Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Paper Session #449
Academic and Social Interventions for Children With Autism
Monday, May 31, 2010
3:00 PM–4:20 PM
206AB (CC)
Area: AUT
Chair: David F. Cihak (University of Tennessee)
Using Video Self-Modeling to Improve Transitional Behaviors for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
DAVID F. CIHAK (University of Tennessee)
Abstract: Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) often struggle in situations involving change in the environment (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). These difficulties with environmental change often manifest in severe behavioral problems during times of transition. The purpose of this paper is to present an intervention-based study which evaluated the efficacy of video self-modeling delivered via a video iPod to assist elementary aged students with transitioning between locations within the school. Four students with autism learned to operate a video iPod to watch videos of themselves modeling appropriate behaviors in the hallway from place-to-place without engaging in targeted inappropriate behaviors. A single-subject A-B-A-B/ withdrawal design was used to examine the effects of video modeling and the percentage of independent transitions for each student. The data indicated a functional relation. All students began transitioning more appropriately once the intervention was introduced and their performances decreased when the intervention was withdrawn. These results are presented in the context of how a portable video delivery system can aide students who spend considerable portions of their day in general education settings where traditional means of delivering video models (e.g. televisions and computers) may not be as accessible.
Teaching Social Activities to Children With Autism Using Video Modeling
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
MARIA ELIZABETH FELIX-LONERGAN (New England Center for Children), Jennifer Wolfson-Cheron (New England Center for Children)
Abstract: Children with autism do no initiate social interaction with their peers as typically developing children do ( Koegel, Koegel, Frea & Fredeen, 2001). Video modeling has been shown to be an effective method for teaching children with autism to initiate social interactions (Charlop & Milstein, 1989, 2000; MacDonald, Clark, Garrigan, & Vangala, 2005; Mikopoulos & Keenan, 2004). In this study, two children with autism watched a video of adults engaged in either a T-ball, kickball, or a card game activity. Then, they were asked to perform the depicted activity. Results indicated that both children acquired the scripted vocalizations and actions in the video to engage in the activity; however , their performance did not maintain in the absence of the video model during follow-up probes. Peer tutoring occurred during training sessions without any specific instruction. Overall, video modeling proved a successful stategy for teaching two children with autism to socially interact with one another during traditional social games.
Using Video-Modeling to Teach Sight Words to a Child With Autism
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
Holly Hennessey (Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism), AMY M. BOSSICK (Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism), Francine Dimitriou (Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism), Leslie V. Sinclair (Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism), Tom Frazier (Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism)
Abstract: Skill retention and generalization of academic skills is a common challenge for children with autism spectrum disorders. A multiple treatment design comparing the use of video modeling and a standard teaching methodology comprised of receptive and expressive identification of target words to promote the acquisition, generalization and maintenance of sight words was conducted for an 8-year-old boy with autism in a center-based, applied behavior analysis program. The child failed to discriminate between previously mastered sight words after transitioning from the early childhood program to a primary classroom. Previous methods of teaching include matching target words to pictures, receptive identification of target words and expressive identification. A video model was introduced paired with verbal models of the target words. Fading procedures were used to systematically remove the video. Increases in acquisition, generalization and maintenance of target sight words were observed only when targets were introduced through video modeling. Technical details of teaching procedures and results will be described.
Generalizing Social Skills Through Self-Monitoring and Token Economy
Domain: Service Delivery
JULIE KNAPP (Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism), Carolline A. Turnbull (Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism), Jocelyn Eskenazi (The Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism), Colleen Muhvic (Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism), Amanda Presto (Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism)
Abstract: In the last 15 years, the medical community has placed emphasis on testing evidence behind treatment assumptions. By testing outcomes of treatment, programs that are validated as effective treatment for a particular population can be used, thereby increasing the likelihood of treatment success and improved outcomes. Although multiple evidenced based treatments have been identified for various disorders, there is a lack of empirical support for generalization of social skills treatment for high functioning children with autism spectrum disorders (HFA). The majority of research supports that social skills training can be effective for children with HFA, however; research indicates that social skills training falls short of helping children generalize their skills to a more natural environment. We plan to present a program offered in 2008-09 where 14 children participated in a social skills program that included a multi-tier plan for generalization. Interventions included parent and teacher training for generalization into the home and classroom, and six weeks of a summer program with typical developing peers where children with HFA were taught to generalize their skills using self-monitoring with supports of a token economy system. Evidence will be presented on generalization of social skills from the office setting into a natural environment.



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