Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


Seventh International Conference; Merida, Mexico; 2013

Event Details

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Poster Session #47
CBM Posters
Monday, October 7, 2013
7:00 PM–9:00 PM
Gran Salon Yucatan (Fiesta Americana)
97. Binge Eating Behavior and Quality of Life in Obese Adults
Area: CBM; Domain: Service Delivery
KARINA FRANCO (Centro Universitario del Sur), Iván Alejandro Muñiz González (Centro Universitario del Sur), Felipe Diaz (Universidad de Guadalajara)

The purpose of this research was to analyze binge eating behavior and the quality of life in obese adults. There were 94 participants (24 adult male and 70 adult women) who were recruited in a health center, with an average age of 39.05 years (SD = 8.98) and with an average body mass index of 35.2 (SD = 4.7). The participants were asked to answer the Questionnaire of Eating and Weight Patterns and the World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire. The results showed that 29% of the sample reported binge eating behavior (30% women and 29.2% men). The level of quality of life for total sample was moderate, people with binge eating presented significantly low scores in physical and psychological domains of quality of life in comparison with people without binge eating behavior. Quality of life domains were strongly negatively correlated with measure of binge eating in the group with binge eating behavior, highlighting the association with the physical and psychological domains and the total score. In conclusion, quality of life was significantly impaired among obese people with binge eating, compared with obese people without binge eating.

98. The Role of Clinical Behavior Analysis in a Multidisciplinary Outpatient Pediatric Pain Management Program
Area: CBM; Domain: Service Delivery
SARAH N VERLEE (Pediatric Psychologist), Timothy P Smith (Nationwide Children's Hospital), Todd Degenhart (Nationwide Children's Hospital), Steve Drugan (Nationwide Children's Hospital), Kathleen Lemanek (Nationwide Children's Hospital)
Abstract: Chronic pain affects approximately 3% of adolescents 11-18 years of age. Chronic pain in youth often results in social, psychological, and developmental disruptions such as missed social activities, missed school, and mood concerns. Teaching pain management strategies is now a standard part of the specialty care of children with chronic or recurrent pain conditions. Nationwide Children’s Hospital offers a unique multidisciplinary outpatient pain program for children, adolescents, and young adults with chronic pain and/or fatigue. The program includes medical management, physical therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, and behavioral therapy, including CBT, ACT, and relaxation training using biofeedback technology. During a multidisciplinary intake assessment focused on developing an individualized treatment plan, participants complete the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL), which measures behavioral functioning across physical, social, emotional, and academic domains. The PedsQL is administered on a monthly basis to track ongoing progress during bi-weekly or monthly treatment sessions. Psychological interventions employed in the clinic will be described in further detail. Two single-case studies demonstrating long-term treatment outcome data will also be presented.
99. Does Feedback of Energy Exertion Affect Post-Concussion Symptoms?
Area: CBM; Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
WILLIAM J. WARZAK (University of Nebraska Medical Center), Silvina Salvi (University of Nebraska Medical Center), Sela Ann Sanberg (University of Nebraska Medical Center; California), Louis Morales Knight (Boys Town), Brigid Vilardo (University of Nebraska Medical Center)
Abstract: Concussion occurs when an individual experiences a traumatically-induced alteration of mental status that may or may not involve a loss of consciousness and/or period of amnesia. A blow to the head by almost any means may be sufficient to cause a concussion. Post-concussion management has increasingly focused on variables that affect recovery and, in particular, on obstacles that impede recovery of neurocognitive function. Among the most significant obstacles to recovery is exertion. Recent research supports the view that subjective symptoms and objective neurocognitive performance are negatively affected by post-concussion activity levels. Limiting post-concussion exertion is universally accepted as imperative to recovery, however, the evidence in support of this recommendation is largely anecdotal. We present case studies that empirically illustrate the relationship between 1) direct repeated measurement of physical activity and daily assessment of post-concussion symptoms; and further, 2) identify relationships between activity level, symptom expression, and objective measures of performance known to be affected by concussion (i.e., repeated performance measures obtained via ImPACT, a web based instrument sensitive to post-concussive deficits); and 3) investigate the effects of exertion feedback on subjects subsequent exertion and symptom expression across a number of subjects.
100. Depression and Suicidal Ideation in College Students of Different Careers in Mexico
Area: CBM; Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
NORMA COFFIN (National Autonomous University of Mexico), Constanza Miralrio Medina (National Autonomous University of Mexico), Monica Alvarez Zuñiga (National Autonomous University of Mexico), Lourdes Jimenez Renteria (National Autonomous University of Mexico), Clara Bejar Nava (National Autonomous University of Mexico), Francisca Bejar Nava (National Autonomous University of Mexico)

