Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


48th Annual Convention; Boston, MA; 2022

Event Details

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Poster Session #283
TBA Sunday Poster Session: Even-Numbered Posters
Sunday, May 29, 2022
2:00 PM–3:00 PM
Exhibit Level; Exhibit Hall A
Chair: Laura L. Dudley (Northeastern University)
54. Poster-ception: Case Evaluation of a Prosocial Intervention to Prepare Student Researchers for ABAI Conference
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
JORDAN BELISLE (Missouri State University), Dana Paliliunas (Missouri State University)
Discussant: Laura L. Dudley (Northeastern University)
Abstract: Prosocial interventions operate as a group-level strategy that extends from foundational core design organizational principles and elements of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy applied to groups. We developed a Prosocial group-level intervention to lead a group of student researchers through the process of preparing for this year's Applied Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) conference. The intervention focused on identifying shared values of the group and fostering a creative and collaborative community to develop the research project. A total of 9 participants took part in the group and 8 of the participants consented to participate in the research study. Pre-post analysis of group cohesion and adherence to the Prosocial survey suggested that the group improved across all behavior targets. Each student spent an average of 20 to 40 minutes per day developing and researching their research projects and obtaining pilot data in support of their submission over the course of 3-months. A total of 9 research presentations were submitted and accepted to ABAI and 16 research posters from this group. The presentations and posters currently present at ABAI this year represent the permanent product data of this group. Obtained social validity data also suggest that the Prosocial process was viewed positively by the group and recommendations for improved implementation of this framework are discussed. Taken together, results provide preliminary support for the use of Prosocial to support scientist-practitioners of tomorrow.
56. Examining the Effects of a Self-Compassion Intervention on Academic Burnout
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
JENNA HUSKEY (Missouri State University), Kaitlyn Hui (Missouri State University- student), Kayley Clements (Missouri State University), Ryan Moser (Missouri State University), Breanna Lee (Missouri State University), Dana Paliliunas (Missouri State University), Jordan Belisle (Missouri State University)
Discussant: Laura L. Dudley (Northeastern University)
Abstract: College students are a population high at risk for developing burnout (Caballero & Breso, 2015). Academic burnout can be attributed to several factors, including the stress of adapting to the university work environment, study demands, performance on exams, and the ambiguity of students’ futures (Ramirez & Hernandez, 2007). It is proposed that self-compassion intervention could relieve some of these stressors. The current study sought to examine the effects of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)-consistent self-compassion intervention on experiences of academic burnout in undergraduate students. Participation included a ten-week intervention and three questionnaires administered at Week 1, Week 4, and Week 10 of the academic semester. Questionnaires measured burnout and self-compassion. Weekly quiz scores were collected to measure academic performance. All participants viewed videos pre-recorded by researchers each week and interacted with relevant discussion questions. The experimental group interacted with videos and activities related to self-compassion, while the control group engaged in a study tips intervention. Participants interacting with the self-compassion intervention experienced lower rates of academic burnout and higher quiz scores compared to the control group. Results of this study can provide insight in how universities can prioritize mental health and incorporate brief self-compassion exercises into course content to improve students’ feelings of burnout, as well as academic performance.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh