Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Paper Session #255
Evaluations of Various Treatments to Reduce Challenging Behavior
Sunday, May 30, 2010
3:00 PM–4:20 PM
217B (CC)
Area: DDA
Chair: Annie McLaughlin (University of Washington)
Effects of Intertrial Time on Compliance During High-Probability Requests
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
ANNIE MCLAUGHLIN (University of Washington), Carol Ann Davis (University of Washington)
Abstract: This study extends the research on procedural differences in using high-probability request sequences. We directly assessed the role of the length of inter-trial time between high-probability requests on the compliance levels during high-probability request sequences. We studied the inter-trial time (i.e. the time between the high-probability requests) by comparing the compliance levels of a short (5 s) inter-trial time to a longer inter-trial time (15 s) while maintaining 5 s of inter-prompt time (i.e. the time between the last high-probability request and the low-probability request). This single-subject design study was conducted with three students with disabilities by their teachers in a public school setting. Results indicate that the length of time between the high-probability requests is an important factor in the success of the intervention. Compliance to low-probability requests increased from baseline (range 10% to 40%) in both conditions (15 s condition: range 50% to 70%; 5 s condition: range = 70% to 100%) with a clear differential increased effectiveness for the 5 s inter-trial condition. Additionally, a social validity measure indicated a high level of acceptance by the teachers and use of the high-probability request sequence continued once the study terminated.
Comparing The Effectiveness of Behavioral Contracts That Use Function-Based Reinforcers Versus Highly Preferred Items
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
DANICA M. SIMMONS (University of South Florida), Kimberly Crosland (University of South Florida), Valeria Parejo (Human Development Center, Inc.)
Abstract: Behavioral contracting is a widely used and available procedure that applies reinforcement contingencies, and in some cases punishment contingencies, to assist individuals with the management of their behavior. Although this method has proven to be effective at improving quality of life, very little research has been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of these contracts when working with individuals with an intellectual disability. Another limitation noted in the literature is that the same reinforcer which serves as the function of the target behavior is not used when creating a behavioral contract; instead, a highly preferred item is used. This study will compare the effectiveness of function-based contracts versus contracts in which highly preferred items are earned. This study will use a multiple baseline across subjects design with a brief reversal within the intervention phase. Participants will be adult men with a diagnosis of mild to moderate mental retardation and intense problem behaviors residing in group homes in an intensive residential facility. Data to be collected.
Case Study: Using Self Management to Reduce “Tic” Behaviors in an 11-Year-Old With Tourette’s
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
JOANNA FERNANDEZ (Autism Spectrum Therapies), Robert Haupt (Autism Spectrum Therapies)
Abstract: Self Management is defined as the personal application of behavior change tactics that produces a desired change in behavior. Self Management has been known to help a person be more effective and efficient in their daily life, eliminate bad habits, and achieve accomplishments in new tasks and is widely used in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis. Tourette’s Disorder is characterized by multiple motor tics and one or more vocal tics and this disorder is most often treated with cognitive behavioral therapy. There is limited research that examines the effects of ABA techniques in the treatments of clients with Tourette’s Disorder. “Tics” are a common behavior associated with Tourette’s Disorder and are similar to self-stimulatory behaviors in that they are defined as sudden, rapid, recurrent, non-rhythmic, stereotyped motor movements or vocalizations. This case study, examined the effects of a self management system that was set up to manage “tic” behaviors for an 11-year-old boy with a diagnosis of Tourette’s Disorder and a provisional diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder. Furthermonre, the study showed that, self management is an effective intervention and significantly reduced the child’s “tic” behaviors.
Don’t Dare Touch Me There
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
TIMOTHY RAY GULLICK (Behavior Change Solutions), Andrew J. Houvouras (Applying Behavior Concepts)
Abstract: Inappropriate touching is a problematic behavior for many individuals with developmental disabilities. What is “cute” or “bothersome” when exhibited by children becomes “disturbing” and “deviant” when demonstrated by adults. Add a job position and community exposure and the behavior of inappropriate touch places adults with developmental disabilities in precarious positions. Fortunately, functional approaches to the assessment and treatment of challenging behaviors like inappropriate touch provide behavior analysts the opportunities to reduce challenging behaviors. The inappropriate touching of an adult female with a developmental disability was assessed through descriptive assessment. Once the function was identified, a function based treatment was implemented and reduced the behavior but not to the desired level. Following a return to the baseline condition, a staff prompt was added to the treatment procedure. The combination of the function based treatment procedure and the staff prompt successfully reduced inappropriate touching, a necessary step in maintaining employment and acceptance within community settings.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh