Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Paper Session #57
Effective School-Based Strategies for Children With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Saturday, May 29, 2010
2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Texas Ballroom Salon B (Grand Hyatt)
Area: EDC
Chair: Vanessa Mizutowicz (Stephen F. Austin State University)
Efficacy of Randomized Contingency With Self-Assessment Component in Decreasing Off-Task Behavior Exhibited by Students
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
VANESSA MIZUTOWICZ (Stephen F. Austin State University)
Abstract: This study utilized Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) to develop a behavior intervention plan (BIP) for three special education students who have been diagnosed by the school as having an emotional disturbance (ED) and by a physician as having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The FBAs identified academic escape, peer attention, and teacher attention to varying degrees for each student as environmental variables interacting with the students' likelihood of demonstrating a wide range of off-task behaviors. An intervention incorporating social skills training, a randomized contingency for reinforcement which included random criteria and random reward selection, and self-assessment was sufficient to reduce the maladaptive behavior frequency. A nonconcurrent multiple baseline across students suggests that the decrease in off-task frequency is attributed to the intervention. Although baseline measurements were obtained for all three students, only two received the intervention while the third remained in baseline throughout the study.
Improving Social Behaviors of At-Risk Students Through Peer-Mediated Social Skill Instruction
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
YA-YU LO (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), April L. Mustian (NSTTAC), Alicia Brophy (University of North Carolina, Charlotte)
Abstract: Peer-mediated social skill instruction that is systematic and explicit presents a promising practice to promote the social skill learning of students with social skill deficits. Using a multiple probes across three intervention groups design, this study examined the effects of a peer-mediated, technology-integrated social skill program on classroom-related and aggression-related social skills of 8 elementary school students at-risk for developing emotional disabilities. This study was built upon previous literature supporting that (a) direct social skill instruction including modeling, behavioral rehearsal, and performance feedback is essential for improving social competence; (b) students can be effective social behavior change agents for themselves and their peers; and (c) technology can be integrated in social skill instruction to provide various hypothetical simulations for practice and built-in systematic guidance for peer trainers. Results from the direct observations of the participants’ behaviors and measurement of social skill learning probes indicate effectiveness of the social skill instruction program. Discussion will be provided with regards to four areas: (a) strong tier 1 behavioral intervention implementation within the Response to Intervention model, (b) effective, proactive classroom behavioral practices, (c) systematic, consistent delivery of social skill instruction, and (d) strategies to promote skill maintenance and generalization.
Efficacy of Single-Case Designs in the Assessment and Identification of Adolescents At-Risk for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
RAMÓN B. BARRERAS (Azusa Pacific University)
Abstract: Few studies have empirically evaluated the efficacy of ABA technology within a Response to Intervention (RtI) evaluation framework. Specifically, single-case designs that focus on intervention intensity and response can be potentially efficacious to interdisciplinary teams in answering special education eligibility questions. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of single-case designs of increasing intensity with adolescents identified as at-risk for Emotional/Behavioral Disorders (EBD). Three male adolescents were randomly selected from a list of referred students. Students were matched to interventions based on their respective behavioral deficits for a period of 16 weeks. All students began with a behavior contract (Tier 1), then a behavior support plan based on a descriptive functional assessment (Tier 2), and lastly, social skills training (Tier 3). An A-B-C-D phase change design was utilized to evaluate the student’s response to interventions with increasing intensity. Direct observations of social interactions served as primary dependent variables. Two students were identified for special education services and one responded to the prescriptive interventions. The presentation will help behavior analysts, (1) utilize single-case designs in the identification of adolescents at-risk for EBD, and (2) utilize RtI as a plausible evaluation framework in answering special education eligibility questions.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh