Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Paper Session #195
VB-Based Interventions 1
Sunday, May 30, 2010
10:30 AM–11:50 AM
214D (CC)
Area: VBC
Chair: Edward D. Parker (The Ohio State University)
Outcomes of Behavioral Intervention for a Six-Year-Old Boy With Traumatic Brain Injury
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
CLODAGH MARY MURRAY (National University of Ireland, Galway), Olive Healy (National University of Ireland, Galway), Geraldine Leader (National University of Ireland)
Abstract: A description of a home-based program to teach verbal behavior, play skills and self-management to a 6-year-old boy with severe language impairment following surgery to the left temporal lobe. Prior to intervention the client did not imitate oral motor movements or emit echoic verbal behavior. He presented with aggressive behavior that was identified as being maintained by positive and negative reinforcement. Functional communication training was implemented along with intensive echoic to mand training and listener discrimination training. Procedures for mixed and varied teaching and errorless learning were also effective. VB-MAPP scores at beginning of intervention and at 6-monthly intervals will be reported. These show significant improvements in vocal verbal behaviour, including an extensive echoic repertoire and emerging mand and tact repertoires, eye contact, social behaviour and play skills. Self-management training is contributing greatly to the child’s independence. The implications of using behavioral interventions with children and adults with traumatic brain injury will be discussed.
Implementing ABA Procedures to Support a Child With Communication and Social Difficulties Within a Mainstream School Setting
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
BEVERLEY JONES (Bangor University), Bethan Williams (Bangor University), J. Carl Hughes (Bangor University)
Abstract: This single subject study aimed to teach a number of skills to a child with communication and social difficulties attending both a mainstream primary school and a specialised speech and language unit in Wales. Targets included improving conversational skills, increasing social interaction, and generalising spontaneous manding. Strategies used were prompt fading, differential reinforcement, time delay and blocking (using a multiple baseline design). In addition, the following areas were addressed; decreasing escape/avoidance motivated behaviour, increasing on task behaviour using escape extinction and token economy, and improving concentration and recall using a home/school book. Reading and reading comprehension were also targeted using Headsprout Early Reading® and the Direct Instruction programme Teach your Children to Read Well®. Following intervention, there were significant improvements in all target areas. Social interactions and manding increased significantly across subjects and settings. However manding did not increase significantly with staff members not trained in ABA in the specialised language unit. The issue of implementing ABA in a mainstream school is also discussed.
Tact Repertoires and Measures of Efficiency: Comparing the Effects of Two Behavioral Intervention Models With Students With Developmental Disabilities
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
EDWARD D. PARKER (The Ohio State University), Helen I. Cannella-Malone (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: This study compared the effects of the Lovaas Method (LovM) and Verbal Behavior Approach (VBA) on the development of tact repertoires of three 11 to 12-year-old students with severe mental retardation. In an alternative school for students with developmental disabilities, we administered the ABLLS-short form, determined current levels of performance, and implemented the protocols. Specifically, 10 targets from two categories were taught receptively to mastery criterion and then expressively to mastery criterion using the LovM, and ten different targets from the same categories were trained using VBA, which included transfer trials across operants. A within-subject alternating treatments with baseline design was used to evaluate skill acquisition and identify an optimal practice in regards to frequency of target operants mastered to criterion, measures of efficiency, maintenance, and generalization. The results of this investigation suggest that both protocols are effective in teaching receptive and tact target operants; however, across all participants, VBA resulted in fewer errors and was more efficient in teaching tact operants. Limitations and recommendations for future research are discussed.



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