In this campus (UNAM), there are six careers related to biological and health sciences. There has been an increase in the rate of consultations at the Psychology Clinic service, required by students. Depression in college students might become a relevant problem, due the hopelessness of an adequate academic performance, coupled to the psychological and emotional malaise. On the other side, according with Beck, Rush and Shaw (1979), the etiology implied into a suicide attempt is a continuum, in which special attentiveness must be focused on desire and plans to commit it (suicide ideas). Thus, the major goal for this study was to know the current prevalence of depression symptoms and suicidal ideation in students of this campus (4th and 8th semester grades), as well as the correlation between variables and other characteristics (N= 251). BDI and IOS were administered to volunteers. Statistical analysis showed a negative moderate correlation between variables (r=-.404; p<.01); mostly, normal and mild levels are present in depression, and moderate and high levels in sucidal ideation, ponting quite differences among careers.

101. The Microcontingential Analysis as Analytical System of the Healthy Behavior
Area: CBM; Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
DIANA MORENO RODRÍGUEZ (FES Iztacala UNAM), Susana Robles Montijo (FES Iztacala UNAM), Erika Cadena Ortiz (FES Iztacala UNAM), Betariz Frías Arroyo (FES Iztacala UNAM), Martha Rodríguez Cervantes (FES Iztacala UNAM), Rodolfo Barroso Villegas (FES Iztacala UNAM)

Today the health problems related to sexual behavior of young people has captured the attention of various specialists, given the significant increase in unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV / AIDS. The health psychologists have responded by promoting healthy behaviors among youth and generating research that explains the behavior of risk. Researchers in the health field have proposed various models (Health Belief Model, Reasoned Action, etc), which allow to know the psychological variables associated with risk behavior. The Psychological Health Model Biological proposed by Ribes (1990) and Contingential Analysis (Diaz Gonzalez 2002, Rodriguez, 2002) as analytical system, both development on a interbehavioral support, allow us to study the competences of an individual against a risk situation, specifically environmental and individual factors that facilitate or interfere with the occurrence of risk and preventive behaviors. The main purpose of this work was to assess the relationship between dispositional factors of the individual and the environment (place, socially expected behavior, social circumstances, propensities and inclinations), mediational behavior and beliefs as elements of macrocontingential analysis, with the consistency and inconsistent condom use as an indicator of preventive behavior. 939 sexually active college students participated. We assessed variables related to dispositional factors, mediation and beliefs. Also the participants were classified as consistent and inconsistent in the condom use. The results showed differences in the role played by each of the elements of the microntingential analysis and mediation for condom use in consistent and inconsistent participants. The concept of competence allows us to study these factors as interactions, that is, as factors that interfere or facilitate the occurrence of healthy behaviors.

