Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Symposium #548
CE Offered: BACB
Behavioral Consultation: Applications from the Field
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
11:30 AM–12:50 PM
Williford B
Area: EDC; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Ralph N. Pampino (Quality Behavioral Outcomes)
Discussant: Donald A. Wachelka (Quality Behavioral Outcomes)
CE Instructor: Ralph N. Pampino, M.A.

Designed to provide the attendee with useful information in the form of field-tested behavioral techniques, an understanding of the behavioral principles being used, socially valid statements, positive anecdotal reports, and data-based results. This symposium will address several of the real-time applications that have been used by a private agency while providing behavioral and educational consultation services to public school districts in California. The symposium will consist of two presentations. The first being a detailed description of the techniques, successes and challenges faced when implementing Brief Functional Analyses for young children. The second being a detailed description of creating, implementing and monitoring a daily data recording and feedback system for adolescent-aged students.

Conducting Brief Functional Analyses in Elementary Schools.
HEIDI OKAMOTO (Quality Behavioral Outcomes), David Slade (Quality Behavioral Outcomes), Steven Troyer (Quality Behavioral Outcomes), Ralph N. Pampino (Quality Behavioral Outcomes)
Abstract: Identifying the function of problem behavior is an integral part of providing consultation services to school districts for many reasons. Many behavioral assessments that are conducted in the school setting are based on interviews, direct observations and ABC data collection. Although these methods can be quite effective, they only suggest the function of the problem behavior. The Brief Functional Analysis (Brief FA) can be a very effective and efficient tool for analyzing problem behavior and identifying behavioral function in the educational setting. Developed and introduced by Northrup, Wacker, Sasso, Steege, Cigrand, Cook & DeRaad (1991), the Brief FA involves a series of rapidly changing conditions approximately five to ten minutes in duration, with each condition providing access to a potential reinforcer contingent on aberrant behavior. Conditions are conducted in a naturalistic or practical environment. The purpose of this presentation is to describe the details of implementing several Brief FA’s that were conducted in elementary school settings. The Brief FA procedures were tailored to fit the uniqueness of each student and the school which they attended. Results include data displays of the Brief FA results and follow up data to demonstrate the value of these assessment procedures when behavioral function has been correctly identified. Conclusions reached include incorporating Brief FA procedures can be implemented with minimal effort and yield valuable, powerful results for which to create meaningful, targeted, effective interventions. Attendees will learn; (a) the basics of conducting a Brief FA, (b) how Brief FA procedures can be implemented with minimal effort in a school environment, (c) how to adapt the experimental conditions to fit the student and/or the school environment, and (d) the importance of using Brief FA procedures in a school setting.
The Use of the Daily Behavior Report with Middle and High School Students.
JENNIFER MACDONALD (Quality Behavioral Outcomes), Ralph N. Pampino (Quality Behavioral Outcomes)
Abstract: Behavior challenges in the classroom are not just for students in special education. Many teachers work with challenging students every day in the general education setting (ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome, ED, etc.) in addition to special education students. Managing challenging students in addition to the rest of the class can be a difficult task. The Daily Behavior Report (DBR) is one method of helping teachers and students manage their behavior in the general education classroom at the middle and high school levels. The DBR has been developed collaboratively with mainstream teachers and assists students in focusing on specific targeted behaviors. The DBR specifically lists expected behaviors and rating criteria, and provides specific and immediate feedback based on performance. Data displays on student performance are presented. Discussion points include the ease of implementation of the DPR, the effectiveness of monitoring student behavior and the provision of objective information to support programming decisions when using the DPR. Social validity from the teachers’ perspectives and social acceptance from the students’ perspective are also discussed. Attendees will learn (a) the value of applying data recording techniques, self-monitoring, daily feedback delivery and other behavioral principles to students in the general education setting; (b) how to implement these procedures with minimal effort and (c) how both adults (teachers and parents) and student behavior can benefit from the DPR procedures.
RALPH N. PAMPINO (Quality Behavioral Outcomes)
Abstract: N/a



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