Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


42nd Annual Convention; Downtown Chicago, IL; 2016

Event Details

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Symposium #463
CE Offered: BACB
Next Gen Behavior Analysis: Merging Computer Tech With Behavior Tech
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
11:00 AM–11:50 AM
Regency Ballroom A, Hyatt Regency, Gold West
Area: EDC; Domain: Translational
Chair: Michael D. Hixson (Central Michigan University)
Discussant: Michael D. Hixson (Central Michigan University)
CE Instructor: William F. Potter, Ph.D.

Digital technology is ubiquitous. It has exponentially extended our ability to contact molar and molecular phenomena across all areas of science. This symposium offers two presentations and a discussion of the evolving symbiotic relationship between behavior analysis and digital technology. With the increasing ease of computer programming, non-computer science professionals can develop powerful apps beneficial to research and application. Researchers who have taken advantage of technological advancements have not only benefited in efficiency, but have been able to investigate increasingly complex phenomena otherwise too cumbersome for analysis. This symposium celebrates the success of behavioral researchers in applying modern technology to basic and applied phenomena. This symposium also aims to empower audience members to hack their own hardware and software to create truly unique applications. Audience members will walk away able to identify and participate in a growing community of do it yourselfers committed to the free-sharing of information. We welcome all scientists, practitioners, and hackers.

Keyword(s): Computer Programming, Mobile Devices, Technology
Response Rhythm: Software Enables a New Look at an Established Process
KENNETH J. KILLINGSWORTH (University of Nevada, Reno), Mark P. Alavosius (Praxis2LLC)
Abstract: Response rhythm, or pacing, is a topic discussed among precision teachers and fluency researchers, yet quantification of this phenomenon has proven difficult. The use of computer programs with a behavior analytic foundation allows practitioners and researchers the opportunity to capture additional variables associated with masterful performance. The present study investigated the patterning of response latencies in a frequency-building task and tracked the change in these patterns across varying degrees of mastery. Two data sets are presented – the first entails typically functioning adults in an computerized arbitrary matching to sample task and the second entails school-aged children learning letter-sound correspondence with nearly identical software. The first data set gives a look into a basic learning process while the second data set translates the process into something socially meaningful. This research has the potential to inform the design of computerized learning programs that automatically optimize the presentation of stimuli to match a learner’s performance. In essence, behavior analytic computer programs offer a powerful engine in the marketplace of worthy behavioral technologies.
Why and How: Behavior Analysis and Technology
WILLIAM F. POTTER (California State University, Stanislaus)
Abstract: Incorporating computer and other technology into behavior analysis can provide some cost and time savings, and allows for unprecedented data gathering opportunities. This presentation will discuss some of those benefits - either currently being used, or that could be incorporated across a number of settings (applied, experimental). Examples of data derived from prior basic and applied studies will be presented to illustrate how modern technology informs the design of testable solutions. The second part of this talk will examine how technology has become increasingly more accessible - with some training and persistence most individuals can learn to program computers, as indicated by the push by the LiveCode programming environment's drive to: "Empower Individuals With Autism Through Coding". Some examples of simple coding will be demonstrated, as well as suggested routes for learning. Ultimately, attendees will walk away with a sense of the accessibility of programming and some resources for further education.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh