Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Paper Session #447
Teaching Self-Care and Safety Skills to Individuals With Autism
Monday, May 31, 2010
3:00 PM–4:20 PM
202AB (CC)
Area: AUT
Chair: Suzanne Engel (University of Rochester Medical Center)
Urinary Continence Training With Persons With Autism Using a Wireless Moisture Alarm
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
Daniel W. Mruzek (University of Rochester Medical Center), Stephen McAleavey (University of Rochester), SUZANNE ENGEL (University of Rochester Medical Center)
Abstract: This presentation will review implementation of a urinary continence training (i.e., "toilet-training") program with individuals with autism in classroom settings, using a wireless moisture alarm that alerts the individual and instructors of the onset of urination. Data-based examples will illustrate a model of assessment, implementation, troubleshooting, prompt fading, and generalization of skill. Treatment fidelity and consumer satisfaction data will be presented.
Using Stimulus Equivalence and One-More-Than Procedures to Teach Functional Purchasing Skills to Adolescents With Autism
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
REBECCA SHARP (University of Auckland), Angela M. Arnold Saritepe (University of Auckland)
Abstract: Stimulus equivalence procedures were used to teach monetary concepts across several denominations of New Zealand coins to three adolescents with autism. Following the emergence of a stimulus class, functional purchasing skills were trained that could be transferred to community settings. It was hypothesized that the development of prerequisite mathematic-based monetary skills would facilitate the development of skills beyond those potentially limited by the use of the one-more-than strategy (Test, Howell, Burkhart & Beroth, 1993). Such limitations may be inherent in the currency used and the probability of the necessary extra dollar coin present in naturally occurring stimulus conditions. Through the use of constructed match-to-sample teaching, mastery of trained relations was achieved for at least two coin denominations for all participants. The emergence of some untrained relations was found to be differential across participants, however two participants attained mastery in functional purchasing skills in analogue settings. Some generalization to community settings and novel stimulus conditions occurred. Participants were taught to purchase using a modified one-more-than procedure to enable them to successfully complete a transaction with both correct and incorrect change.
Use of Video Modeling to Teach Self-Help Skills in Individuals With Autism
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
Abstract: The use of video modeling has been demonstrated to increase skills in the areas of socialization, independent living skills, play skills, and communication skills in individuals with autism. There has been little research conducted on the actual implementation of video modeling in terms of how many times an individual needs to watch a specific video segment or how much discussion should occur around a particular segment in order for skill acquisition to occur. This study will involve three individuals who will be presented with a video modeling format of instruction in two modalities using an ABAB design across two self-help skills. The individuals will be presented with the opportunity to watch a video version of a self-help skill repeatedly prior to performing a task. They will also be presented with the opportunity to watch a video version of a self-help skill one time paired with direct instruction from a therapist during the observation. They will be provided the opportunity to actually perform the self-help skill immediately following the observation of the video. Independence with each self-help skill opportunity will be measured to evaluate progress and performance dependent on method of video modeling implemented. The skill opportunity will be measured through the use of task analysis and levels of prompting required.
Examining the Safety of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Parent Survey Results
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
TOBY J. HONSBERGER (Renaissance Learning Center), Jack Scott (Florida Atlantic University)
Abstract: Injuries are the leading cause of death and disability in children in the United States. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental disabilities have an increased rate of injury than that of their typical peers. Further examination into the causal factors of these increased rates is integral in ensuring the safety of children with ASD. A survey of families of children with ASD was conducted investigating familial and household information and parent perceptions regarding the safety of their child with autism. The survey was distributed to families in the United States and Canada via an online, web-based survey site. Information and data collected included demographics, parent perceptions, child skill levels and abilities, number and types of injuries experienced, safety resources accessed, strategies implemented to help ensure safety, household and environmental factors, and safety precautions in place within the home. These data were analyzed and compared to reveal correlating factors that existed, including characteristics that may be utilized to predict children at an increased risk for injury and unsafe behavior. Implications of these findings and recommendations for assisting families and professionals to ensure safer environments for children with ASD will be discussed.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh