Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Symposium #165
Behavor Analysis Research in College Classrooms
Sunday, May 25, 2008
9:00 AM–10:20 AM
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Kate Kellum (The University of Mississippi)

College classrooms can make good settings for conducting behavioral research. Classes consist of amenable and captive participants, have readily available dependent variables that are collected as a matter of course, and easily allow for repeated measures. The studies in this symposium examine the effects of immediacy of feedback using personal response systems, realistic practice opportunities, and various types of question answering on student performance.

The Effects of Individual Feedback and Group Feedback in Personal Response Systems on Quiz Grades.
RACHAEL C. HOWARD (The University of Mississippi), Kate Kellum (The University of Mississippi), Laura M. Phillips (The University of Mississippi), Georgia K. Fyke (The University of Mississippi), Robert C. Martin (The University of Mississippi)
Abstract: The purpose of this classroom evaluation was to examine the relative effects of individualized and group feedback for answers to review questions using a personal response system (i.e., InterWriteTM PRSRF) on review questions and end-of-class quiz grades. An alternating treatments design was used to examine the relative effects of individual and group feedback for review questions. The relative effects of the type of feedback was examined via review questions, quiz score grades, and participation.
The Effects of Realistic Practice Opportunities on Short-Essay Exam Performance in an Undergraduate Behavior Modification Course.
WESLEY H. DOTSON (University of Kansas), James A. Sherman (University of Kansas), Jan B. Sheldon (University of Kansas)
Abstract: Many undergraduates struggle with applying knowledge to new situations. One possible way to improve the ability of students to apply their knowledge is to provide realistic practice opportunities. The current talk describes the effects of two types of practice opportunities (writing answers to practice questions and taking a mock exam) on short-essay exam performance across several semesters of an undergraduate behavior modification course. Both types of practice opportunity were very similar in format and content to the actual exams given in class. On average, exam performance improved when students completed more practice questions accurately and when they took the mock exam. Additional indicators of the effect of the practice opportunities on the class such as overall grade distribution, participation in practice opportunities, and student satisfaction ratings will also be discussed.
The Effects of Anticipated Random versus Voluntary Question Answering on Attendance and Reading Quiz Grades.
KATE KELLUM (The University of Mississippi), Conrad C. Barnes (The University of Mississippi), Robert C. Martin (The University of Mississippi)
Abstract: The purpose of this classroom evaluation is to examine the relative effects of calling upon students randomly to answer question versus students volunteering to answer questions during an undergraduate class. An alternating treatments design was used to examine differences in student grades, participation, attendance, and pre-class reading resulting from the two questioning methods. Three ways of calling on students randomly were examined in different classes. Social validity was also assessed by having students fill out questionnaires, rating their preferences and the extent of their learning with the two questioning methods.



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