Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


42nd Annual Convention; Downtown Chicago, IL; 2016

Event Details

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Paper Session #402
Cultural Issues in Behavior Analysis Practice
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
8:00 AM–8:50 AM
Grand Suite 3, Hyatt Regency, Gold East
Area: PRA
Keyword(s): Cultural Issues
Chair: Karen R. Wagner (Behavior Services of Brevard, Inc;
Parenting Style and Culture: Implications for ABA Practitioners
Domain: Service Delivery
TERRENCE BRYANT (Kaplan University)
Abstract: Abstract The research literature has traditionally indicated four parenting styles including authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and neglectful. These different styles are often viewed from the perspective of developmental psychology from the perspective of predicting child outcomes that result from various parenting approaches. A large amount of research also links parenting style to cultural considerations in parenting practices. Parenting style and cultural values are important considerations in the delivery of effective behavior analysis services. Much of the research literature on parenting style in the field of applied behavior analysis has focused on service delivery to families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder with limited focus on families from various cultural perspectives. The purpose of this paper is to review the research on barriers that exist for ABA practitioners in the delivery of effective services that are consistent with parenting style. A review of traditional cultural parenting practices that fall under the four traditional parenting styles is highlighted. A review of the literature on parenting style and the impact on behavior analysis services is conducted. Implications for ABA practitioners are presented as well as considerations for tailoring interventions that fit within the four traditional parenting styles and cultural contexts.

How New LGBT Marriage Rights Impact Practice for Employers, Therapists, and Recipients

Domain: Service Delivery
KAREN R. WAGNER (Behavior Services of Brevard, Inc;

In 2015, the United States Supreme Court legalized marriage for everyone. This long-awaited, ground-breaking ruling allows everyone, for better or worse, to live openly as the person they are, legally married to the person they love. However, lower courts are slower to catch up, and service provision is impacted on several fronts. What are the responsibilities of employers to their Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transsexual (LGBT) therapists? What are the obligations of providers towards the LGBT parents of the individuals they serve? What are the obligations of the provider towards the individual they serve, when the individual identifies as LGBT? Explore the moral, ethical and legal dimensions of practice when recipients and their families are still living in "grey areas" in the society and culture in which they live. Areas such as adoption, divorce, parenthood, and employer/employee rights, will be discussed, as well as common terms within the national LGBT community. *Every effort will be made to obtain the latest national and state-specific LGBT legislation prior to the presentation.

Keyword(s): Cultural Issues



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Modifed by Eddie Soh