analysis; maintaining a website containing information about the organization and about behavior analysis in Rhode Island and elsewhere; functioning as the Rhode Island contact for and affiliate of the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI); and promoting cooperation between behavior analytic organizations in other countries, regions, states, and localities. |
43. Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis |
KAREN G. ANDERSON (West Virginia University), Claire C. St. Peter (West Virginia University), Wendy Donlin Washington (University of North Carolina Wilmington), Christy A. Alligood (Disney's Animal Kingdom) |
Abstract: The Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis (SEABA) is a regional affiliate of the Association for Behavior Analysis (ABAI). Like its parent organization, SEABA seeks to promote scholarly discourse within and about Behavior Analysis. SEABA membership and convention registration are open to anyone with a scholarly interest in Behavior Analysis. Current members include both academic and professional people; psychologists and persons in related disciplines such as education, psychopharmacology, and social work. |
44. Swedish Association for Behavior Analysis |
ULRIKA LANGH (Stockholm Autism Center and Karolinska Institutet), Ned Carter (SALAR, Stockholm, Sweden) |
Abstract: The Swedish Association for Behavior Analysis (SWABA) was founded in 1996. SWABA is devoted to supporting behavior analysts in Sweden and to promoting the internationalization of behavior analysis. The organization currently has approximately 150 members. The interest for behavior analysis in Sweden has grown over recent years, with increasing demands for applied behavior analysis from among parent and support groups for autism and developmental disorders. The interest among professionals is also growing, mainly among psychologists, special educational teachers, and speech therapists. SWABA arranges seminars twice a year and will host the European Association of Behavior Analysis conference in Stockholm in September 10-13, 2014. |
45. Taiwan Association for Behavior Analysis |
SHU-HWEI KE (Seek Education, Inc., and Taiwan Association for Behavior Analysis), Yiing Feng Huang (Taiwan Association for Behavior Analysis), Sharon Chien Chien (Seek Education, Inc.), Shu-Fen Kuo (Seek Education, Inc.) |
Abstract: Taiwan Association for Behavior Analysis (TABA) was affiliated in 2005 as a national chapter of ABAI. One of our missions is to spread the knowledge of behavior analysis to professionals and parents. In order to dissiminate the practical use of ABA principles in the education and treatment of people with special needs, TABA has been worked closely with the Taiwan government to provide ABA training workshop every year. TABA's accomplishments in the past year are illustrated. These include the 2013 TABA Annual Conference with special topics on intraverbal training, preference assessment, and natural environment teaching, and a series of ABA workshops for parents, teachers, and professionals. TABA also opened the second BCaBA course sequence. Additionally, as TABA develops and matures, demands from both parents and practitioners are increasing on how to systematically apply ABA techniques to teach, how to asses, and what to teach. We are delighted that the Child Welfare Bureau, Ministry of the Interior, acknowledges the needs for training for low income families and provides funding for the training. The goal of this intermediate ABA training workshop is to provide parents with basic knowledge in ABA principles and prepare them to work more effectively for the long term wellbeing of their children. TABA's cooperation with universities and non-profit organizations to promote behavior analysis will be discussed as well. |
46. Texas Association for Behavior Analysis |
JENNIFER N. FRITZ (Texas Association for Behavior Analysis) |
Abstract: The mission of the Texas Association for Behavior Analysis is to advance the science and application of behavior analysis to improve the world in which we live. To that end, TxABA strives to disseminate knowledge from the science of behavior analysis to the public and to professional behavior analysts working in Texas and its neighboring states (Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico). Our poster will present information related to annual membership levels, conference participation, TxABA Special Interest Groups, our elected governing council, and contact information. |
47. Utah Association for Behavior Analysis |
THOMAS S. HIGBEE (Utah State University), Shawnee D. Collins (Chrysalis), Blake Hansen (Brigham Young University) |
Abstract: The Utah Association for Behavior Analysis (UtABA), founded in 2010, seeks to encourage scientific activity, professional training/development, and intellectual activity related to behavior analysis in the state of Utah. UtABA holds its annual meeting/conference in June. UtABA is a BACB-approved Type II ACE provider. Current UtABA officers are Thomas S. Higbee (President), (Secretary/Treasurer), Shawnee Collins and Blake Hansen (Members at Large), and Matthew Brodhead and S. Shanun Kunnavatana (Student Representatives). |
48. Virginia Association for Behavior Analysis |
KATHERINE C. LEWIS MASINCUP (Commonwealth Autism Services), Christine Evanko (Snowflakes ABA), Kristin Helgerson (Applied Behavior Consulting, LLC), Charles Brent Martin (Commonwealth Autism Services) |
