Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


Seventh International Conference; Merida, Mexico; 2013

Event Details

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Paper Session #13
Enhancing Assessments for Individuals With ASD
Monday, October 7, 2013
11:00 AM–12:20 PM
Izamal (Fiesta Americana)
Area: AUT
Chair: Hyun Ok Park (Baeksoek University)
The Evolution of Applied Behavior Analysis in the Gulf Region
Domain: Service Delivery
MONA AL HADDAD (Dar Al-Hekma College), Michelle Kelly (Dar AlHekma College ), Sharifa Yateem (NECC)
Abstract: This paper explores the evolution of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) in the Gulf Region, focusing on the following countries: Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and United Arab Emirates. In 2001, an International Development Grant from the Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis was obtained to disseminate behavior analysis in this region. Following this, in 2003, an ABA conference was held in Bahrain and a chapter was created. This paper investigates the progression of ABA in the nine years that have passed since this time. The following will be explored: the lineage of centers providing behavioral intervention throughout the Gulf; the development of undergraduate ABA courses; and the availability of Board Certified Behavior Analysts in each country. The future of ABA in the Gulf Region will be discussed in relation to the development of the chapter, university courses, training, events, and research.
A Review of the Single Subject Design Studies on the Social-communication Interventions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Korea
Domain: Theory
HYUN OK PARK (Baekseok University)
Abstract: Social-communication deficits are a core feature of autism spectrum disorders. Therefore to improve and functionally use these skills in social context there are many studies were accomplished. In Korea, the importance of social communication was well known to most parents and teachers, and researchers. And ABA is a very widely used practices for the enrichment of social communication competences of ASD. So, there are abundant evidences were accumulated on the ABA intervention effect. This study reviewed these single subject design studies on the social-communication Skill Intervention for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Korea. Also, this study examined the existing literature published in 2003-2013. The purpose of this study is to explore the research trend of social communication interventions for students with ASD. To accomplish these purpose research studies were identified by the following five criteria : (a) The participants were students with ASD, (b) had to have an intervention that targeted enhancing social communication competence, (c) used a single subject research design, (d) published on the NRF(National Research Foundation of Korea) registrated journal, and (e) case studies were excluded. The studies were reviewed based on several variables. These variables were participants, research methods(research design, intervention period, frequency, place etc.), independent and dependent variables, and results.

CANCELED: Receptive Language Training does not precede the Acquisition of Expressive Repertoires in Children with Autism

Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis

The traditional behaviour-analytic approach for teaching language skills to children with autism typically includes a receptive task that follows a ?matching-to-sample? (MTS) procedure, as a pre-requisite for teaching expressive language skills. Based on Skinner?s (1957) analysis of verbal behaviour and particularly on the functional relation between motivating operations (MOs) and the mand it can be argued that receptive language training is not a condition for children with autism to acquire expressive language, and that the manipulation of the MO allows for the development of effective expressive repertoires (e.g., Michael, 1988; Bondy, 2001; Sundberg & Michael, 2001). Despite the potential beneficial implications this statement has, research has yet to be conducted. The present study used an alternating treatment design to assess the possibility of introducing attributes to the expressive vocabulary of 2 children with autism merely by manipulating the MO, without teaching these descriptors in a receptive manner first. Results suggested receptive language training should not necessarily be considered a requirement for children with autism to gain effective expressive repertoires.


Enhancing Assessment for Individuals with ASDs: Opportunities for Collaboration Between Neuropsychology and Applied Behavior Analysis

Domain: Theory
ROSEMARIE MANFREDI (Chestnut Hill College)

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are complex, pervasive, neurodevelopmental disorders that require multi-faceted, multidisciplinary, and integrated treatment approaches. Different disciplines can contribute important information that is critical in providing treatment that is customized to each individuals unique needs. Unfortunately, as experts in their discipline, many practitioners may not appreciate or understand the contributions of these other disciplines. Fully integrated treatment that addresses the unique strengths, weaknesses, and needs of an individual with an ASD requires collaboration with other disciplines. The current paper explores the ways in which neuropsychology and applied behavior analysis (ABA) can contribute to the evaluation of an individual with an ASD for treatment planning purposes. Techniques derived from ABA can enhance the neuropsychological evaluation process and procedures for individuals with ASDs, making the obtained data more clinically useful for treatment planning. Additionally, data garnered from neuropsychological evaluations can be beneficial to ABA providers who are designing individual intervention approaches and monitoring treatment effectiveness. Thus, the current paper seeks to highlight areas of overlap and potential collaboration between these two disciplines.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh