Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


Seventh International Conference; Merida, Mexico; 2013

Event Details

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Symposium #62
Challenges of Training, Research and Clinical Application of Behavioral Intervention Programs in Non-English Environments
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
11:00 AM–12:20 PM
Gran Salon II (Presidente Intercontinental)
Area: CSE/CBM; Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
Chair: Melina Rivard (University of Quebec at Montreal)

Programs based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) are those recognized as being the most effective, from a scientific point of view, for the development of various skills in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Although the principles of ABA are universal and the procedures can be chosen depending on the context of application, ABA programs were mainly developed and implemented in the United States and in English-speaking contexts. Their application in a culturally and linguistically different environment involve several challenges. To name few examples, the translation of concepts and definitions, curricula and assessment tools and their adaptation to different cultures involve great challenges because they cannot be easily transferred to usual educational practices common to other cultures or into the structure of certain languages. To date, very few studies systematically inform us on how to meet the challenges posed by the implementation of programs in the context of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. This symposium will address some issues affecting particular challenges related to training, research and for the clinical application, more particularly in two French countries where we have ABAI chapters.

Successes and Challenges in the Implementation of EIBI Services in Quebec
SYLVIE DONAIS (Clinique ABA (Montreal)), Melina Rivard (University of Quebec at Montreal)
Abstract: Since 1992, parents have requested EIBI services for their young child with ASD. Many challenges were encountered: convincing the public system of the effectiveness of this intervention, translating training material into French, finding clinical supervisors who had sufficient training in ABA and EIBI, recruiting staff and organizing a training system for staff and parents. Also, only families who had financial resources had access to private services. Consequently, families organized a class action to receive EIBI services paid by the government for their child. The treatment was not offered in the public system until 2003. Currently, children with ASD age 0-6 years can receive EIBI for 20 hours/week in rehabilitation centers. In 2010, a Quebec affiliated chapter of ABAI was organized by Marc Lanovaz and Gisela Regli, called QcABA. This association aims to diffuse information about ABA and how interventions based on ABA principles are effective to treat many problems and populations. With all these advancements, some difficulties are still experienced in the treatment of children with ASD, such as staff training, the degree of behavioral interventions included in services and implementation of College and University programs in ABA in French. Since 20 years, many improvements have been made to offer EIBI services to Quebecois families. However, there is still more to do to insure the quality of the service, an access with short delays and staff training. Different large research projects have been started in this vein.
Bringing the Early Start Denver Model to non-English Speaking Environments
GISELA REGLI (QcABA Canada), Melina Rivard (University of Quebec at Montreal)
Abstract: This presentation focuses on the dissemination of the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) know-how and research findings to non-English speaking parents and interested professionals. While ASDs are being diagnosed at younger ages, interventions must be adapted to the developmental needs of toddlers. Despite their growing interest, evidence based models for very early behavioral interventions such as ESDM are not yet officially translated, thus generating unique challenges for non-English speaking environments. Working around language issues all the while respecting copyrighted materials, keeping the translated material up-to-date with latest research findings, training non-English speaking parents and co-workers are some of the challenges to be faced. The presentation shares such an experience in a French Canadian context and provides working solutions.

CANCELED: Challenges in Formation and Research for ABA Treatments in France

VINCA RIVIERE (University of Lille III)

France is readily lacking formation in ABA. There is only one University providing an ABA master degree and implementing research in EAB and ABA (examples: visual perception, effectiveness of treatments) and it forms in average 15 persons a year. The aim of this formation is to train students to implement ABA treatments according to the BCBAs certification. Furthermore, the lack of current formation in France is also troubling for trainers. Schools providing trainers certification are not aware of behavioral techniques. Then the few centers providing ABA treatments for children with ASD in France have to form their own staff. But nowadays language remains a main issue. The few people owning a university degree have to translate to main tools currently used in ABA treatments. Then, the French version of the ABLLS has been done. It would be necessary to create French BCBA and BCABA certifications. By doing so, these tremendous issues in the lack of formation could be solved in France and moreover in the French speaking countries. Then this international standard label of quality in ABA could be accessible to more people and more competent French people could be able to implement and also supervise effective ABA treatments.


CANCELED: Successes and Challenges in the Implementation of ABA Treatments in France

MELISSA BECQUET (Universite Lille Nord de France)

French government agreed to the opening of a center in the North of France in 2008. In this center, 20 children with ASD, age 0-20 years old, received ABA treatments for an average of 36 hours per week and behavioral intervention is provided for free. Behavioral intervention is realized in all of childrens life settings (home, schools, daily care ). This center is experimental and has for main goal to prove the contributions and effectiveness of ABA treatments for children with ASD in french context. It was crucial for France because actually ABA was not recognized by all stakeholders to be a good practice for children with ASD. Since the opening of this center four children have completed their treatments and some are engaged into professional skills. French ministry of Health has recommended in March 2012 the implementation of ABA treatments for children with ASD. But people still think that these children need multidisciplinary treatments (eclectic interventions) and ABA still remains perceived as a higher cost treatment (humanly and financially speaking). Furthermore, France is nowadays tremendously lacking formation in ABA. So, difficulties are daily encountered in the center in finding trained staff, organizing a training system for the staff, the parents and the partners in schools.




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