Abstract: Information will be provided that describes the Virginia Association for Behavior Analysis (VABA). In particular, we are interested in expanding our membership and further developing our annual meeting to better meet the Behavior Analysts in Virginia. Information regarding the annual conference, topics covered, and contact persons will be provided. |
49. Washington Association For Behavior Analysis - Formally - Northwestern Association for Behavior Analyis |
Stacey Shook (Washington Association for Behavior Analysis), Christopher Jones (Maxim Healthcare), RICK SHAW (Behavior Issues) |
Abstract: The Washington Association for Behavior Analysis, formally - Northwestern Association for Behavior Analysis was founded in 1989 to promote the ethical, humane and effective application of behavior principles in all segments of society, including education, rehabilitation, developmental disabilities, business, and government. WABAs primary goals are to promote the profession of Behavior Analysis in the community and provide the best continuing education opportunities to members. The Washington Association for Behavior Analysis (WABA), serves as a scientific and professional reference group that embraces the principles and practices of behavior analysis. Our goal is to promote research that will advance the understanding of behavior and to identify and promote the use of effective and humane behavioral procedures that meet the educational and habilitative needs of individuals. In addition, WABA strives to serve as a resource for political, legislative, and policy-making bodies in the Pacific Northwest in ways that support the scientific and professional interests of behavior analysis. WABA is a membership organization that provides an annual convention as a forum for presentation of scientific and technological achievements. The association is an affiliate chapter of the Association for Behavior Analysis. |
50. WisABA: Wisconsin Association for Behavior Analysis |
ROGER FRANK BASS (Bass Behavioral Consulting), Ellie C. Hartman (University of Wisconsin-Stout) |
Abstract: : The Wisconsin Association for Behavior Analysis is an affiliated chapter of ABAI and advocates for behavior analysis and behavior analysts in Wisconsin and the Midwest. We hold annual conventions, provide opportunities for earning CEs, lobby on behalf of behavior analysts, hold regional mini-conferences, and culture a better environment for behavior analysis everywhere. Visit our Expo table and learn how your state’s ABAI affiliate works for you. Consider joining in those efforts to bring quality behavior analysis services to our state, to explain the many facets of your field to those who can benefit from them, and how you could help build the future of behavior analysis. WisABA has accomplished much with much more to do and there is undoubtedly a place for your talents. We have initiatives waiting to launch and you no doubt have ideas for how to advance your area’s interests. Become a member of the oldest and largest representative of your field in Wisconsin. We send you our greetings. |
51. Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan |
JAMES T. TODD (Eastern Michigan University), Chelsea Dore (Eastern Michigan University), Aimee Moore (Eastern Michigan University), Caitlyn Sorensen (Eastern Michigan University) |
Abstract: Abstract: The Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan (BAAM) has been organized to support and promote scientific research on the basic principles of behavior and the extension of those principles to create demonstrably effective and humane outcome-based therapies with the primary goal of establishing and enhancing functional independent living skills.BAAM conducts an annual convention supporting all aspects of behavior analysis in Michigan and the surrounding region. BAAM's growing website offers a variety of resources for behavior analysts and all those interested in behavior analysis. |
52. Behaviour Analysis in Ireland |
JULIAN C. LESLIE (University of Ulster), Jennifer Holloway (National University of Ireland, Galway), Maeve Bracken (Trinity College Dublin) |
Abstract: The "Behaviour Analysis in Ireland" group was set up in 1977, and teaching and research in EAB and ABA continues to flourish in both parts of Ireland. In the early 21st century a decision was made to turn the group into the Division of Behaviour Analysis (DBA), Psychological Society of Ireland, to improve professional recognition. The DBA holds very successful annual meetings covering both ABA and EAB with distinguished guest speakers and workshops. The next one is in Athlone in April 2014. This poster presents the history and current work of the DBA. |
53. IABA - The Israeli ABA Chapter |
EITAN ELDAR (Kibbutzim College), Michal Hirschmann (Kibbutzim College) |
Abstract: The Israeli Association for Behavior Analysis (IABA) was established in 2003. IABA held its 11th annual conference on January 2013 and has been preparing the 12th conference for January 2014. IABA has about 120 active members who support ABA in various academic and clinical fields. There are a few hundred professionals taking part in IABA's programs and activities, and over 100 students who are enrolled yearly across two different certification programs. IABA is offering opportunities for CE credits to certified behavior analysts who participate and present in conferences held in Israel. IABA is maintaining the association's website (http://www.iabaonline.com) and a yearly newsletter in Hebrew sharing Applied Behavior Analysis projects and theoretical papers. Recent issue is devoted to Verbal Behavior. IABA, together with the Israeli Association for Certified Behavior Analysts translated to Hebrew the Code of Ethics, Glossary of ABA terms and the BACB task list.
