Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Paper Session #353
Practical Challenges in Training and Providing Services
Monday, May 31, 2010
9:00 AM–10:20 AM
207AB (CC)
Area: AUT
Chair: Shari L. Schatzman (Eden II Programs)
Challenges for Speech-Language Pathologists in Accessing Training and Acquiring Knowledge in the Area of Autism
Domain: Service Delivery
SHARI L. SCHATZMAN (Eden II Programs), Amy Bergen (TIPSE/Eden II)
Abstract: Significant impairments in the area of communication are a hallmark of autism. The American Speech Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) has released a series of documents pertaining to the guidelines, roles and responsibilities of the Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) with regards to the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder (ASHA, 2006a; ASHA 2006b). However Speech-Language Pathologists often encounter difficulties attaining sufficient specialized training in the area of autism (Schatzman, 2009; Schwartz and Drager, 2008; Stone, 1987). Since autism is often not sufficiently addressed within the college curriculum, it becomes essential for Speech-Language Pathologists to have access to appropriate professional development in the area of autism. The challenges encountered by Speech-Language Pathologists acquiring continuing education hours at professional conferences will be discussed.
Continuous Versus Discontinuous Data Collection During Discrete Trial Training: Effects on Skill Acquisition and Maintenance
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
PAUL MICHAEL MENG (Central Washington University), Season Almason (Children's Village), Ryan M. Zayac (Central Washington University)
Abstract: In seeking to optimize service delivery for individuals with autism, it is necessary to evaluate all procedural variations that occur during specific methods of intervention. This study utilizes an alternating treatments design to examine the effects of two data collection procedures, continuous (i.e., all trials) and discontinuous (i.e., the first trial only) data collection, on the acquisition and maintenance of skills during discrete trial training. Skill acquisition is measured by calculating the number of trials to mastery and follow-up probes are used to determine whether maintenance occurred. Participants are preschool aged children (24 to 60 months) with a diagnosis of autism or significant delays in the areas of communication and social behavior (i.e., 1.5 or more standard deviations from the mean on a standardized evaluation). Previous research found that given a static mastery criterion (i.e. 100% correct trials across two consecutive days), mastery typically occurred faster when using discontinuous measurement, but skills were typically maintained better when continuous measurement was used (Cummings & Carr, 2009). This study seeks to replicate and extend past findings by looking closer at other potential factors influencing these outcomes. Data to be collected.
Speech-Language Pathology and Applied Behavior Analysis: Survey Results and Future Implications
Domain: Theory
JULIE M. RAY (University of North Texas), Susan Marie Nichols (University of North Texas)
Abstract: Speech-language pathologists work closely with students who have autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Though some research has been conducted regarding speech-language pathologists knowledge of ASDs, it is unknown to what extent speech-language pathologists have knowledge about applied behavior analysis (ABA). Speech-language pathologists with and without training in ABA were surveyed as part of a doctoral dissertation. Education, training, experience, and knowledge of ASDs were analyzed to determine what made a speech-language pathologist most knowledgeable and best prepared to work with children who have ASDs. The research design, survey results, and future implications will be discussed as they relate to speech-language pathology training and knowledge. In addition, a comparison of relationships between the two groups of speech-language pathologists will be addressed.
Social Skills Instruction: Using Task Analysis to Teach Phone Conversation Skills to Adolescents With Asperger's Disorder
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
SARA LAUREN GIANINO (Florida State University)
Abstract: Deficits in social interaction skills are among the most salient features of Asperger’s disorder. The current pilot study assessed the effects of using a task analysis to teach a complex social behavior (phone conversation skills) to three adolescent males with Asperger’s disorder. An AB design was implemented and included the use of total task presentation of five components of a successful phone conversation. A token economy which employed reinforcers specific to each participant was utilized and enforced via contingency contract. Results showed significant improvements from baseline in phone conversation skills for all three participants. Follow up data reveal that the skills were maintained at post-treatment levels and generalized to multiple settings and people when skills were probed one year following termination of the study.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh