Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Paper Session #423
Treatment Research
Monday, May 31, 2010
1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Crockett A/B (Grand Hyatt)
Area: CBM
Chair: Jack A. Apsche (The Apsche Center at North Spring Behavioral Healthcare)
Behavioral Activation Treatment of Anxiety: An Application of Clinical Behavior Analysis
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
JARROD S. TURNER (Murdoch University, Australia)
Abstract: Behavioral activation (BA) is a procedure based on operant principles and is effective in the treatment of depression, yet rarely has been applied to anxiety despite observable functional similarities. In this study, BA was evaluated across a series of single-case replications involving seven adults, each of whom met criteria for clinical anxiety. In each case, a brief BA intervention was delivered in twelve weekly 60-minute individual sessions. The effects of the intervention were assessed using a simple A-B-C phase change with repeated measurement design. Self monitoring diaries were used to measure participant daily activity and anxiety levels. Standard weekly anxiety-related measures also were used. In six of the seven cases significant changes in daily activity levels were observed during the intervention phase accompanied by clinically significant decreases in anxiety that were maintained during the 3-month no-treatment maintenance phase. The results of the study suggest BA may provide an effective anxiety treatment for use by clinical practitioners, especially those working from a behavior-analytical perspective.
Mode Deactivation Therapy: Evidence-Based Contextual Treatment for Adolescents
Domain: Service Delivery
JACK A. APSCHE (Apsche Center)
Jack A. Apsche, Ed.D., ABPP is an accomplished behavior analyst and therapist with over 30 years experience in the treatment of adolescents with clinical behavior disorders. Dr. Apsche received his Ed.D. degree from Temple University in 1986 and co-a
Abstract: This presentation will focus on treating adolescents who have issues with conduct and personality disorders (i.e. both physical and sexual aggression, and trauma) with Apsche’s modified CBT. Mode deactivation therapy (MDT), a so-called “third wave” therapeutic approach, has been shown to be effective with this population in a series of treatment research and case studies. MDT was developed out of a necessity to address the growing number of “treatment failures” at a residential treatment center, and was further developed in out-patient settings. Strategies of DBT (radical acceptance and validation), FAP (developing and addressing the function of the problem of the client), ACT (addresses problem contextually rather and in typical content) are used as part of MDT. Results from ten years of treatment research are based on Apsche and Ward (2004) Apsche, Bass, and Siv, (2005); Apsche, Bass, Jennings, Murphy, Hunter, and Siv (2005); Apsche, Bass, Zeiter & Houston (2009).
The Effect of a Metacognitive Intervention for Veterans Diagnosed With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
JULIA KAY WAID-EBBS (Brain Rehabilitation Research Center)
Abstract: Veterans injured as a result of blast exposure frequently complain of having difficulty with higher order cognition functioning. Specifically, the ability to complete complex tasks or multi-task becomes difficult for veterans recovering from injury. In an attempt to improve these abilities a metacognitive intervention called goal management training has been implemented. Various strategies such as self-monitoring, saying “stop what am I supposed to be doing?”, present of mindedness exercises, and verbalizing the plan are presented in an interactive group therapy setting to learn to complete tasks more efficiently. The results of outcome measures of this pilot study in an A/B single subject design will be presented along with issues of implementation from the veteran, family member and facilitator’s perspective.



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