Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Symposium #199
International Symposium - Case Study – Creating a Strategic Breakthrough Using Self Monitoring and Feedback
Sunday, May 25, 2008
10:30 AM–11:50 AM
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Bruce Faulkner (3 Simple Rules)
Discussant: Howard John Lees (Hollin Consulting)
Abstract: This paper and discussion will centre on the use of self monitoring and feedback to create a strategic breakthrough within several large project management organisations. The study was broken down into three phases: Phase I – Get 12 project managers from three organisations to self monitor and gather data every 15 minutes for a period of 8 weeks. The data was coded and scored with these scores being fed back daily to the project managers. Phase II - The executive bosses of these project managers participated in a self monitoring study. This study measured how the executives interacted with their staff and the topics of those interactions. The four executives collected their own data which was scored and fed back daily. Phase III – The challenge of commercialising a self monitoring approach to improvement for several hundred project managers spread across multiple companies.
Case Study - Self Monitoring Study Data Collection, Analysis, and Results.
TONY BLOOMFIELD (3 Simple Rules)
Abstract: Tony Bloomfield will discuss the coding mechanism that was used as part of the data collection for scoring behaviour, affect and impact. Tony will share the analysis of the baseline data, the details of how feedback was delivered and the impact on the project manager’s behaviour. Tony will also share the critique of the study from the perspective of the project managers who participated.
Case Study - An Executive Perspective on the Impact of Self Monitoring.
LEE ROBINSON (Oldham County Council)
Abstract: Lee Robinson, Managing Director of Oldham County Council, will discuss his participation in Phase III of the self monitoring project. Lee will share with you his own data and how his data changed with the daily feedback. Lee will then share his views of how OBM interventions and applications fit into how he manages his business. Lee will focus on the value as well as the complications that OBM brings to the table.
Strategic Breakthrough - Taking the Best of OBM to Create Leverage for Executives.
BRUCE FAULKNER (3 Simple Rules)
Abstract: Bruce Faulkner will discuss how the project manager data from the self monitoring study was used to engage senior and executive leadership in conversations about the working environment. These conversations focused on how the current environment was impacting the behaviour of the project managers. Executives self monitoring data was then used to help the executives move away from a daily operational focus towards more strategic behaviours. This behavioural shift coupled with forecasting accuracy data enabled the executives to narrow and pinpoint the focus of their conversations. The executives took data-based actions that modified the environment and had a positive impact on the performance of the project managers. Bruce will also review the approach and challenges of Phase III - commercialising a self monitoring approach to improvement.



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