Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Paper Session #500
Challenges in Staff and Caregiver Training
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
9:00 AM–10:20 AM
206AB (CC)
Area: AUT
Chair: Clarissa S. Barnes (Southern Illinois University)
An Evaluation of Behavioral Skills Training on the Implementation and Use of the Picture Exchange Communication System in the Natural Environment
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
CLARISSA S. BARNES (Southern Illinois University), Ruth Anne Rehfeldt (Southern Illinois University), Sadie L Lovett (Southern Illinois University), John M. Guercio (TouchPoint Autism Services)
Abstract: The picture exchange communication system (PECS) is a functional communication system frequently used with individuals diagnosed with autism (Frost & Bondy, 2002). Few empirical investigations have evaluated staff training procedures to train staff how to teach consumers to use PECS, and none have been published to date on training staff to promote the use of PECS outside of the training environment. There is also limited data evaluating the outcome of corollary social communicative behaviors. Using a multiple baseline design the current investigation evaluates staff training procedures for teaching phases 1-3 of PECS to adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, with direct care staff. Following staff training on teaching procedures, the effects of staff training on promoting the use of PECS outside of the training environment were examined. Consumer social communicative behaviors, types of verbal operants, and challenging behaviors were also evaluated during staff training of promoting PECS use in the natural environment.
Effects of Mother-Implemented Picture Exchange Communication System Training on Spontaneous Communicative Behaviors of Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
JU HEE PARK (The Ohio State University), Sheila R. Alber-Morgan (The Ohio State University), Helen Malone (The Ohio State University), Courtney Fleming (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: This study examined whether mothers could be taught to implement PECS training for their child and investigated the effects of mother-implemented PECS training on spontaneous communicative behaviors of young children with autism spectrum disorder. Three mothers were trained to teach their child Phase 1 through Phase 3B of PECS and subsequently were asked to train their child to use PECS. Results on mother’s accuracy of implementing PECS training showed that all of the mother participants taught their child PECS with high integrity. A changing criterion design was used to demonstrate the effects of mother-implemented PECS training on children. All three of the child participants successfully acquired independent picture exchanges along with mother-implemented PECS training. Moreover, not only did all of the children generalize PECS skills to an untrained communication partner, they also maintained the acquired skills over one month after mastering Phase 3B. For word vocalizations, an immediate improvement occurred following Phase 3B training for one child, while no or limited improvement was observed for the other two children. These findings extend the existing evidence on PECS by training mothers as primary implementers of PECS training and provide practitioners with insight into the plausibility and necessity of parent-implemented PECS training.
The Continuing Effects of a Supervision Monitoring System on Written Supervisory Feedback
Domain: Service Delivery
CHRISTIAN A. BENAVIDES (BEACON Services), Robert K. Ross (BEACON Services)
Abstract: The delivery of consistent, high-quality educational and behavioral services to children with autism presents a formidable challenge. This challenge may be exacerbated by providing those services in home-based rather than clinic or school settings. Home-based service delivery places distance between staff supervisors, limiting the potential for collaboration. This reality may be a threat to treatment fidelity when considering staff working in different regions, trained by supervisors who rarely speak to each other. Reliable tools which evaluate staff performance are necessary to prevent potential inconsistencies across staff and supervisors. The current study describes the implementation of such an evaluation tool and the changes in staff behavior associated with implementation. Specifically, the presentation will review the data on supervision feedback provided via the form. Overall, implementation of the system has been associated with higher levels of “behavior specific feedback” delivered. The relationship between feedback delivery and ratings of staff performance are examined as well.
Parents of Children With Autism Choosing to Implement an Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention Program
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
PAGONA TZANAKAKI (Bangor University), Corinna F. Grindle (Bangor University), Richard P. Hastings (Bangor University), J. Carl Hughes (Bangor University), Hanna Kovshoff (University of Southampton), Bob Remington (University of Southampton)
Abstract: Although children with autism have been known to receive early intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI) for decades, little is known about the process parents go through before deciding to implement such a program. We interviewed 30 mothers whose children had been on an EIBI home program for approximately 2 years about their sources of information regarding the intervention, the reason for choosing to implement it, their initial expectations and the procedure of accessing EIBI services. Interviews were analyzed using content analysis procedures. Mothers were informed about EIBI mostly through other parents, books and the internet. Evidence of effectiveness was the most common reason for choosing the intervention. Expectations ranged from the child being cured from autism and indistinguishable from peers to not knowing what to expect. Accessing services and funding was relatively easy for some participants whose programs were supported by the local educational authorities (lEAs), whereas others had to pay for part or the whole program, or received funding after a dispute with the LEAs. The implications of the findings for professionals involved with young children with autism and their families are discussed.



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