Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


32nd Annual Convention; Atlanta, GA; 2006

Event Details

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Symposium #216
Empirical Measures of Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Performance
Sunday, May 28, 2006
4:00 PM–5:20 PM
Area: EDC; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Lloyd D. Peterson (Idaho State University)
Abstract: This symposium will consist of four presentations that describe measures of pre-service based outcome measures of pre-service teacher candidates. Next, Larry Maheady will discuss how teacher work samples may generate credible evidence of teacher effectiveness. Then, Benjamin Lignugaris/Kraft will present descriptive data on special education teachers’ pedagogical skills from student teaching through their second year of teaching. Finally, Sheila R. Alber-Morgan will present data on measuring teacher performance based on their student’s performance.
Empirical Measures of Pre-Service Teachers: Measures of Standard’s Based Outcomes.
LLOYD D. PETERSON (Idaho State University), Stephanie M. Peterson (Idaho State University), Gail Coulter (Idaho State University)
Abstract: Since the enactment of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) there has been an increase in states attempting to measure students’ ability to meet criterion standards. This is not only true for students in K-12, but increasingly so for students in institutes of higher education. In this presentation, data will be presented that represents an effort to utilize a more empirical behavioral methodology to measure special education teacher candidates’ ability to meet state and Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) standards. Sample assignments that are required of teacher candidates to demonstrate their knowledge and skills will be shown, along with behavioral-based scoring rubrics for evaluating the candidate’s assignment. Pilot data on the extent to which observers can obtain interobserver agreement on these high-stakes measures will be provided. Results will be discussed in terms of the need for more behavioral measures of teacher candidates’ performance, as well as research on how to design and develop such measures.
Using Teacher Work Samples to Assess Pre-service Teachers’ Instructional Practice and Their Effects on Student Learning.
LAWRENCE J. MAHEADY (State University of New York, Fredonia), Gregory F. Harper (State University of New York, Fredonia), Michael Jabot (State University of New York, Fredonia)
Abstract: Teacher educators are under increasing political and scientific scrutiny to show that they improve teaching practice and student learning. Teacher Work Samples (TWS) have emerged as promising tools for assessing both practice and learning. This session shows how TWS can be used to generate credible evidence to support teacher effectiveness.
The Development of Special Education Teachers’ Pedagogical Skills: Student Teaching through the Second Teaching Year.
BENJAMIN LIGNUGARIS/KRAFT (Utah State University), Donald M. Stenhoff (University of Kentucky), Bryan J. Davey (Southern Behavioral Group, Inc.)
Abstract: While there is a great deal of empirical knowledge about effective teaching practices, there is little information available about how these skills develop after teacher education candidates enter the workforce. When teachers enter the workforce local school districts provide differing amounts and types of professional development. Understanding what professional development is provided and how teachers’ effective teaching repertoires develop will help teacher education programs that supply teachers to local school districts focus teachers’ foundation preparation. In this presentation descriptive data on special education teachers’ pedagogical skills from student teaching through their second teaching year will be presented. The implications of this development for teacher preparation programs and teachers’ professional development will be discussed.
Assessing Student Performance As An Indicator of Effective Instruction.
SHEILA R. ALBER-MORGAN (The Ohio State University), Moira Konrad (The Ohio State University), Terri Hessler (The Ohio State University), James H. Cowardin (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: One possible measure of teacher performance and/or teaching methodologies/materials is the outcome skill/knowledge demonstrated by the students. In this presentation data will be present that reflect the effects of a teacher delivered program of instruction. Adventures in Language is a direct instruction program designed to accelerate the development of critical writing skills in the primary and intermediate grades. Using various curriculum-based measures, we examined the effects of this program on the quality and accuracy of written expression of fourth graders with and without disabilities attending an urban direct instruction charter school.



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