Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Symposium #37
Obtaining Generalized Outcomes for Reading Fluency Interventions
Saturday, May 28, 2005
2:30 PM–3:20 PM
Williford C (3rd floor)
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Edward J. Daly III (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Discussant: Christopher Skinner (University of Tennessee)
Abstract: The goal of reading instruction is that student responding come under the stimulus control of textual stimuli in a variety of ways. Minimally, generalization should manifest itself in improved word reading across stimuli (reading words correctly and fluently across novel texts), improved word reading over time (generalized increases in accuracy and fluency of word reading), and improvements in responding to questions about the text (comprehension). A challenge for behavior analysts who are called upon to consult with teachers about students’ reading problems is to identify the right combination of instructional and/or motivational components necessary to improve reading in these areas. This symposium will report on three studies that examined generalized improvements in reading fluency and/or comprehension as a function of antecedent instructional manipulations. In the first study, the relationship between response topography (reading silently versus reading aloud) and comprehension is examined with a sample of elementary and secondary students. In the second and third studies, experimental analyses of academic performance were conducted in conjunction with small reading group instruction. Use of antecedent instructional manipulations and experimental analyses for generating interventions that fit into teachers’ instructional routines will be discussed and recommendations for future research will be provided.
Application of Brief Experimental Analysis to Group Instructional Formats: Two Experimental Investigations
MICHAEL PERSAMPIERI (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Edward J. Daly III (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Valerie J. Gortmaker (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Merilee McCurdy (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Christine M. Bonfiglio (Elkhart School District)
Abstract: To date, the focus of BEA has been on the development of individualized interventions. Two studies will be presented in which instructional trials were delivered in a small reading group format as a part of a BEA. Small reading groups are the most frequent format used by teachers to provide instruction in reading, which may give greater ecological validity to BEA if it can be adapted to this format. Reward-based and instructional components were compared and results were measured individually for each participant. In both studies, students displayed generalized performance increases in the instructional condition during the BEA. To evaluate the intervention, group instruction continued over time with curricular passages. In the first of the two studies, experimental control was achieved by using a multiple baseline across passages design and through comparison to a control passage which was not instructed within the group format. In the second study, an alternating treatments design was used to assess intervention effects relative to reward and control conditions. In the second study, the intervention was carried out by a classroom teacher as a part of her instructional routine. The results will be presented visually and implications for both assessment and intervention will be discussed.
Comparing Comprehension Following Silent and Aloud Curriculum-Based Measurement Reading Across Elementary and Secondary Students
ANDREA D. HALE (The May Institute), Christopher Skinner (University of Tennessee), Jacqueline Williams (University of Tennessee), Christine E. Neddenriep (University of Tennessee)
Abstract: In the current study 42 secondary students (10th, 11th, and 12th grade students) and 51 elementary students (4th and 5th grade students) read 400 word passages silently and aloud. During aloud reading curriculum-based measurement procedures were implemented. After reading each passage students answered 10 comprehension questions. Results showed comprehension was significantly higher when students read passages aloud, as opposed to silently. No interaction was found between comprehension levels and grade level (elementary versus secondary). Correlations between aloud and silent reading comprehension levels for elementary and secondary student were r = .526 and r = .379 respectively. Discussion focused on theories of reading comprehension and applied implication for assessing comprehension following the administration of CBM or DIBELS oral reading probes.



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