IABA goals are to:
• Promote ABA as a leading science in human behavior.
• Achieve recognition of ABA as a distinct and unique profession by the Ministries of Health and Education.
• Establish an ABA peer-reviewed journal in Hebrew.
• Establish approved ABA undergraduate and graduate programs universities and colleges.
• Promote experimental and applied behavior analysis research in Israel.
• Strengthen the ties with the Behavior Analyst Certification Board and ABA international, and encourage more Israelis to participate as ABA members. |
54. ABA International China Chapter |
CHEUNG MIAO MIAO (Chinese ABA), Yanqing Guo (Institute of Mental Health, Beijing University), Youjia Hua (The University of Iowa), Jing Zhu (IDEA Specialist Services) |
Abstract: The China Association for Behavior Analysis (CABA) is an affiliated chapter of the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI). The mission of CABA is to promote and disseminate the science of behavior analysis in the Peoples Republic of China. We aim to achieve this goal by providing training, education, and research for effective application of behavior analysis in the Peoples Republic of China. The purpose of the poster is to first present highlights of our 2013 annual convention in Beijing, China. Our poster will also present information regarding the first Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) approved university courses sequence in China. CABA and the University of Iowa developed a 12-credit, 4-course sequence designed to prepare students who speak Chinese to sit for the BCaBA certification examination sponsored by the BACB. The coursework will be offered to parents and professionals in China through a combination of distance learning and face-to-face seminars. We will discuss future direction of our work in China. |
55. Association for Behavior Analysis India |
SMITA AWASTHI (Association for Behavior Analysis of India), Sridhar Aravamudhan (Behavior Momentum India), Geetika Kapoor (Association For Behavior Analysis India), Razia Shahzad Ali (ABA India) |
Abstract: ABA India a Not for Profit, Non Government Organization has been working towards advocating Applied Behavior Analysis in India since 2006. This has led to a gradual increase in professionals seeking to study Behavior Analysis. India today has 10 BCBA's, 3 BCaBA's and another 30 + studying towards certification. ABA India Chapter faces tremendous Challenges in its pursuit of advocating Behavior Analysis and service delivery mechanisms. not only for the Autism community but also the development of behavior principles in other areas of social development. The present scenario includes all Behavior Analysts in India working only in the field of Autism making the community narrow in its focus. Inspite of Government apathy and red-tapism ABA India has conducted 3 well attended ABA Conferences to explain the science, build awareness and initiate dialogue to an audience yet unexposed. |
56. Arizona Association for Behavior Analysis |
ABIGAIL M. TWYMAN (BASIC in Arizona), Diana M. Davis (HOPE Group), Laura Sabin (The BISTA Center), Bryan J. Davey (Independent Practice), Donald M. Stenhoff (The BISTA Center), Erica Babino (Positive ABA), Sarah Gentry (Gentry Pediatric Behavioral Services) |
Abstract: Arizona Association for Behavior Analysis (AZ ABA) was founded to promote the science of behavior and its associated technologies within Arizona. AZ ABA shall serve as a scientific and professional reference group for all in Arizona who identify themselves as scientists or practitioners in disciplines that embrace the principles and practices of behavior analysis. The association will promote research that will advance the understanding of both human and animal behavior and identify and promote the use of effective and humane behavioral procedures in meeting the educational, (re)habilitation, and behavioral health needs of persons within Arizona. AZ ABA shall also advise political, legislative, and policy-making bodies with respect to all matters pertaining to behavior analysis within Arizona. |
57. Alabama Association for Behavior Analysis |
Todd L. McKerchar (Jacksonville State University), PAIGE M. MCKERCHAR (Jacksonville State University), Sacha T. Pence (Auburn University) |
Abstract: The Alabama Association for Behavior Analysis (ALABA) serves as a scientific and professional reference group that embraces the principles and practices of behavior analysis. ALABA's primary goals are to promote the profession of behavior analysis in the community, to disseminate information responsibly to our communities about best practices in the field of behavior analysis, and to provide the best continuing education opportunities to members. We will present on our annual accomplishments and events. In addition, we will announce our keynote speakers for our upcoming annual convention to be held in Birmingham, AL. Our membership draws from neighboring states, and we encourage anyone living in or moving to Alabama or a surrounding state to visit our poster to learn more about ALABA and how to become involved. |
Keyword(s): expo poster |