Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


Seventh International Conference; Merida, Mexico; 2013

Event Details

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Symposium #31
Mexican Network for Research on Animal Behavior I
Monday, October 7, 2013
4:00 PM–5:20 PM
Yucatan IV (Fiesta Americana)
Presentation Language:Spanish
Area: EAB; Domain: Experimental Analysis
Chair: Mario Serrano (Universidad Veracruzana-CEICAH)

Mexican Network for Research on Animal Behavior is a psychological research group with the following objectives: (a) promote the development of scientific research on animal behavior in Mexico, (b) contribute to the training of high-level human resources on animal behavior research, (c) sharing different kinds of research resources, (d) promote the inter-institutional exchange of researchers as well as students, and (e) organize an annual event in which our members could release their research objectives in order to increase peoples interest on animal behavior research. In this context, the talks in the present symposium are about the experimental analysis of behavior from a parametric point of view. Our principal objective is to release some Mexican research interests to the international behavior analysis community.

Keyword(s): animal behavior, choice, experimental analysis, temporally defined schedules

Parametric Research on Choice and Decision Making Behavior: Two Examples

RAUL AVILA (National University of Mexico)

Following the parametric approach in behavior analysis, I have been conducting two research projects in the area of choice behavior and decision making. Specifically, in the first project the emphasis in the operant/choice behavior between rewards to be delivered is compared with the emphasis in the consummatory behavior that occurs in the presence of the reward already delivered, as two complementary strategies to study self-controlled behavior in pigeons. In the second project with the purpose of clarifying the contribution of the uncertainty involved in the sunk cost effect, the variables involved in this type of choice behavior are being systematically explored also with pigeons as subjects. In general, the research derived from these projects is showing the up-to date power of the parametric approach in behavior analysis, to study choice behavior.


Methodology for the Study of the Organism's Adjustment to Environmental Changes

GERARDO ORTIZ (Universidade Guadalajara - Mexico), José Claudio Partida Martínez (Universidad de Guadalajara), Olivia Nuñez (Universidad de Guadalajara), María José López (Universidad de Guadalajara)

Observational field studies usually does not controls nor manipulates the introduction or elimination of variables; however, its importance falls on the direct observation of organism's behavioral repertoire in its "actual/natural" environment, either wild or captivity conditions. Assuming that the psychological behavior imply the development of functions in ontogeny, in which the relation with objects, events and other organisms of the environment are differentiated, reorganized and diversified beyond the fixed biological patterns (e.g. Ribes, 2011), we could stand out the importance of describing, in a detailed way, the elements that constitute the organism's environmental configuration. Thus, we propose a methodological analysis, from a psychological point view, regarding the relevant environmental and organismic elements pertinent to the organism adjustment, that can be framed in four categories: a) Adaptive and survival circumstances (i.e. feeding, reproduction, protection), b) description of ecological milieu (i.e. geophysical, geoecological, intra-interspecific interaction), c) interactive processes (i.e. intraindividual, interindividual dependency and interindividual) and, d) interaction-situation relationship (i.e. specific to, required for, functional to, irrelevant to the contingency). We show some examples about the ways that our system works.


Effective Adjustment of Temporal Interactions

CARLOS TORRES (Universidade Guadalajara - Mexico)

Within the experimental analysis of behavior, the primary data using traditional reinforcement schedules is obtained from the time distribution of responses under specific conditions of reinforcement (Ferster & Skinner, 1957). The rate and frequency of response have been used as units of measurement necessary for sustaining the reproducibility criteria defining the strength in an operant class. Meanwhile, temporal schedules are primarily structured on the temporal properties of the events involved in these procedures, including the temporal properties of behavior. The timing of response related to stimulus events with which it interacts enables fullfilment of necessity and sufficiency conditions for their production. This paper aims to develop a proposal for the analysis of effective adjustment based on the conditional relations prescribed in temporal schedules.


Different Levels of Behavioral Adjustment

MARIO SERRANO (Universidad Veracruzana-CEICAH)

According to some conceptual developments of the interbehavioral proposal, psychological behavior may take place in five different, progressively complex and progressively inclusive levels. The most complex levels of psychological behavior are possible only humans due to language, whereas the remaining levels are possible in both humans and animals. The present talk discusses some conceptual implications of mentioned progressively inclusiveness and progressively complexity assumptions of the taxonomy, as well as different methodological approaches to analyze them in an empirical fashion. It is concluded that although most evidence comes from research on behavioral adjustment with animals, both the theoretical and the predictive value of the taxonomy are supported.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh