Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


40th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2014

Event Details

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Symposium #512
CE Offered: BACB
Parents of Children with Autism: Feedback, Training and Verbal Behaviour
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
11:00 AM–12:50 PM
W184a (McCormick Place Convention Center)
Area: AUT/PRA; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Michelle Turan (University of Windsor)
CE Instructor: Michelle Turan, M.A.

The role of the parent is considered in this 4-part symposium overviewing research on parents and individuals with autism.

Potty Talk: Parents and Toilet Training
LIANNE M. MOROZ (Surrey Place Centre), Lesley Barreira (Surrey Place Centre), Peggy Marcon (Hospital for Sick Children), Pamela Green (Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital), Jessica Brian (Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital)
Abstract: This study examines parent delivered bowel continence interventions for six children diagnosed with ASD. Each intervention was individualized based on information provided during a parent interview using a structured toileting survey and parent collected toileting data using a daily elimination tracking record. Parent feedback was solicited following participation in the study. Intervention results for three of the six children, study limitations and parent suggestions for improvement will be discussed.
Parent Perspectives and Social Validity of the Ontario Autism Intervention Program
MICHELLE TURAN (University of Windsor), Elizabeth Starr (University of Windsor)
Abstract: Early intensive behavioural intervention has been established as an effective treatment for individuals with autism. The Ontario Autism Intervention Program (AIP) has been delivering services since 1999 to thousands of families, with good results to date. Research has established some features of EIBI that can increase effectiveness, such as delivering service to younger children, providing more total hours of service and having high levels of supervision. yet no data on parent perspectives of the program has been presented. IBI outcomes may also be affected by parent stress levels and parent involvement. Some research to date has demonstrated that parents are generally happy with their autism intervention programs, however this research has yet to be conducted within the Ontario Autism Intervention program. This data-based presentation outlines the results of survey and focus group research with parents of children with autism in Ontario. Perspectives on the Ontario AIP by over 70 parents will be presented, outlining key areas such as: child outcomes, philosophy and training, staff interactions, family-centered practices, cultural considerations, family affects, and school transitions.

Brief Behavioural Skills Training for Parent-Mediated Intervention for Teaching Functional Skills to Children with Autism.

BRIAN K. MASON (Hamilton Health Sciences), Kimberly A. Schulze (St. Cloud State University)

Upon review of the parent training literature, there is a paucity of studies that look at brief ABA training for parents to teach functional skills, using a behavioural skills training approach. Current research shows inconsistency in the measures used for outcomes with a range that includes parent fidelity, standardized scores from diagnostic tools and child skill acquisition. Parent training programs are often clinic-based with diminished access to in-situ environments and requirements of parents to make a lengthy time commitment. This study compares three conditions; no training (baseline), parent manual only and parent manual plus individual home consultation, to determine the effect it will have on parent teaching and child acquisition of functional skills. In each phase, parents are scored using a competency checklist on 14 skills across five domains. Following baseline measures, phase two will introduce parents to an operationalized manual that outlines general ABA teaching methods to follow when they teach their child one of a preselected set of functional skills. The third phase will utilize the manual in addition to five weekly home consultation sessions, each 90min, that will use modeling, coaching and feedback by a therapist to obtain 90% mastery criteria in the use of teaching the target functional skill. Measures at each phase will include the following; parent competency in implementation of behavioural teaching strategies, child skill acquisition and parent sense of competency feedback (PSOC) (Johnston & Mash, 1989). A follow-up visit, two weeks following completion of the individual home consultations will be used as a probe for generalization to an untrained functional skill. Data in progress.


Listener Behavior and Parental Perceptions: Discussing the Important Role Parents Play in the Development of Verbal Behavior in Children with Autism

AMBAR PICAZO (ABA therapist)

In their research, Werner et. al. (2000) established a correlation between the delayed emergence of early listener behavior, such as attending to ones name in infancy, to later diagnoses of autism in some children. What has not yet been examined, however, is how disordered listener repertoires develop past infancy. Listener behavior of children with autism is often problematic and this may affect the frequency and quality of verbal interactions between parents and these children. Hart and Risley (1995) established that verbal interaction between parents and children affect the verbal and intellectual development of those children. What does this mean for children whose listener behavior does not reinforce the speaker behavior of their parents? What does this mean for parents whose attempts to speak to their child are inadvertently punished by the disordered listener behavior of their child? This presentation will outline the results of a survey conducted to measure parental perceptions of the listener and verbal behavior of their child with autism, and the effects this has on the frequency and quality of parent/child verbal interactions.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh