Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Symposium #221
CE Offered: BACB
FAP All Over
Sunday, May 25, 2008
1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Boulevard C
Area: CBM/CSE; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Daniel J. Moran (Trinity Services)
Discussant: Robert J. Kohlenberg (University of Washington)
CE Instructor: Daniel J. Moran, Ph.D.

Functional Analytic Psychotherapy was developed to guide clinical behavior analysts to foster rich and intense curative relationships with their clients. FAP has been discussed as a worthy intervention during individual psychotherapy, especially with individuals dealing with depressive repertoires. Using relationship factors in a functional analytic approach to clinical concerns can expand beyond the walls of the individual therapy room. FAP is being used by behavior analysts in psychosocial rehabilitation centers with individuals dealing with severe mental illness, in sex offender treatment programs, and in residential facilities with adolescents. This symposium will discuss the use of FAP in different scenarios.

Using FAP with Severely Mentally Ill Individuals.
CARL INDOVINA (Trinity Services), Thane A. Dykstra (Trinity Services), Kim Schontz (Trinity Services), Daniel J. Moran (Trinity Services)
Abstract: This presentation will discuss the use of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy with individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, dual diagnoses, and other psychosis disorders. We will discuss the function of psychotic behavior and the social consequences involved with psychotic behavior. We will also show how FAP relates to the expressed emotion literature and how it can be integrated in family interventions aimed to help the client. We will review Functional Analytic Rehabilitation (FAR; Holmes, Dykstra, et al., 2003), and how a highly structured treatment environment helps maximize contact with relevant contingencies associated with effective illness management. The typical CRBs observed in these environments will be reviewed, and we will discuss using the five FAP rules to assist in treatment.
FAP with Adolescents.
REO NEWRING (Girls and Boys Town), Chauncey R. Parker (University of Washington)
Abstract: FAP was not designed for use with misbehaving youth but don't let the topography and population fool you. We will address several areas of potential difficulty when working with adolescents using FAP: assessment (i.e., who is the client, what is the problem, what are the goals, and who needs to change?), treatment (elaboration on or modifications to the 5 rules needed to effectively treat adolescents), and the relationship (i.e., trust, confidentiality, and mattering). The use of FAP in a residential treatment setting will also be discussed.
FAP and Sex Offender Treatment.
KIRK A.B. NEWRING (Lincoln Correctional Center)
Abstract: Sex offender treatment providers are among the larger population of treatment providers being directed to practice evidence-based practice, empirically-supported treatments, and the like. However, a recent landmark publication on sex offender treatment outcome and the following discussion are suggestive of the field lacking an empirically-supported treatment. Lacking the, the most ethical approach is evidence-based treatment. Risk assessment research have identified the important variables (risk factors) related to sexual reoffending. Functional Analytic Psychotherapy can be a useful, and evidence-based approach, for addressing these risk factors. Trials and tribulations to be discussed.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh