Measuring Movement and the Behavior Function Scale |
Monday, May 31, 2010 |
9:00 AM–9:50 AM |
Bonham C (Grand Hyatt) |
Area: TPC |
Chair: Parsla Vintere (Queens College, The City University of New York) |
Measuring Movement: Molar and Molecular Measurement Procedures |
Domain: Theory |
PARSLA VINTERE (Queens College, The City University of New York) |
Abstract: The purpose of the present paper is to examine the molar and molecular movement measurement procedures reported in the behavior analysis literature and that of sub-disciplines of kinesiology. Although a variety of measurement techniques have been used in movement research, the present paper will focus on studies presenting psychological level of analysis. Some of the critical theoretical questions in the study of movement and action are related to issues in measurement. As any other behavior, movement can be analyzed on different levels from large units of complex responses to the fine-grained topography of moment-to-moment quantitative and qualitative changes. The choice of measurement type depends not only on the problem and the question being posed but also on knowledge of different measurement techniques that are available. The discussion will focus on whether some of these techniques could potentially be used by behavior analysts who study movement and on potential collaborative opportunities with other researchers in the field of kinesiology. |
A Beginning Validation Study of the Behavior Function Scale Pre-Adolescent Form |
Domain: Experimental Analysis |
JOHN R. LUBBERS (LeafWing Center) |
Abstract: This version of the behavior function scale (BFS) was adapted for children between the ages of 7 to 13 years. The BFS pre-adolescent form is a 31-item, forced choice questionnaire used to assess behavior functions. In the earlier version (BFS-child form), factor analysis revealed three behavior functions: escape to access (ETA), sensory (SENS), and attention-communication. The functions of access and escape were found to be highly correlated thus resulting in the function, ETA. The creation of this new function demonstrates the difficulty in distinguishing whether a child escapes an environment or activity with relatively low reinforcement characteristics, or escapes a demand so as to access a preferred activity, location, person, or tangible that took on more reinforcing properties. The present study was conducted to validate the questionnaire in pre-adolescent individuals diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorders. Behavioral topographies include: aggression, stereotypy, and tantrum behaviors. Parents, instructional aides, and supervisors completed the BFS along with the questions about behavior functions (QABF) and the motivation assessment scale (MAS). An oblique promax rotation of the factor analysis was utilized to determine behavior functions because these functions were viewed to be interrelated rather than independent from each other. This study will provide psychometric properties of the BFS pre-adolescent form. |