102. Intervention to Increase Verbal Operants and Decrease Problem Behavior in a Person Diagnosed with Aphasia
Area: CBM; Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
ALICIA ROCA (National University of Mexico)
Abstract: Based on a behavioral conceptualization of Aphasias, a multi-component intervention was conducted with a 62-year old man diagnosed with Broca’s Aphasia to increase the frequency of occurrence of verbal operants and to decrease the frequency of occurrence of crying episodes. Using a multiple baseline across behaviors design, echoics, intraverbals, mands and tacts were trained by delivering either praise or tangible objects after each occurrence of the selected verbal operants. Training of the verbal operants included prompting, fading and differential reinforcement procedures. The frequency of occurrence of the four verbal operants increased after the treatment was implemented (see Figure 1). Functional communication training (FCT) was used to decrease the frequency of occurrence of crying behavior, which is frequently observed in aphasic persons. A functional analysis showed that crying was maintained by access to social reinforcers. Alternative behaviors (mands) were trained and crying was placed on extinction. The FCT procedure was successful to decrease substantially the number of crying episodes.
103. The Behavior of Therapist and User and Their Connection with the Drug Abuse Recovery
Area: CBM; Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
JUDITH ELISA FERRER ALARCÓN (National Autonomous University of Mexico), Silvia Morales Chaine (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
Abstract: In Mexico there is a significant proportion of drug users who do not finished the intervention plan and they lost the expected benefits. The features of therapist and user relate with therapeutic adherence and success of treatment. The aim of current study was to relate the behavior of therapist and users with drug abuse recovery. We worked with 15 therapist, 8 male and 7 female, aged 25 to 33 years old, and 15 drug user‘s, 12 male and 3 female, aged 17 to 58 years old, at the public institution for the prevention use and drug abuse. The participants were observed in session using a partial interval data sheet divided on a 5” during 20 minutes. We used a behavior observation system of interactional therapist-user; that includes 22 categories, 9 responses for therapist and user, 10 responses only for therapist and 3 only for user. We obtained a 82% reliability between observers. The results showed that the categories open-ended questions therapist’s and other response user´s correlated with the drug abuse recovery (r2=. 81, p=0.05 for therapist; r2= -.94, p= 0.05 for users). The results were discussed about behaviors and their connection with drug abuse recovery, empirical evidence and contribution to therapeutic adherence.
104. Risk Factors Associated To Gambling Behavior
Area: CBM; Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
ALEJANDRA LOPEZ MONTOYA (National Autonomous University of Mexico), Silvia Morales Chainé (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
Abstract: Gambling has become a relevant social problem that affects people who suffer it. It has a 1% to 3.4% prevalence worldwide (Bisso-Andrade, 2007), in our country, the Mexican Federation of Gamblers at Risk reports a 5% prevalence in Monterrey, Nuevo León. A study found that 48.8% of people have participated in gambling, of these 66.8% were classified as pathological gamblers. Gamblers’ behavior is based on their reinforcement history and lack of selfcontrol, which has personal, economic, labor, familiar, social and even legal consequences. The aim of this study was to identify the risk factor associated to gambling behaviors. Participants were 41 users that attended to help service, who were administered with a screening for gambling, questionnaire for detection and diagnosis of pathological gambling, situational confidence questionnaire, marital satisfaction, general satisfaction scale and the gambling situation inventory. Through causal correlations, it was found that 60.08% have associated problems; there were low levels of overall satisfaction with life (7.05%) and marital satisfaction (6.16). The main predictors of gambling were related with the selfcontrol test (rS = 0.40, p <0.000), social pressure (rS = 0.29, p <0.001), nice moments with others (rS = 0.20, p <0.026 ) and physical need (rS = 0.40, p <0.000). It can be concluded that knowing these factors will help to provide adequate care to pathological gambling users by working in the situations associated.
105. Child Behavior Problems Like Alcohol Predecessors in Adolescents
Area: CBM; Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
ALEJANDRA MONSERRAT RIVERA BARRIENTOS (National University of Mexico), Silvia Morales Chainé (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
Abstract: Behavior problems in children and adolescents include a wide range of behaviors, from the least but significant oppositional to the most serious forms of antisocial behavior, these child behavior problems are one of the most common problems for which Mexican families attending health services (Ayala, 1994) and is estimated to affect between 2 and 6% of the population (DSM-IV). Importantly, if such conduct problems faced and managed properly can progress to more severe behaviors over time, such as stealing, violence, and substance use in adolescence, the latter has become one of the most troubling health problems currently, on the consumption of alcohol is estimated that in Mexico City the 23.6% of the population between 12 and 17 years old had a high intake of alcohol (ENA-2011). Due to the above, the aim of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between presented behavior problems in children with alcohol in adolescence, correlational study was conducted on a sample of 23 adolescents aged between 13 and 21 years old. The results show that there is a relationship between high scores on behavioral problems with higher scores on the scale of alcohol, in conclusion mentioned the importance of intervening early in life to prevent the occurrence of these problems in adolescence.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh