Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


Seventh International Conference; Merida, Mexico; 2013

Event Details

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Poster Session #41
TPC Posters
Monday, October 7, 2013
7:00 PM–9:00 PM
Gran Salon Yucatan (Fiesta Americana)
66. An Attempt to Unify Self-Control Paradigms via a Pavlovian/Operant Approach
Area: TPC; Domain: Theory
RODRIGO SOSA (Universidad de Guadalajara), Cristiano Dos Santos (Universidad de Guadalajara)
Abstract: Despite the widespread use of the concept of self-control, there is no consensus on its precise definition, and to make matters worse, it has been linked with several behavioral measures that could be obtained using different procedures. We analyze and evaluate some paradigms of self-control, and finally we propose a new characterization based on the critical dependence of impulsive behavior (i.e., lack of self-control) on a Pavlovian conditioning process. This approach could be framed as one attempt to conceive impulsive behavior on different paradigms as analog forms of the same behavioral tendency. The basic assumption is the possibility of any stimulus to acquire a different function via its temporal and statistical (i.e., Pavlovian) association with primary rewards. We propose that impulsive behavior is maintained by immediate secondary rewards. What we can assert, based on our analysis, is that subjects that have difficulties learning negative relations between stimuli would be more prone to behave impulsively that subjects that easily learn that some stimulus is negatively associated with reward delivery. As will be argued, our proposal suffers from fewer weaknesses than previous approaches, since we appeal to less explicative sources and that those are solidly supported by evidence.
67. Philosophical Underpinnings of Scholarly Works in Behavioral Journals: American and International Trends
Area: TPC; Domain: Theory
GENEVIEVE M. DEBERNARDIS (University of Nevada, Reno), Linda J. Parrott Hayes (University of Nevada, Reno), Maria Isabel Munoz Blanco (University of Nevada, Reno)
Abstract: Behavior analysts form their assumptions according to one of two philosophical viewpoints: Radical Behaviorism or Interbehaviorism. In the United States, it is clear that the Radical Behaviorism perspective is dominant. However, it is unclear if this is the case at an international level. The purpose of this current investigation was to identify the philosophical stance and prevalence of authors publishing in the primary behavior analytic journals within and outside of the United States. The journal, year, authors, affiliations, corresponding country, language, and type of article were recorded, summed, and ranked according to the philosophical stance of the paper. Results identified where, in which journals, and to what extent each philosophical viewpoint was dominant. The value of this type of archival research for the field of behavior analysis and some suggestions for improving these philosophical distinctions for this type of work will be discussed. More generally, the importance of this type of conceptualization for understanding behavior analysis on a global scale will be emphasized.
68. Illustration of Recommendations From Two Empirical Studies on Verbal Behavior by Presenting a Case of Low-intensity Intervention For a Child With ASD
Area: TPC; Domain: Theory
GISELA REGLI (QcABA Canada), Melina Rivard (University of Quebec at Montreal)
Abstract: The poster presents the analysis of results from two empirical studies on verbal behavior with young children with ASD receiving discrete trial training based on a prescribed model. The conclusions of both studies underline the importance of combining contributions from different intervention strategies arising from Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and the functional analysis of Skinner’s verbal behavior in order to promote the acquisition of language functions and to support a child’s use of spontaneous, socially and contextually appropriate language. The study recommendations are illustrated by presenting the case of a child with ASD whose important progression of verbal behaviors is used to describe the impact of such combined strategies. During the short period of five months low-intensity intervention all sessions were filmed and handed over to the father for generalization at home. The importance of parent training, considering motivating operations and using the functional analysis of the verbal behaviors, show that even in the context of a low-intensity intervention, a child with ASD can improve social communication significantly.
69. A Rose by Any Name: The Varied Nomenclature of Behaviorism
Area: TPC; Domain: Theory
BRENDAN J. BOEHR (Florida Institute of Technology), Joshua K. Pritchard (Florida Institute of Technology)
Abstract: This poster will be an eye-catching infographic documenting the rich history of proposed and adopted names used by scientists to refer to the field of behavior science across the last century and a half. In this poster, we will present the history of a variety of names for our science (e.g. “behaviorism,” “behavior modification,” “behavior analysis,” “behaviorology,” etc.) and the scientists who first used or proposed them. We plan to illustrate the impact of their geographic and temporal location visually. The poster will include the author’s own proposed name for the field and the reasons for doing so. As our lab is wont to do, we also plan to make this poster interactive, so will include an interactive touch-screen device which visitors may use to vote rank the names for our science according to their own preference. Additionally, visitors may add a name of their own invention. Users will optionally provide their education level and geographic location. Results will be available online / delivered via email sometime after the conference.
70. Predictors for the Provision of Publicly Funded Service for Children with Autistic Disorder
Area: TPC; Domain: Service Delivery
DANETTE MONTIEL (Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis)
Abstract: Research has shown that Latino and African-American children receive diagnoses of autism at later ages than their white counterparts, and generally receive fewer services once they are diagnosed. Additionally, the types of evaluations and services received by Latino and African-American children tend to be less intensive and not in accordance with best practice guidelines. Many reasons have been postulated for these discrepancies including cultural differences in attitudes towards psychological services, language barriers, education level, availability of providers, and clinician interpretations or expectations. A recent article in the Los Angeles Times documented the amount of funds spent on children with autism in each area of California. In the Northern Los Angeles area, serviced by North Los Angeles County Regional Center (NLACRC) over $17,000 per year is spent per child with autism between the ages of 3-6 while less than $2,000 a year is spent per child with autism in the South Los Angeles area, services by South Central Los Angeles Regional Center (SCLARC). SCLARC was the lowest funding Regional Center in the entire state with regard to funding for children with autism according to this article, which used statistics directly from the Department of Developmental Services for California. This paper explores the predictors for level of service received by children with autism in the Los Angeles Area and whether zip code and ethnicity are more accurate predictors than clinical factors (e.g., age at diagnosis, etc.).



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