Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


32nd Annual Convention; Atlanta, GA; 2006

Event Details

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Symposium #289
Issues in Community-based Service Delivery for Adults with Dual Diagnosis
Monday, May 29, 2006
9:00 AM–10:20 AM
International Ballroom North
Area: DDA; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: James M. Sperry (The May Institute)

This symposium will offer three separate papers dealing with relevant issues in community based service delivery for adults with developmental disabilities. One paper deals with an comprehensive psychiatric care model, and the behavioral effects gained by its use. The second paper examines the relationship between sleep disturbance and the exhibition of maladaptive target behaviors. The third paper evaluates an outcome management program for direct care staff to improve performance on the implementation of job responsibilities across residential and day programs.

The Use of a Consultative Psychiatric Care Model with Adults with Dual Diagnosis.
JAMES M. SPERRY (The May Institute), Christine M. Magee (The May Institute), Mark J. Hauser (The May Institute)
Abstract: The following study sought to determine whether a consultative psychiatric care model described by Mark Hauser, MD in Psychiatric Annals, 1997 in conjunction with behavioral interventions would be able to effect positive behavioral results, while simultaneously managing the individual’s behavior modifying medications according to the Least Restrictive Treatment Principle. On-site consultation was provided to a non profit behavioral health organization providing both residential and day treatment to adults diagnosed with mental retardation as well as a major mental illness. Data presented show that the individuals in the study demonstrated positive behavioral effects as evidenced by decreased need for psychiatric hospitalization, decreased exhibition of maladaptive target behaviors, and increased community tenure.
Sleep Disturbance and Behavioral Instability among adults with Developmental Disabilities.
CHRISTINE M. MAGEE (The May Institute), James M. Sperry (The May Institute), Mark J. Hauser (The May Institute)
Abstract: This paper is a descriptive analysis of the sleep patterns of 59 adults (48 male and 11 female) all diagnosed with Mental Retardation in the mild to profound range. Data was collected in 16 community based residences using a data collection sheet that required observation of the participants at half hour intervals between the hours of 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM. Participants were recorded as asleep, awake, awake and disruptive, or up and using the bathroom. Results indicate that the participants averaged 7.91 hours of sleep per night and inter-observer agreement was at 100%. Participants were recorded an average of 3.63 hours awake, 5.97 hours awake and disruptive, and 0.51 hours up and using the bathroom. Results indicated that sleep disturbance is correlated with an increase in maladaptive target behaviors.
Towards A Behavioral Restructuring of Training and Services in a Community Based Agency.
Abstract: This Study evaluated an outcome management program for working with staff to improve performance on the implementation of general job responsibilities across residential and day programs. Additionally these performance management training systems were designed to link with monthly employee supervision to review overall increases or decreases on performance level. The program based on research conducted by Parson et al. (2004) utilized a six step training system. The operationally defining desired staff outcomes, Development of Training Systems, implementation of staff training, Supportive and Corrective feedback. The implementation of outcome management training resulted in increases in the level of staff performance over staff not receiving this instruction. Increases in staff performance level was correlated with increases in individuals performance on ISP goals and objectives. Data is displayed graphically and results are reviewed for objectively evaluating and improving service delivery systems for adults with disabilities.



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