Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Paper Session #16
Translating the Vocabulary of the Science of Behavior Analysis
Saturday, May 29, 2010
1:00 PM–1:50 PM
Texas Ballroom Salon F (Grand Hyatt)
Area: TBA
Chair: Raul Mendoza (Florida Institute of Technology)
The Demystification of Behavior Speak Delivered to Public School Team Teachers via Independent Consultation
Domain: Service Delivery
RAUL MENDOZA (Walden University), Cheryl Ann Fielding (University of Texas-Pan American), Valerie Nicole Moreno (University of Texas-Pan American), John Loudermilk (University of Texas-Pan American)
Abstract: While independently contracted to conduct a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) for a public school, we incorporated the use of laymen’s terms—specifically using the vernacular of the local area and thereby providing a more effective overall delivery of service. A local education agency (LEA) contracted us to provide an independent FBA for parent s of a child who did not agree with the findings of the assessment conducted by the LEA’s individual education plan team. Parents agreed and while we presented our findings at an admission, review, dismissal meeting, we noticed everyone’s perplexed looks while we read our report. In our report, we were sure to clearly and concisely define our terms like most good behavior analyst do, but knew that our professional staff development needed to be put into terms that staff members could relate to. However, we still had to address the complexities of reinforcement, stimuli, antecedents, consequences, operant behavior, contingency, and other terms we as behavior analysts use on an almost daily basis. This paper will discuss how we covered both the human emphasis of addressing socially significant behaviors while simultaneously achieving behavior and academic goals via applied behavior analysis and incorporating laymen’s terms.
Development of Dictionaries of Behavior Analysis in Finnish: A Dictionary of Experimental Analysis of Behavior and a Dictionary of Applied and Clinical Behavior Analysis
Domain: Theory
MARTTI T. TUOMISTO (University of Tampere), Lauri Parkkinen (Department of Psychology, University of Tampere)
Abstract: Behavior analysis is spreading its influence around the world. With this dissemination and advancement it will be necessary to translate or develop behavioral terminology into more languages. We are aware of many projects in which behavioral terminology and concepts are being translated into different languages and developed within these languages. They include French, Icelandic, Italian, and Polish. We have developed the first dictionaries of behavior analysis in Finnish with the first one having appeared in 2008. The other dictionary was approaching its final editing stages at the end of 2009. It contains terms of applied and clinical behavior analysis. We will describe the processes of constructing and editing the dictionaries, the difficulties, and possibilities. One such difficulty has been the difference of the Finnish language from English. On the other side, it has offered many advantages. Finnish is a Uralic language (the Finno-Ugrian branch) and it differs from the Indo-European languages that are more well-known to most people. In these comparisons, we find many similarities and many differences. This development is challenging and interesting.



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