Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


Seventh International Conference; Merida, Mexico; 2013

Event Details

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Paper Session #80
Positive Behavior Practices: Reducing Severe Behaviors Without the Use of Punishment Contingencies
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
2:00 PM–3:20 PM
Salon Celestun (Fiesta Americana)
Presentation Language:Spanish
Area: PRA
Chair: Deysi Zendejas (Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis)

Effective Practices for Children With Challenging Behavior: Using Positive Behavior Support

Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
SONIA VENEGAS (Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis), Gary W. LaVigna (Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis), Thomas J. Willis (Institute For Applied Behavior Analysis), Elizabeth Hughes (Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis)

This paper reviews non-aversive interventions, particularly those in the Positive Behavior Support (PBS) model as effective interventions for challenging behavior. The paper presents information regarding PBS efficacy with individuals and groups, in school, community, and family settings. A diverse body of literature is reviewed with regard to the efficacy of interventions based in PBS models for applications to reduce challenging behavior, and increase academic skills in school settings. Evidence that PBS interventions can be implemented by a variety of change agents, such as teachers and parents, is also reviewed. A multi-element model of positive behavior support is presented, that incorporates an assessment, support plan, mediation with quality assurance, and outcome measures. Advantages to the use of PBS interventions over punishment or aversive interventions are presented, including increased generalization and durability, decreased negative side effects of treatment, and increased social validity. Common criticisms of PBS interventions are addressed, including applications for high-rate and severe behaviors, cost-efficiency, implementation in restricted settings, and successful service delivery by a variety of agents.


Case Study: Positive Behavior Practices for the Reduction of Self-Injury and Aggression in a Specialized Setting

Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
LAURA HERNANDEZ (Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis), Elizabeth Hughes (Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis), Kristin Mendelsohn-Troy (Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis)

This study explores the reduction in outburst behavior including both self-injurious behavior and aggressive behavior topographies, with regard to both frequency and severity as a result of the application of exclusively positive behavior interventions. Self-injury included severe eye gouging, scratching of the cornea, and piercing of the skin around the eye to the point of drawing blood. Aggression included hitting, biting, and head butting staff. Without the use of punishment or aversive interventions, severe and persistent self-injury, which had proven reticent to previous treatment modalities was effectively reduced, and the reduction maintained over time. Previous interventions with the child had included physical and mechanical restraint, isolation, and removal of privileges. Self-injury had resulted in permanent damage to the child�s vision and aggression had resulted in hospitalization of staff prior to the introduction of a positive behavior support plan. The paper explains the Multi-Element Model of positive behavior intervention and it�s application with a ten-year old boy with multiple disabilities and challenging behavior.


Positive Behavior Practices Training: Effects on Special Education Staff Self-Efficacy, ABA Knowledge, and Intervention Design

Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
ELENA HUERTA (Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis), Elizabeth Hughes (Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis)

This presentation will examine the efficacy of training in positive behavior interventions given to preschool teachers and preschool specialists. Pretest measures established a baseline level of participants understanding of basic concepts in ABA such as antecedents, reinforcers, functions of behavior, and consequence strategies. Pretest measures of self-efficacy with regard to implementing behavior interventions, and ability to design positive intervention strategies for particular behavior challenges, were also administred. A three-day intensive training model, teaching certain basic principals of ABA and a multi-element model of positive behavior support, was delivered to three separate training groups. Tests for understanding were completed throughout the training procedure via active student responding methodology. Experiential learning methodologies, with interventions modeled throughout the training procedure and utilized with participants (e.g. reinforcement schedules applied to the training group contingent upon certain demonstrated behaviors), were employed to ensure a multi-modal learning environment. Post-test measures of perceived self-efficacy, knowledge in ABA, and positive behavior intervention design were given at the conclusion of the training experience. Results are are presented via pre- and post-test comparisons.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh