Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


Fourth International Conference; Australia, 2007

Event Details

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Paper Session #85
International Paper Session - Research in Educational Training Programs in Behavior Analysis
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
2:30 PM–3:50 PM
L2 Room 6
Area: EDC
Chair: Grant Gautreaux (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology)
Considerations for Implementing the Personalized System of Instruction across In-Person and On-Line Special Education and Applied Behavior Analysis Courses.
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
GRANT GAUTREAUX (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology)
Abstract: The personalized system of instruction described by Fred S. Keller in 1968 has been well documented in the applied literature. Subsequently, variations of the system abound across a multitude of settings. These variations are sometimes the results of content specific parameters and limitation of resources in institutions of higher education. Progressively, the age of technology has afforded many instructional designers opportunities to create instructional opportunities in both synchronous and asynchronous arrangements. Three experiments are presented to that tested critical components of the system and their effects on performance and learning outcomes for graduate level students. One of those components, the use of proctoring can be somewhat problematic regarding training and availability of reliable proctors. Results are discussed in terms of the performance of internal proctors regarding quiz scores and writer repertoires.
Professional Learning of Behaviour Specialists: Reflections on Postgraduate Training in Positive Behavioural Support.
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
WENDI BEAMISH (Centre For Learning Research), Fiona Bryer (Centre For Learning Research)
Abstract: This paper will examine the effect of formal postgraduate training in Positive Behavioural Support on the professional practice of a small group of behaviour specialists from a specific region of Education Queensland. These staff provide specialised support to schools with students who exhibit significant problem behaviour (including those who are suspended from school or at risk of being suspended because of behavioural issues). Although the majority of staff had some additional training, the region funded enrolments in an evidence-based university course in order to (a) strengthen the theoretical foundation for casework in schools; (b) increase technical skills, especially those related to functional behavioural assessment and analysis; and (c) enhance a systematic approach to behavioural intervention across the region. Data about new-found information, tools, and practices considered useful for casework in schools and for consistent implementation across the region will be reported.
Using Operational Definitions to Assess Performance on College Course Outcomes.
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
BRIAN J. COWLEY (Park University), Dennis D. Kerkman (Park University), Ed L. Hight (Park University)
Abstract: During the 2005-2006 academic year operational definitions were developed for over 300 university level courses in the following areas: Critical Thinking, Content, and Course Specific Issues. For each course a rubric was developed for assessment activities. These were all approved by a University Assessment Committee. There were typically 7-8 Operational Definitions developed for each course. We will be selecting courses from the approved pool to study the correlation between Assessment Rubric Scores and other Assessments (i.e., quizzes, tests, etc.) used in each course. It appears that Assessment Rubric Scores do correlate with other classroom assessments. This result suggests the usefulness of using operational definitions to student performance in a university setting. Some of the faculty members have indicated how developing operational definitions for their classes has resulted in better course assessments and has helped them to teach their courses more effectively.
Design, Development, and Dissemination: How the Science of Behavior Informs Headsprout’s Instructional Programs.
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
JANET S. TWYMAN (Headsprout)
Abstract: The scientific study of behavior shapes the design, development, and dissemination of the instructional programs and services built and delivered by the U.S. based behavioral education company, Headsprout. Effective instruction requires the application of experimentally-derived principles from the laboratory, the direct experimental control-analysis of behavior, measurement of the behavior(s) of interest and the events that influence them, continuous evaluation and revisions cycles, the application of useful techniques from a comprehensive analysis of behavior in organizational settings, and the ongoing interpretation and analysis of complex behavioral relations. This paper will describe how these critical features coalesce to produce efficient, effective, scalable instructional strategies and the systems required to support them.



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