Health and Wellness |
Sunday, May 30, 2010 |
10:30 AM–11:50 AM |
Crockett C/D (Grand Hyatt) |
Area: CBM |
Chair: Amanda N. Adams (California State University, Fresno) |
Using Behavioral Treatments to Improve Healthy Lifestyle Habits in School Children |
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis |
Bethany L. Guerra (California State University, Fresno), AMANDA N. ADAMS (California State University, Fresno) |
Abstract: There has been a dramatic increase in the number of people who have become overweight and obese over the last 20 years. Approximately 300,000 deaths per year can be accounted for by obesity related diseases (HHS, 2007). Although, many adults have successfully lost weight, most gain their weight back in one to three years (Wilson, 1994). Some children have been able to lose weight and successfully keep the weight off, even 10 years after the treatment (Epstein, Valoski, Wing, & McCurley, 1994). Knowing that children are more successful and keep their weight off, it might be ideal to treat overweight when people are young as a way to prevent adult obesity. Behavioral interventions are the most common treatments to decrease percentage overweight in children. There are programs implemented in schools that are educating children about nutrition (Blom-Hoffman, Edwards George, & Franko, 2006).
The purpose of the current study was to develop a quick, cost-effective, and easy to implement strategy that could be widely disseminated to reach large numbers of children. Results were positive and lend favor to the implementation of behavioral methods in school-wide health education. Limitations and future research suggestions will be discussed. |
The Back for Action Program: Its Effects on Activity Levels and Resultant Benefits to Health and Wellbeing of People Over 70 Years |
Domain: Service Delivery |
MELANIE S. BURKHARDT (School of Nursing and Midwifery, Curtin University), David J. Leach (A/Prof School of Psychology, Murdoch University) |
Abstract: The research consisted of a repeated measures group design evaluation involving random allocation of participants (n = 19) to either the BAP as a behavioral intervention package or a measurement and attention ‘control’ condition. The effects of the BAP were evaluated using a comprehensive set of direct and collateral dependent measures of health and wellbeing. These covered participants’ physical, biochemical and psychological health and wellbeing. Research questions included whether the BAP lead to increases in daily activity and reduced sedentary behaviours, and whether higher levels of activity lead to improvements in measures of physical, biochemical, and psychological health and wellbeing. Results provided strong evidence in support of the BAP and showed that increasing daily activity levels by 20% to 103% above individual base-line rates had clinically significant health benefits even for this older group of people. This paper provides a behavior analytical service model aimed at increasing ‘healthy ageing’ activities of free-living older people in the community. |
The Effects of Target Behavior Choice and Self-Management Skills Training on Compliance With Behavioral Self-Monitoring |
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis |
RYAN B. OLSON (Oregon Health and Science University), Bradley Wipfli (Oregon Health and Science University), Carrie Winkler (Willamette University), Sara Schmidt (Portland State University) |
Abstract: The purpose of the current study was to evaluate two potential methods for increasing participant compliance with behavioral self-monitoring (BSM) procedures.
A randomized 2×2 factorial design evaluated the effects of target behavior choice (choice vs. assigned) and self-management skills training (training vs. no-training) on BSM compliance. In the choice manipulation, participants either chose or were assigned one of seven types of healthful or safe behaviors to self-monitor. In the training manipulation, participants either completed computer-based self-management skills training or received no training. Participants (N=60) were then asked to complete a daily BSM process for 2 weeks. Mean compliance with prescribed BSM was 52.6% (SD = 31.8). The main effect for choice was significant, with choice participants showing 18% higher BSM compliance than those in assigned target behavior conditions (d = .59, p < .05). The effects of self-management skills training and the interaction term were both non-significant. While self-management skills training did not appear to affect BSM compliance, offering individuals a choice in target behavior substantially increased both BSM compliance and self-reported behavior change. |
Contingency Analysis of Positive Intervention Techniques to Promote Wellbeing |
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis |
ROCIO HERNANDEZ-POZO (FES Iztacala UNAM), Angeles Mata Mendoza (FES Iztacla UNAM) |
Abstract: Comparison of mood-enhancing interventions aimed to reduce feelings of stress, improve aspects of well-being and subjective health is presented in terms of the notational system of behavior contingency analysis developed by Mechner (2008). Four techniques are described: a) The cheerfulness training based on imagining and producing motor and vocal expression of cheerfulness (Papousek & Schulter, 2008); b) the optimism training focused to increase self-statements that foster optimism and motivate adaptive behavior (Riskind, Sarampote, Merrier, 1996); c) a technique denominated “the stories we live by”, a preventive life-review group intervention procedure (Korte, Bohlmeijer & Smit, 2009) and d) a psychotherapeutic procedure designed to reduce depression by targeting avoidance and rumination, and building skills to foster hope, healthy views of the self, and healthy lifestyle behaviors (Hayes, Beevers, Feldman, Laurenceau, & Perlman, 2005). Similarities and differences of the practical aspects of the procedures are discussed in the light of their theoretical frameworks. |